The survivors exchanged glances and quickly got in their cars, following them.

Since someone dared to go to Ling City, it meant that the danger there had been resolved.

Ling City was a valuable resource, with abundant supplies. No one was willing to give it up. They all wanted to return there as long as there was even a slight hope.

Mu Yi drove behind Wen Qingling’s car and noticed they were being followed. He asked Wen Qingling what to do.

Wen Qingling’s mental power had been projected all along, so he naturally knew that survivors were following them.

Wen Qingling replied, “Don’t worry about it. They’ll leave soon.”

As they approached Ling City, the number of zombies increased, and Evolved zombies could be seen everywhere. The survivors couldn’t keep up and were frightened, turning back and fleeing from a small wave of zombie groups.

Some survivors couldn’t accept it and said, “What the hell? Why aren’t the zombies attacking the two cars in front?”

Someone speculated, “I heard before that there are living people in Ling City. Could it be true?”

To verify this speculation, the survivors personally watched as the two cars entered Ling City.

The survivors were stunned.

There were actually living people inside Ling City!

Who had such audacity to live in a city filled with zombies?

The two cars safely made it back to the civilization base.

In the beginning, Meng Lao had a fervent desire to establish a research institute in Ling City, but it was unsuccessful. However, the four of them succeeded in doing so. When they saw the chaotic state of the research institute with their own eyes, they felt despair. Some important equipment had been damaged. How could they conduct research like this?

Nowadays, these things were precious. Without manufacturers or suppliers, if one device was damaged, there would be one less. When they were with Meng Lao at the research institute, they would handle experiments with extra care. But when they looked at the situation in Ling City’s research institute… it was beyond words.

Wen Qingling was confident. “You guys organize things first, and we’ll find what you need later.”

The only advantage of the apocalypse was that if you had strength, you didn’t fear poverty. If you wanted something, you could find it yourself. As long as you could obtain it, you wouldn’t worry about money.

Wen Qingling left the four of them at the research institute and went back to focus on construction.

For two whole days, Jiang Lan didn’t see Xiao Hen and found it strange. She asked Wen Qingling about Xiao Hen’s whereabouts, and even though he found it strange, he thought she was overly concerned.

Wen Qingling asked, “He went to pick up a friend. Are you looking for him?”

Jiang Lan patted him and said, “Didn’t you tell me to replenish his blood and help him recover? I asked for help in keeping an eye out for mutant black chickens, but I haven’t seen a single feather. I thought since we’re in Ling City, the chickens in the market must have been killed and eaten. It’s too difficult to find living mutant black chickens. Even the mutant pigs, cows, and sheep in Ling City are all from outside.”

“I was thinking that we can’t just rely on handouts. We have to start farming. Coincidentally, yesterday we treated an old man named Zhou who used to work at the market. When he heard that we were looking for mutant black chickens, he told us about a place. It used to be a farming facility, and there should be many mutant livestock and poultry there. I’m planning to take some people and capture the mutant animals to raise ourselves. That way, we won’t worry about not having enough to eat.”

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