Day 2

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I walked up the stairs to my apartment, hoping I would never be in love with Melody. I will agree that she is extremely pretty, but that's not all. Sure she was nice to me once, but if boys go crazy over just this one, only this one girl, it's probably guaranteed that she is somewhat...not mean know.

I went to the counter forgetting I had at least 17 chores to do. I looked at the note:

1.  Shopping

2. Laundry

3. Homework (don't forget ms. hemsins work)

I stare at my handwriting, and my terrible punctuation. Not knowing why, it just seemed weird.

I got in my car, with 2 grocery bags. I banged my head on the steering wheel. Next thing I know, it's 7:48 in the morning, and Melody in my car, laying her head on my shoulder.

"AHHHHUSAJBSBUSHUH!!!!" I yelled. Not just because she put her head on my shoulder, and she was in a deep sleep, but because school starts in 12 minutes.

Melody woke up startled.

"What's wrong honey?"


"Yeah Eli. Aren't you my boyfriend?" She said, rubbing her hands all over my chest.


"Nobody turns Melody Grunt down. I'm sure when you're 18 you will feel different."

"How old are you exactly?"


"Uhmm...I'm 3 years older than you."

"Uhm.. Eli...." She says, "ELI!"



My head was bleeding, blood everywhere.

She picked me up, and we rushed to the school, she drove, and she took me straight to the nurse. For some reason, they had anesthesia and they gave me it.

I finally woke up. Melody next to me. Worried. Right when I looked into her eyes, I knew she was drunk from last night, and still had some left in her. I stared more, and then my lips touched hers, she moved closer, and then we kissed. I would not say it made me feel great, but I knew it was a sign that we were a couple. If the news went around the whole school, I knew I would get questions from all the boys, and Melody would get questions by all the girls.

I walked her to her fifth period, and we had one last kiss. Everyones mouth open. Once I got in my class, every single boy surrounded me, including the girls except one. She came through the crowd, and took me.

"Move along children." She said.

"Hi. I'm Angelica. I've been at this school ever since freshman year. I know how frustrating it can be dating Melody. For now, stay with me, in the back. Wanna be friends?"

I nodded. But as soon as I heard Angelica's voice, I knew I wanted her more than Melody. Of course I never said anything, because that soon changed. Angelica was so pretty, nice, and brave. But Melody, was different. She's, I don't know, just different.

"Open up to page 21 please." Mrs. Marks stated.

I whispered to Angelica, "Have you ever been to Ruth's Gelato Factory? If you haven't, wanna join Melody and I after school?"

No answer.

"Angelica? You okay?"

No word came out of her mouth.

"Look, Eli. You are amazing, but Melody and I have a past."

"Oh Angelica, if you don't want me to-"

"NO NO! I'm the one who broke Melody's heart. Your lucky Eli. Melody is nicer than anyone I've ever known. I need to apologize."

"Oh no problem. Wanna come?"

"Sure." She said, with the biggest smile ever.

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