Chapter 1

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Their outfits:

Their outfits:

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July 23,2010

It was a cloudy Friday evening and the weather was influencing Harry's mood tonight. He had gotten home from a long day of working at the library and immediately took a long bath and wore the comfiest clothes he could find. He earned it after such a long and stressful week.

It's nearly 6:00 pm and he knows he should get started on dinner soon, but he needed a small break beforehand.

So right now he was sitting on the couch with his legs stretched out along the length of it, his back was pressed against the armrest and he was reading a book of spells and potions.

He had found this one in his mum's house and brought it with him when he moved.

He already learned most of these spells in school when he was younger, so he was more interested in the potions. He was currently reading about one that was meant to help him sleep and he definitely needed that. He's been having night terrors lately and sometimes he couldn't manage to fall back asleep.

They started a month ago and it was always the same thing. He was always walking down a dark and empty street. He'd step on a piece of glass and that's when he would look down and notice he wasn't wearing any shoes. Then, by his feet, there'd be a trail of blood. He always pulled out the glass before following the blood trail. That trail would lead him to an alleyway and at the end of it there'd be a silhouette of a man speaking in a voice too distorted and too far for him to understand.

Then he'd wake up. And he stays awake most nights because, despite being a witch, he hates scary things.

Maybe he should give this potion a try.
He was in the middle of reading the ingredients when the doorbell rang.

Suppose he'll have to do it another day. 

He closed the book and placed it on the coffee table while on his way to the door.

The doorbell rang again.

Harry didn't bother looking through the peephole and instead unlocked the door and opened it. He was a tad bit surprised to see the man that was standing on his front step. He had to admit the man was handsome and the pair of blue eyes on him only made him that much more attractive.

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