"So you think child pornography is funny Stevens?!" Virginia yells and I couldn't help but cover my ears.

"Of course it is. Especially since I pleasured her so much that she came all over my fingers." Izzie says, causing Virginia to slap her face hard that she fell to the ground. Not my daddies and mommies. I have two mommies and they'd never do something so vile to me!

"I'm going to make sure that you're blackballed with the other doctors and nurses so that they won't want to work with you unless another doctor is with you." Virginia hisses before ushering me into her office and I could see the anger written on her face. Her office was huge with two desks, a large couch, a mini fridge, a table and a few chairs.

"Make yourself at home love. Feel free to take anything from my fridge to eat or drink." Virginia tells me before I go to the fridge and grab a strawberry milk, showing it to Virginia. Virginia nods and I went to go sit down on the couch.

"This is also Amelia's office so at any point you need to come here to relax, you can do so." Virginia says.

"Tell Alex and Amelia please." I signed before drinking my milk and she nods in response.


Meredith's POV

"How does that retarded whore think that servicing those men and women is okay?" A male intern asks one of his friends, causing me to clench my hands into fists.

"How are you such a douche Michael? Clearly Clarissa was a child and didn't want that! We're over!" Another intern Zoey Douglas tells Michael before walking over to me and I give her a smile.

"Exactly what's going on? All I know is I'm going to beat the shit out of your ex-boyfriend."

"Harry Roberts and Wyatt Jenkins are showing people child pornography of Clarissa. Dr. Crowe already slapped Stevens before taking Clarissa to her office. Dr. Crowe never hits anyone but nobody's going to say that she doesn't deserve it." Zoey tells me.

"Thanks for standing up for Clarissa."

"No need to thank me. Clarissa's the most innocent and sweetest soul that deserves the world. She's even helped me study for the intern exam during some of her breaks." Zoey tells me when her pager beeps and she runs off. Alex walks over to me with his knuckles all bruised and bloody.

"You didn't kill anyone did you?" Alex looks at me and shakes his head.

"Punched those bastards for what they said about my sunshine. I also did something to Izzie because by the end of the day nobody will want to work with her alone." Alex tells me before the two of us headed to a nurses' station where George, Cristina and Izzie were standing.

"We have to do something. Clarissa's become like an exhibit. Like a zoo animal, like that rare panda that everyone stares at." George says, causing me to glare at him.

"She's not some exhibit that people can stare at and talk about." Cristina tells George, seeing the anger on my face.

"Well she is. Tell me Meredith, did you also get pleasure from Clarissa?" Izzie asks and I tackle her to the ground, proceeding to beat the shit out of her.

"You disgusting trailer park whore! At least Clarissa didn't have a child at sixteen!" I asked Emily to get me some dirt on Izzie after learning what she did to Clarissa the last time.

"How do you know that?" Izzie asks me before I stood up and looked at my handiwork.

"That FBI agent that was here last time told me. I wasn't going to bring it up but you hurt my daughter and that's not going to fly anymore! Clarissa may not want to press charges but I'm going to make sure that you are known as the slut that you truly are. You don't even know who the father of your daughter is."

"You can't tell anyone please!" Izzie begs me.

"You don't get to beg her for that after the hell you put my sister through!" Alex shouts, banging his hand on the nurses' station desk.

"Oh and the FBI already contacted your daughter's adoptive parents and told them what you did. They aren't ever going to let you meet her and definitely won't send you anymore pictures. You're lucky that Bailey and Webber don't know because they both adore Clarissa. But judging by Virginia's anger, they're going to know soon enough."

"I'll let the staff know what kind of person you truly are." Alex says when Dr. Bailey and Clarissa walk over to us.

"Clarissa's going to participate in rounds and then your sister's taking her home." Dr. Bailey tells me and I nod, knowing that Clarissa didn't want to disturb me. Lexie was home for the holidays so I knew that she'd be the perfect choice since Amelia has an NA meeting right now but is taking the rest of the day off afterwards.

"What is going on?" Clarissa signs to me and I give her a smile while we all headed to our first patient.

"Nothing for you to worry about little one." Clarissa nods before hugging me and I hugged her back.

Amelia's POV

Clarissa was holding Snowy in her arms while we were in her bed cuddling. She's not verbal right now and I miss her voice so much. Those bastards deserve death for what they're doing to my precious angel. Clarissa looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I can see the gears in her brain working overtime.

"You can tell me anything angel. I won't be mad at you."

"Amelia, I feel like I cheated on you because I had an orgasm with Izzie. Meanwhile I cannot give you that kind of pleasure. I do not deserve you." Clarissa tells me while the tears fall down her face.

"You didn't cheat on me because you had an orgasm. That blonde bitch sexually assaulted you and your body reacted that way. I don't care if we never have sex because I know that you're not comfortable with it. In fact this is the most healthy relationship that I've ever been in. You don't use me for my body or try to get me high so I can sleep with you. You love me for everything despite my past and unlike the people in my past, you don't use it against me. And I love you despite what has happened to you and I'll always love you my precious angel. You deserve love and I'm going to make sure to remind you of that every day." Clarissa smiles before hugging me and I hugged her back.

"I love you too treasure." Clarissa says before I wipe the tears off her face.

"My nephew Lucas invited us over for Thanksgiving and I want you to meet him. If you want to that is. We don't have to stay there the entire time, but he's the only one who still talks to me despite my siblings not wanting him to."

"For you treasure, I will go to space and grab you the brightest star in the universe." Clarissa tells me before kissing my cheek and I kissed the top of her head.

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