Chapter 2

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July 24,2010

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zayn asks the next morning while they're having breakfast. Harry took a bite of his French toast before shrugging.

"I mean, I wouldn't know what to say." Harry explains with a sigh.

The truth is that not even he could understand that dream. Over the last month he's been having the same recurring dream and he's never paid any mind to it—they never seemed too important.

"What were you dreaming about?" Zayn asks, taking a bite of his own French toast. Harry was a bit skeptical to share the dream with Zayn, he was afraid that if he heard the dream that caused his hysteria, he'd think he was being overdramatic. The truth is it all felt so real and he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this particular dream wasn't just another random dream.

So he explained the dream to Zayn and made sure not to leave out a single detail. Once he was done Zayn stayed quiet. The silence was unnerving.

"It's been the same dream all month." Harry says just to break the silence and it worked.

"What, like every night?" Zayn asks, there was clear concern laced in his voice. Harry only nodded before stopping himself.

"Well it's not been the same every night. Last night it was longer than usual. I always wake up when the man speaks for the first time, but last night it went much further than that." Harry says and Zayn nodded.

There was silence again for a while and Harry could tell that Zayn was thinking a million things at once if the way he was mindlessly poking at his pancakes was anything to go off of.

So Harry broke the silence again.

"Was I loud?—Last night I mean." Harry asks, his cheeks flushed at the thought of being loud enough for them to have heard him.

To his surprise Zayn shook his head and Harry felt a moment of relief. Just a moment.

"Not really. Louis was the first one to hear you."

Well that's just fantastic.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks, confused as to how Louis heard him and Zayn didn't.

"He said you were screaming about not hearing someone."

"And you couldn't hear me?" Harry asks confused

"No, suppose it's just vampire hearing and all." Zayn says with a shrug like this wasn't the most embarrassing moment of his life.

"Right. I forgot about that." Harry says with a groan. Zayn chuckled at that.

"Anyways, we ignored it cause I just figured you were on the phone or something. But then you screamed again and when I went to check on you, you were crying." Zayn says with a flash of worry across his face.

"I'm fine, it was just a dream." Harry says and Zayn looks unconvinced.

"Was it?" Zayn asks as he finishes the last of his breakfast.

Harry was silent for a moment and then sighed.

"I don't know."

"Do you think that maybe it was a warning?" Zayn asks curiously and Harry looked at him with a tilt of his head.

"What—like a premonition?" Harry asks, really thinking about it.

It was a possibility but he's never had any premonitions before and this wasn't just a feeling, this would've been a premonition dream. Even his mum rarely gets those.

The premonitions that his mum and most witches get, were more like feelings. Premonition dreams, on the other hand were more like visions, and those were incredibly rare.

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