{+•TEN•+} Jumped

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It was another day of school. I bet y'all are wondering who my sister is huh? Well her names Xemena (he-men-a) and she's really sweet. Could never hurt a soul. I love her to death. She was the only thing keeping me stable while i was hers, while our real parents fought before she moved out. But she moved to Nockfell and is now going to my highschool she's only 2 years older than me. But I'd do anything for her.

"Haruna!!" My sister runs up to me while I was walking with Sal and Larry to the bus stop. But I hadn't known she moved already. I run up to her and hug her "oh my God. Oh my God. Is it really you. I haven't seen you since I was five." My sister moved with our Grandparents when I was 13 and I'm 17 now so that's a lot. "Yes it's me Haru." She says. I start crying "Xema!" I stutter out and hug her again.

"Can we go now?" Larry blurts "LARRY SHUT THE FUCK UP DUDE" Sal screams and slaps his arm. I laugh and let go of Xemena. "Te he echado de menos hermana". I said (Trans: I've Missed you sis.) "yo también". she said (Trans: me too.) we see Nova walking. I run up to her and we do our handshake we made as a bestie thing. "So Xemena! This is Nova my bestie! And this is Sal. We're basically dating even though we've neverade it official heh. And this is Larry my male bestie!" I squealed "you know damn right I am." Larry said. "Heh! Let's get to school."

We were just about to leave school when my sis came up to me with.. A BLACK EYE? "WHAT THE FUCK?!" "these 4 girls keep calling me gigantic nose so I said bring it and I said I'll get my sister on y'all's asses, so they punched me. Now they wanna fight you because not from me but someone told then you was talking shit about them." She said gripping her throbbing eye "FOUR BITCHES? WANTING TO FIGHT ME?! BRING IT" I was pissed. I tied up my hair in a pony tail and walked to the bathroom  everyone started forming a croud I ran to the hall "HARU WAIT" I heard Sal scream. I ran to the hallway next to the bathroom were the girls were waiting "so you 4 wanted to fight me. And you punched my fucking sister huh." "Sure as hell we did." One girl said. One came up to me and grabbed me and tried to punch me. I dodged and threw her off of me she it the wall but got back and and they all ran towards me.

Sals POV:
Haru grabbed one of the girls Hair and punched her and the others hopped on her and punched her. I hated watching it. But I can't fight. Everyones recording and watching. Haru can fight though. I know she can win this. I feel so bad though. I want to jump in so bad. Haru in now on the ground. Grabbing them and punching them. People cheering. I'm shaking. The whole friend group is there. Just watching. Then Haru throws one girl against the wall next to the open bathroom door so hard she falls into the bathroom. She calls out and leaves the fight with a bloody nose but the other 3 are tough their noses are bleeding and there still fighting. And then Haru gets thrown and falls and they get on top of her and start punching her face. She kicks them up and when she gets up and bloods drooling out of her mouth and her nose is bloody to. That's when me and the whole gang gets in there Ash starts pushing the girls taunting then same with Larry me, Nova and Todd are trying to get Haru to leave.

Haru smiles at the girls as blood spills out of her mouth we pull her shirt she pushes us away she spits her blood at them "COME AT ME BITCHES! I DONT GIVE A FUCK!" She screams at them they try to come but Ash and Larry start fighting them. So we drag Haru to the nurses. She giggles and smiles the whole way. We get to the nurse and she calls staff to handle Ash Larry and the girls. And she cleans up Haruna. Needless to say Haru won. All the girls were bloody and barely getting up. "is my sister okay?" Haru mumbled "what?" Todd asked "IS MY SISTER OKAY?" Haru blurted. Right before we answered we heard a scream. It was defiantly Ximena's. Haru barged up and ran out of the nurses office. Goddamit, she cant just sit still can she? understandable. it is her sister. we go back and Harus fighting again. it was over quick. People pulling on her shirt as her mouth is bleeding everywhere. yet she's still smiling at those girls. was she crazy? "get up Xema!" Haru screams to her sister and they both run out of the crowd to us in the uncrowded hall by the fight "Xema I didn't teach you how to fight for nothing." "I know-" without another word Haru slapped her? "I WAS THE YOUNGEST! PROTECTING YOU FROM MOM AND DAD!" Harus is now crying? I'm very lost. Haru storms off outside of the school wiping her blood and tears off. what's going on?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 23 ⏰

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