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*2 Months Later*

I hesitantly take the bottle, staring at the bubbly dark liquid. It looks just like Cola, but it isn't? "C'mon Alana, trust us." Tom giggles, Bill chiming in. "Yeah, we wouldn't kill you. You'll love it there. It's like a way to teleport." I stare down at the glass bottle in my hand, bringing it to my lips. The other two chug about half, suddenly disappearing.

I gasp, almost choking on the drink. I try to hurridly drink as much as I can, and before I know, all I can see is black. My head is spinning, my body feels weightless. I fall onto the floor, opening my eyes. Tom and Bill giggle at me, Bill reaches for me. Pulling me up, we're still in the kitchen. But I thought we were going somewhere else?

"Why are we back here?" I ask Bill, looking into his red eyes. He smirks, fangs poking from under his lip. "Alana, we're in another dimension." I widen my eyes, feeling my heart almost stop. And to think I got all wrapped up with them because of Tom's little pushy attitude in class. Dear lord I sometimes wish he was normal.

"W-What do we-" Tom cuts me off. "Come on, we have to get ready." Tom rushes us up the steps, bringing me to his room. It was faster than a blink of an eye. Bill rushes to his room, he's cut his hair recently. Now it's a mohawk, and he looks so cool! Tom's braids have grown a lot, they're down to his chest now. It's amazing.

Tom closes his bedroom door, stripping of all his clothes aside from his boxers. My mouth waters at the sight of the beautiful boy, he grins. "You like what you see?" He chuckles, pulling up his jeans. Buttoning them and zipping his fly up, as well as putting on his belt. His pants bunch up as he tightens it, and sets it in place.

"Are you excited, Al?" Tom pulls his shirt over his head, fixing it slightly. "I'm nervous, where are we going?" Tom giggles, reaching for his vest. Zipping it up, I admire his pretty body. "To the show of course."

I widen my eyes, shooting my gaze to his. "S-Show?" Tom busts up in laughter, helping me up. He kisses my forehead, holding my face still. "Yeah, didn't I tell you?" I shake my head, staring up at him for a second before I look at his lips curling into that same smile as always. "We're going to the concert, Georg and our other friend are already there."

I blink up at him, concert? What does he play? What does Bill do? I guess we'll just find out. Bill suddenly bursts through, smiling wide. "Come on! We have to show her everything before the crowd gets there!" Bill beams, jumping up and down before he runs away. Down the steps in his shoes. They're loud against the hardwood.

"Well, you heard him." Tom smirks, taking my hand. Guiding me out to their car. I adjust my skirt, feeling anxious.


Bill drags me to the main area, my jaw slack. It's huge! Bill squeals, running around. "Do you see this?! This will be filled with people for our music!" He shouts, clapping his hands happily. Tom is up on stage, helping Georg and another boy I don't know set up the placement of cords around the huge plethora of decorations.

A large ball in the middle of the stage, ramps and other decorations fill the stage. A motorcycle there too, is it real? "Bill, what do you do?" I ask, following his happy trail of jumps and squeals through the venue. "I sing, duh!" He giggles, running to the edge of the stage, barely jumping up. I widen my eyes, realizing I have to do that too or go all the way around. Then I notice the stairs on the side of the stage.

I walk there instead, running up the 4 steps and to Tom's empty hands. He turns around right as I get near, laughing. I jump into his arms, wrapping my limbs around him. Careful of my skirt. Holding tight, Tom holds me like a toddler. One handed, he's so strong. The boy I don't know comes over, twirling drumsticks.

𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒚 - 𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑲𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛Where stories live. Discover now