The Beheadening

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The snow crunched under the feet of the trio of drones as they walked. N and Uzi continued chatting to each other as ever, passing information and jokes back and forth about things that had happened recently, the prom, the Absolute Solver, and whatever other matters came to mind. V trailed slightly behind them, hands in her coat pockets as she kept an eye on the couple ahead of her. It had been only a few days since the whole camp incident, where Uzi turned into some freakish biomechanical monster and killed a bunch of people, and as such, V didn't trust Uzi much. That being said, she did pull a small smile when N pointed at something behind Uzi, distracting her enough for him to pull her beanie down over her visor. Uzi playfully hit him and the two laughed like a bunch of gossiping schoolgirls.

Even though she wasn't fond of Uzi, she was glad to see that N had finally found someone to make him happy, something she couldn't do anymore, not since her transformation. V shivered slightly before shaking the memory off and continuing forward.

Speaking of N, he turned to V chipperly with that same dorky grin on his face and spoke up. "Come on V, we don't have all night!" V shrugged and pranced up to them, running a hand through her silver hair.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming! You guys are the ones that dragged me out here for this 'investigation' or whatever, so excuse me if I take a little bit," V said as she came to a halt in front of the pair. Truthfully, she just didn't want to be in the path of Uzi should she turn again. Last time, Uzi, or whatever that thing was, nearly killed her with little to no effort. V, for the first time since the prom, was scared. She never thought a worker could overpower a disassembly drone so hard, and so easily too.

"Well V, your kinda in this too," Uzi began, "I don't know what happened back there, but I want answers, ones that I and N really feel like you have but won't say. So, we're doing this instead because I doubt a WDF interrogation would go well." V had to agree with Uzi there, most of the so-called 'soldiers' would be scared exhaust-less if they had to try and pry answers out of her. That however didn't stop N.

"V, I know I've said this before but, please? Can you PLEASE just me what's going on here, and what you know? It could really help, you're just not being cooperative," N appealed to V. The boy desperately wanted answers from her and had been constantly nagging her about it. He felt bad being a nag, lice in her hair, but he needed these answers. Uzi too.

However, due to her lack of cooperation, Uzi had instead come up with the genius idea to return to Camp 98.7 and try and find the laboratories that one Robo-Cockroach had nearly told her about. The female worker believed that answers regarding her and Doll's mother's experimentation with the Absolute Solver and how this CYN character all tied into this lay there, deep within its metal confines. A coffin for secrets untold. They had to walk since the bus wasn't available to them right now.

V only crossed her arms, brushing N away with a dismissive hand when he got too close. Uzi quickly stepped in front of him and hissed at V, the purple triangle briefly flickering over her left optic for a moment. "BITE ME!" she yelled. Uzi hated seeing N get pushed around like that, the poor thing had received so much abuse from his previous boss and this bitch was barely any better. She instinctually wrapped her hand around N's, triggering an embarrassed blush on the male's face.

What the trio didn't realize was that something was watching them.

Perched upon a nearby skyscraper like a gargoyle of old, J snickered, watching N pull both girls into a hug in order to calm them both down, V squirming to get out of it while the purple runt sunk into his coat. Oh, how she hated that worker drone, the one that had put her out of commission in the first place with that dreadful weapon, then made her come back as a hollow-spooky snake-crab, and then blew her up AGAIN. J felt herself stretch her wings in annoyance, huffing as her breath flew out mist into the air.

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