Biscuits Vs Bitches: Act 2

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V clutched her wounds, breathing rapidly as she gazed at the stars, a portrait of glowing orbs that bathed the city in its blinding embrace. She liked the stars, always finding time to look at them even when she was about to devour a group of worker drones. She found comfort in them, always looking at them when she was at her lowest.

Right now, she could use them, as she was hurt, badly. Her fight with J hadn't gone too well, the MK2 drone had easily beaten her and would have killed V had it not been for a highly pissed N intervening, and it would take away until her regeneration would heal up all her wounds and restore her to 100%. She never thought she'd see that side of the wholesome killer boy ever again, thinking it gone for good.

She should've known better, especially as she glanced at the headless worker drone she was lying next to.

N and this purple thing clearly had a bond, one that she hadn't had with somebody since back at the mansio-Okay, let's stop that train of though right there V. Either way, N had just lost something he held dearly and was now letting out his internal rage on J. V was briefly worried that N would be beaten up by a MK2 drone, but upon hearing N's roaring and J's constant pained screams, she already knew who was winning.

For a few minutes, that was the soundtrack...

Until she heard the familiar sound of a missile firing.

In a sudden panic, her optics hollowed out and she looked over to where N and J were fighting, expecting to see a massive fireball followed by N's limbs flying about and J's familiar bitchy cackle, only to see nothing. N was standing there, holding something in his claws while J's expression was one of shock and absolute terror, eyes hollowed and mouth open.

From J's perspective, she watched the missile shoot out and fly straight on a path to hit N right in the face. She thought it was mission accomplished, K.O! She expected it to kill N in a single blow, and then she could take down a weakened V and help Tessa curb the infection.

What she did not expect, was for N to catch the missile.

N's fang-filled mouth receded for a moment, and was instead replaced by a smug grin. Did she really think he would fall for the oldest trick in the disassembly drone book? N had watched the missile charge up, and he had purposely waited to act to give J a false sense of hope.

"Nice try," N mocked before tossing the missile away, the weapon soaring through the air and leaving a trail of smoke behind it that dissipated into the air like a lost soul. It struck a nearby building, blowing pieces of shrapnel and brick across the area, V instinctually placing her wing over Uzi's body in order to shield it and preserve the body for burial.

Music: The Only Thing I Know For Real

With a swiftness never seen from him before, N's rage came back full force and he slammed his jaws down on J's shoulder, twisting his head so as to hurtle J over his shoulder and into the ground behind him, her body slamming against the snowy blanket and shaking the world around her. N was on J immediately, lifting up a foot and preparing to bring it down on J's head in order to literally stomp it into paste.

J managed to dodge it, the foot instead digging through the snow and nearly striking the ground below as she tried to crawl away, now on her back and unknowingly crawling away into a building, N barrelling up on her, jaws wide open. J screamed as N didn't go for her shoulders, but instead went for her neck, attempting to bite down full-force on it. J began to feel her metal bend under his teeth and nearly split, and in a panic, she managed to finally land a strike on N, punching his cheek with her remaining hand.

Despite N backing his jaws away from her neck, he did not seem fazed otherwise, a fact that sent another shock through J's highly damaged system. Every time she had punched V, the female had been sent stumbling backwards or even off her feet entirely, but here, N didn't even flinch. Instead, he bit down on her right forearm, his teeth slashing apart the metal and digging into her metallic flesh before he began to drag her.

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