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Beyond the Afterglow | Odyssey of Hearts Series #1


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Readers are encouraged to enjoy the story as a work of fiction and to interpret it as such.


This book contains explicit language and mature content that may not be suitable for all readers. The story may depict scenes of intimacy, adult themes, and sensitive topics. The characters in this book may use strong language that some readers may find offensive or uncomfortable. While the romance portrayed in this book is fictional, the content may be unsuitable for younger readers or those sensitive to explicit material. Reader discretion is advised.


There may be occasional grammatical and typographical errors present. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause to readers. Feedback regarding errors or areas for improvement is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration for future editions. If the plot or themes of this book do not align with your tastes or preferences, we respect your decision to skip or set aside this book.

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Start: March 6, 2024


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Odyssey of Hearts Series

Beyond the Afterglow (Ongoing)

Under the Twilight Skies (Soon)

Whispers of Dusk Embrace (Soon)

At Dawn's First Light (Soon)

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Hello! This is Kae. Welcome to the first installment of ODOH Series! Happy Reading⛅️

© kaerxumi

All Rights Reserved 2024

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"Look at that beautiful sky, sweetheart." Malambing na sambit ni Lola.

She gazed at me with her gentle-sweet eyes. And every time she looks at me, it makes me feel at peace. "Doesn't it remind you of something special?"

"Yes, Lola! It's like a giant painting! The sky is orange and pink, I wish I could draw like that!" The five-year old me answered.

"You know, sunsets are a bit like love." She told me.

"Sunset? Love? How?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Well, just like how the colors in the sky blend together so perfectly, love is a beautiful mixture of different feelings."

"Oh, like when Mommy and Daddy hug each other and they smile?"

"That's right! Whenever sunsets come, love is like a warm glow wrapping us in its comforting embrace."

" love is like the sky saying goodnight?"

Beyond the Afterglow | Odyssey of Hearts Series #1Where stories live. Discover now