Chapter 44

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Bianca di Angelo

San Francisco came closer and closer. On the horizon, they could see the city spanning over hills and the bay. The large Golden Gate Bridge was visible from afar. Bianca never thought she would see this city. But here she was. After crossing the whole country, she was in San Francisco.

The group had settled down about the whole affair with Aphrodite. Mainly because none wished to talk about it. So, they didn't say anything about it anymore. Thalia swapped with Zoe behind the wheel. It made sense as she knows where to go.

"So, uh, where exactly are we going?" Percy asked. "I highly doubt the entrance is just anywhere in the city."

"It is close to Ocean Beach. We just have to wait for the right time. The entrance opens only once a day," Zoe said, her gaze went to the sun seemingly determining the time. "We'll be early."

"What time does it open?" Bianca asked.

"Sunset. My sisters are the nymphs of the sunset and evening. You may wish to prepare mentally, boy. They rarely meet men, and they'll try to dance with thee."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Percy said, his lips tugging a little upward about the idea. True, nymphs are beautiful women, and Zoe's sisters are no exception. However...

"To the death," Zoe added plainly, the smile of Percy went away just as quickly.


"Fun bunch," Thalia mumbled. "Will they be a problem?"

"I doubt they'll be able to do much in a fight. Untrue, actually, but given our group, I doubt they stand much of a chance. But thou should take care. Their song is very alluring," Zoe explained.

Great, a song of death. This world is weird in a deathly way. Almost as if every single thing that is being made is meant to kill demigods. Bianca hopes her service to Artume protects her. Her gaze went to Juniper as the thought crossed her mind. The green girl seemed unfazed by what she heard. Hopefully, a good thing.

"Why is everything that sounds nice so deadly and scary?" Percy asked. "It hardly makes any sense. Singing and dancing shouldn't be associated with death."

"Perhaps, but it is as it is," Juniper said, shrugging a little. "Dryads have to deal with satyrs running after them. Not every dryad likes the chase. Some prefer gentleness and romance."

Grover shuffles uncomfortably as he gazed firmly away from Juniper. One could almost say he found the streets of the city the most interesting thing he has seen. For some reason, Grover tried it with Juniper. It is practically radiating off him.

"I see..." Percy said, eyeing Grover with a raised eyebrow. Bianca let the group continue their debate about how unfair Demigod life can be.

Her gaze went to the buildings that they passed, almost feeling like another world. If only due to the more color she can see compared to the east. It made her tune out, thinking about her own life that felt uncertain. What will happen? She has no clue. Sometimes she feels like a blind idiot for jumping on a good offer.

Well, at least she is immortal now.

The car comes to a stop once the ocean is filling her view. Light sparkles across the blue ocean as far as she can see. People are surfing on the waves, women and men sunbathing, and children running around like mindless idiots. She is glad to not have to babysit Nico anymore. Bianca will always love him, but he is a handful.

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