And it seemed like Iyka also picked up on the aura, as she was frantically looking around, with a defensive position. Seems like the fight isn't over yet.. There is another opponent left to fight.

Or at least, I believe that there was another opponent to fight before we could leave.

I activated my 'Overworld Detection' to its maximum output, scanning the area around for even the slightest movement that wasn't me or Iyka. At first, there were no results. The skill picked up no suspicious activity or movement.
It honestly almost led me into a full sense of security.


[Iyka] "Over there!"

Iyka announced creating a small blue orb of flames before throwing it to the furthest corner of the room. Unlike the last time I fought her, the blue orb of flames was much smaller than they were back then as well as it had a lot less power to it.

It just barely even managed to reach the corner, before creating a small explosion. Iyka looked a bit embarrassed and angry.

[Iyka] "This is exactly why I don't like this host body... I can't utilise my spiritual energy to its maximum inside a body trained as a martial artist!"

She complained.
I'll be honest, with this new information - I could kind of see why she was upset...
Back when we fought, she was primarily a ranged fighter, but right now, the body she now has wasn't trained for ranged.

Or at least, it wasn't trained for that according to her...

I sighed, before looking at the corner. A second went by, before 3 red eyes lit up inside the corners shadow. Then, a large, serpentine like dragon with a pair of arms on it exited the shadows and revealed itself before me and Iyka.

Iyka backed up a bit.

[Iyka] "A.... A Greater Dragon?!"

Iyka stated with a slightly concerned voice.
Greater Dragon? The fuck is that?-

Pretty self-explanatory, however I shall explain in little bit more detail.

Greater Dragons are some of the strongest NORMAL dragons that exist.

'I'll assume that "normal" is referring to them not being any of the Primal Dragons.'

I thought, before exhaling.
I won't even bother checking its status, as I'll probably wipe the floor with this oversized lizard... Snake... Thing, within seconds.

The Greater Dragon roared at me loudly, before charging up a fire breath and firing it off towards me and Iyka.
Iyka immediately jumped behind me, hiding while she trembled like a little child. Not going to lie - in this moment, her acting as a child while also inside what looked like a childs body was kinda ironic...

Anyways, as the fire breath drew closer, I simply exhaled, before snapping my fingers. In an instant, a black hole appeared right in the path of the fire breath, which absorbed the entire fire breath.

Afterwards, I made the black hole disappear, before unleashing the fire breath back at the creature, using a miniature black hole in the palm of my righr hand to fire out the fire breath as a sort of 'beam' or something.
The Greater Dragons eyes slightly widened as it was struck by its own fire breath, kicking up a thick cloud of smoke around its head.

The dragon shook its head, before roaring loudly once more.

The Greater Dragon seems to have
[Fire Immunity].

Thought as much...
No big surprises there.

I simply sighed afterwards, before using 'Limitless Acceleration' to quickly dash up above the dragons head, summoning a Venomous Scythe before infusing it with 'Abyss Magic'.
Afterwards, I leapt down at the dragons head, cleanly slicing off its head and killing it instantly without breaking a single sweat.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now