Chapter 38

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Heaven. It's official. I'm in heaven.

It's the only thought I can produce as I lie in bed, Isaac on one side, his wife curled into my arms on the other.

Luckily they are both still asleep, so I'm able to bask in my feelings for just a little longer. Yesterday was incredible. Unbelievable. Unexpected. Perfectly incredible. Having sex with Adina... it was everything I could ever have dreamt of, and just the thought of doing it again makes me want to turn her around in my arms so that once again I can taste her lips, her breasts, her core... And the feeling of Adina's mouth on me, that feeling of dominance as I pulled her head closer, wrapping my hands in her hair and angling her just right. I can almost feel myself grow wet at just that thought.

It had been early evening by the time we were all completely sated, and so when, high on the adrenaline of sex, the couple had asked me to stay for dinner, I'd immediately accepted. So here I still was. We'd had a fun, yet slightly strange dinner complete with awkward silences and longing gazes, ending in the decision to watch a romantic film, Isaac in his armchair, and Adina and I curled up together under a blanket on the sofa. The awkwardness I could understand, we were practically strangers, and even though we'd just had sex, basically revealing our most intimate selves to each other, none of us wanted to reveal anything specific about ourselves for fear of discovery if the gossip ever got out about what had happened. To add to that, after Isaac had collapsed on his armchair, I had practically ignored him, totally bewitched by the goddess that was his wife and my need to discover more, to experience more.

And boy did I experience. The feel of her skin against mine, the taste of her sex right after she came from my own tongue, the feel of a woman's mouth against me, my lips, my skin. I experienced more than I ever thought I would, ever imagined would be possible. And everything, and I mean everything, was even more beautiful and perfect than I ever could have anticipated. It was like I'd been seeing in black and white my whole life, never realising what I was missing out, and the colours had suddenly appeared in front of me. Sex with women, it is magical, it is...

Isaac shifts lightly in his sleep, and I'm drawn out of my sexual reminiscence. An awkward breakfast and a fake invitation to come back is more than I can cope with, so I decide that a swift exit is required. I can always send a thank you text with an excuse of some plans that I have today. I slowly untangle Adina's naked form from my own, unable to stop myself from enjoying the feel of my hands on her skin, and immediately missing the feel of her heat against me. She grumbles once but as soon as we part, she snuggles into the duvet of her own accord, perfectly content, her halo of hair fanning out on the pillow behind her in gorgeous coils of bronze.

I softly pad across the bedroom, finding my cargos instantly, discarded in the corner of the room during our post-film sex session. My top takes a little longer to find, but I eventually locate it in the lounge, alongside my socks and underwear. I stuff the latter into one of the many pockets of my trousers before attempting to re-lace the corset. It's not the easiest top to put back on and I'm halfway through when she appears.

"Hey." Her voice is soft, whispered. But I hear it instantly.

"I didn't mean to wake you." I turn around, sighing lightly as I take her in. She's dressed in a white oversized t-shirt, and even though she looks barely awake, it's as if there's an ethereal glow emanating from her every pore.

"That's ok." She moves closer, reaching out to help me with the laces. "I'm a light sleeper anyway." I turn to let her access the laces, sweeping my long hair out of the way. It's impressive how quickly her nimble fingers thread through the knotted strings, deftly tying the top back up again.

"Can I make you breakfast before you go?" I sigh. This is the conversation I was hoping to avoid. The conversation I always hope to avoid. As much as last night was fun, I don't want to get attached. No strings. It's why I abandoned the idea of Alice and chose a dinner with Saul. It's why I ran from Cade, from Damien. Strings scare me. With strings, you have no freedom, no independence. You lose your options, your choices. So sex, and friends. But nothing more.

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