Ch. 8 - It was a prank

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Rohan's character seemed really good and the more I talked to him, the more I liked him. But according to Aisha, he wasn't a good person. Apparently, they both were enemies in their previous school and she only talked to him here because I did. She said that he lied a lot, always flirted with girls and was dumb since he didn't score good marks. But I didn't believe any of it.

For one, I wasn't a person who'd blindly judge someone by another person's words. I only formed an opinion about anyone after I've interacted with them a good amount of times. I solely believed in 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.' And I'm totally against judging people's intelligence based on marks.

I mean,  just look at me. I'd never got anything less than an A1 grade yet I'm dumb as fuck. You'd question my sanity once you listen to the life decisions I made.

For two, Rohan could've changed a lot in this lockdown. Because the 'Rohan' Aisha was talking about and the 'Rohan' I knew seemed like polar opposites. And I'd say for sure Rohan didn't know how to flirt. He had a lot of knowledge on various things but flirting and stuff? He wouldn't know anything. He totally didn't look innocent but once you got to know him you'll know that he was such a sweetheart who had yet to know a lot of teenage stuff. I wouldn't say he's too innocent but I knew for sure he wasn't dirty minded.

Once Aisha went, I pondered over what she said and what I knew and completely dismissed any bad opinion about Rohan. I didn't know the past Rohan and I totally didn't care what he did there. He was kind to me and I always felt he was a great person. I wouldn't let that change just because Aisha said otherwise.

I tried my best not to glance at him every once in a while like I always did but fate definitely had other plans. He came and sat in the seat right behind me. For God's grace, Rohan , what are you doing??

"What happened?" I asked, trying to calm my stupid heart down. "Nothing", he said. Uh-uh, this didn't seem like it'd end well.

When we were going down a slope like we always did, he randomly said, "Mira, Count backwards from 10."

My name on his lips sounds like heaven.

Shut up, you lovesick puppy.

"What? Why?" I asked, having zero clue on what he was trying to do. "Just do it, I'll tell you then." Weird.

"Uhh... ok?..10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1" I finished, sounding the most awkward I ever did.

"It's been exactly one day since you proposed to me." He said, his expression unreadable.

Wait, WTF is going on? I didn't even propose to you dude, you forced it out of me.

"Ok... so? You remember stuff like that?" I asked, my confusion evident in my tone and on my face.

"I do. I remember everything." I made an 'O' face and nodded.

"But wait, you said you'd forget about it yesterday itself. Why are you talking about it now?" I'm definitely confused. Help.

"Yea I forgot. But I remembered it just now." I totally wish you didn't but my wishes never came true now, did they? I internally sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I'll move on. It's just a silly crush." How I wish it was.

He nodded. I hoped he got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.

"So? How was your day? We didn't talk much today." He started, casually holding the seat holder of the seat in front of me. Just how long are his hands? I turned diagonally to look at him, only to find him looking at me with those dark, starry eyes  - the ones I would very much like to get lost in. His hands were practically caging me in my seat and I should be annoyed, but his long veiny hands did a good job at distracting me.

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