Biscuits Vs Bitches: Act 1

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Ah! Oh, I'm sooooo scared! Look, big man over here has finally grown a pair!" J mocked N, only for him to let out this animalistic growl and take a step closer, his foot easily crushing the snow beneath him. "You hurt Uzi, now I will HURT you..." he replied.

"Correction, I killed the purple rat, and I will do the same to you. You think I'm scared of you? The most useless and pathetic drone in the galaxy? Please!" J thought N was bluffing with this, and that he would bend the knee or quickly get destroyed by her, especially in her MK2 body. N didn't reply, because he used to believe all of it. He was the most pathetic drone to have ever existed, and he deserved all sorts of horrible things. Not a single person would give a shit if he died or disappeared. Well, that's what he believed anyway, thanks to J.

But now, N wanted J to sit down at the bottom of the barrel with him. He wanted to make her suffer.

"You will be swallowing everything you've said about me. I will make sure Uzi gets to drag you by the throat down to the gates of robo-hell by the time I'm done with you..." J scoffed, and her hand retreated into her left arm. "Oh really?" she asked as a diamond-shaped structure emerged from her arm instead, crackling with blue electricity.


The weapon hummed as J lifted it up and pointed it at N, preparing to shut him down. "Are you ready to admit your own foolishness?" she asked him, the weapon glowing brighter and brighter as it prepared to unleash blue electrical hell upon any robot nearby. It was at this very moment that N removed any and all inhibitors to his violence, unleashing the side of him that had been buried for years on end.

J had no time to react before N had grabbed her arm and forced it down, making the EMP aim at the ground instead. This was surprising, but not as much as when N turned his left hand into a sword and drove it into her left shoulder, going right through it and out the other end, the loud sound of metal tearing filling the air, followed by J's agonized screams. She had never felt such pain before in her life, barely able to fight back as N pushed her backwards effortlessly. He was never one to enjoy his victims' screams or cries, always feeling bad for worker drones he didn't kill in the first hit and trying to end their suffering as soon as possible. But this?

He loved hearing her scream.

With a single forceful tug, N's sword tore J's left arm off entirely, sending the appendage flying through the air as the EMP sputtered out before going dark completely, the source of energy lost. Sparks and oil billowed out of the stump where her arm used to be as N grabbed onto her chest with a single hand, J hissing as she felt his claws dig into her sternum. With another inhuman roar, N transformed his left hand back into his claws before grabbing onto the side of J's head, applying more pressure as she desperately squirmed to get out of his grip.

"G-get the fuck off me you moro-AAAAAAAAAAAAA-" J's insult was cut off as she felt his claws dig through her skin and begin to cut into her head. She felt metal and wires being cut or pushed aside as her visor flashed with warnings and alerts, almost blinding her altogether. These increased tenfold when N tore a piece of her head off entirely, carrying it in his metal palm. It wasn't big enough to be fatal, only large enough to fit in his palm, but it was certainly painful. One of J's bulbs on her head sputtered out, and her vision degraded suddenly. Multiple shocks ran through J's body as she yelled in pain, attempting to raise up her hand in a pitiful attempt to defend herself, but it was no use.

In a second, N was on her again, this time barrelling into her body and carrying her, slamming J against a car and pinning her to it. Now, she couldn't deploy her wings and escape because N had her against a lump of metal which blocked them from coming out. Shaking her violently, N growled before deploying another long blade from his right hand, this time slowly driving it into her chest, right above where her core sat. She didn't know whether this was intentional or not, but either way, it was horrible. The loud pop of electrical circuits misfiring and metal being sliced apart like butter pierced the scream of the wind, oil splattering out as J squirmed, making the wound worse as N's blade adjusted to her new positions.

Another snap, and J felt one of her ribs break as the sword pushed it to its limit. N's sword barely scraped her core, but this was enough to send massive waves of pain through her system and make her vision cloud up with static for a moment. In her multiple lives, this was the most frightened and most pain filled J had ever been, all because of N.

With another scream of pain, J finally decided to try and fight back, sneakily transforming her remaining hand into a missile launcher, which began to glow a rapidly intensifying yellow as it charged up one of its titular deadly weapons. However, it was taking longer than usual, as her body was being rapidly damaged by N's mauling. Until it was ready, J was at N's non-existent mercy.

N's mind was no longer a whirlwind of regret and pain, it was now a firestorm of rage. The only thing that was going through his mind was kill kill KILL. But he wasn't ready to do that yet, death would be too lenient. Instead, he would have some fun, like a cat playing with a helpless mouse. He liked to think that J was scared, frightened, terrified, that she thought she was going to die, that the drone she berated and insulted for so long would be the one to put her under. He even considered leaving her heart intact, just in case it was one of those creatures that formed her into a hollo-spooky snake-crab, just so he could hunt it down and kill it. Then she may be brought back in another body, and he'd kill her again, and again, and again. An endless cycle of death.

As these darkened thoughts formed his command grounds, N let out another roar, this time biting down on the stump of J's shoulder and ripping into the bits of metal and wires as J shrieked. What kind of disassembly drone used their mouth? Usually, it was only used to drink oil, but N was using them to maul her. She felt his teeth slice through circuits and bend rivets, and she questioned the sensation as he bit down on a piece of exposed endoskeleton. Were his jaws always this strong?

All the while, the missile kept loading up, managing to lock onto its target, even while its host was being savaged. J herself had to move her elbow in order to get the missile to aim in the right direction as N had his claws locked around her shoulder and pinning her right arm to her side. It was like her arm was locked in place, no matter how much she pushed against N's grip, she couldn't push him off. Just how did N get so strong? J also questioned why it was taking so long, before feeling N beginning to rip and tear oily chunks of metal from her stump, roaring and grunting as she did so. An alert popped up on the top right of her visor, surrounded by many other alerts, but the contents of this one caught her attention and made J read it before it drowned in the rapidly rising ocean of panicked notifications.


Fuck. Just her luck. N had slapped her so hard at the beginning of their fight that he had knocked her regeneration offline! The bastard. As J chided N in her mind, she noticed that a few meters behind the feral monster that was tearing her apart, a girl stood, unfamiliar to her but at the same time emanating some sort of energy that reminded her of something. Something bad. The girl had red eyes, seemed to be wearing a cheerleader outfit, and had long purple hair. J watched as the girl smiled, mouthed something, her right eye getting replaced by the Absolute Solver symbol, before vanishing in a cloud of static.

Despite her confusion, J just put it down to a pain-induced hallucination, as N continued tearing into her stump, or, what was a stump. It was nearly gone at this point, now just being a hole on the side of her body that spewed a waterfall of black, viscous liquid. Letting out one final scream, J felt the missile finally finish charging up and lock onto its target, N seemingly oblivious to this as he violently shook J around on the car, the latter feeling like her head could fall off at any moment.

J took in a deep breath, as N prepared to bite down on her other shoulder,

And fired.

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