Once we managed to find a pretty good spot almost close to the stage, Zach and Tracy started talking to get to know each other, cute. Meanwhile, I occupy myself with looking around. The club was really crowded, mostly everyone came for today's show. I was truly surprised but took it all in anyway.

A few minutes later, everything turns violet, with violet lights. This indicates to me that the show is about to start. People begin to cheer for the band to come out. I'm not usually into these types of places, but I'm enjoying it.

Some guys start entering the not so big stage and begin to grab their guitars and drums. Only the lead singer was left to come out. It wasn't seconds until he did.

Everyone falls silent as we wait for their performance, I had never seen them before. But they have this style that I know could make them famous.

"Hey everyone, we are Wiped Out! and we'll be singing some songs for you," the singer says into his microphone.

I observe with curiosity slowly his boots, his jeans with one of them torn at the knee, a red striped shirt unbuttoned enough to reveal the ink of tattoos on his chest, strangely seeing a ¿butterfly?

Yes, it is. I now closely observe his face, with one hand he pushes his curls back so they don't bother his face, his perfect profile, and eyes that shined with the light appearing to be green. Quite tall and attractive...pink lips, his tongue clicks to moisten his lips.

Wait a damn second

I recognized that voice and that face.

A ton of memories came flooding back to me, remembering where I had seen him. Clearly, he was the guy I had found attractive and who had ordered a black coffee at the Coffee.

And he was on the damn stage and he's going to sing.

I'm thankful to whoever made Zach convince me to come; it's really good to see this. A feast for my eyes wouldn't hurt.

He took his time until he brought those lips close to the microphone and said, "The song we're going to play is called 'Baby Came Home.'"

A few seconds later, the instrumental started, the blonde guy played his guitar while the other blonde guy began to play his drums behind Harry.


His name had stuck in my head because I remembered it. But who wouldn't remember such tremendous beauty in front of them? Was there really anyone in their right mind who could forget him?

And I thought I would forget him in a few days.

"Baby came home today," Harry began to sing while everyone did their part to make the song flow.

I was mesmerized by how well Harry began to sing, while he held the microphone in one of his hands and his lips dangerously close to the microphone.

Oh, to be that microphone.

If I said his voice was good, I was really wrong because his voice is twice as good as I thought. Truly, the gods must have spent extra time creating him because what this man was doing was impressive.

Yes well, call me sick. The guy is fucking fine.

"Thinking about her," he sang.

My eyes didn't stray from his incredible performance. The guys in the back were also doing a great job. This band definitely had a lot of potential, and honestly, I could become a fan.

For a moment, I glanced to the side and saw that Zach and Tracy were together watching the performance and sharing whispers. I never thought they'd get along so well, but I'm not complaining. I'm enjoying the moment watching that guy perform.

Fall Again [H. S] Where stories live. Discover now