"There, and how pretty you look!" Laena gushed. She glanced at the book in her daughter's hands with a playful smile.

"I'm sure Aemond will agree as well," Laena said. Rhaella looked away from her mother bashfully. She was always saying things like that. Rhaella supposed her mother liked to jest.Mother and daughter walk to the gates of the Red Keep. In the outer courts, the festivities had long since begun.

Rhaella could see her two sisters already in conversation with their cousins, Jace and Luke.

"Laena, I see you've made it." A voice rang. Princess Rhaenyra approached the two, smiling eagerly.

Rhaella watched the two women embrace as she stood awkwardly to the side.

Pulling back from Laena, Rhaenyra smiled at the small girl by her side.

" Aren't you just a proper lady!" Rhaenyra said. Rhaella gave a shy smile to the princess.

Leaving the women to catch up, Rhaella walked over to the long table. Baela was engaged in a spirited conversation with Jace while Rhaena and Luke watched on.

"Where is Aemond?" Rhaella asked. She had noticed that the boy was nowhere to be seen, and on his name day no less.

"I don't much care," Baela said. Rhaella's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. She had thought her sister would have the courtesy of being a little softer on this day.

Rhaella abandoned the group, wandering far from the party. The bright sun was beaming down on her face, temporarily obscuring her vision.

Then, she saw him. Propped up in front of a Weirwood tree, there sat Aemond.

Rhaella sighed out, glad her walking efforts we not in vain. She took a seat in the grass opposite to him.Aemond glanced up in surprise. Rhaella and her quiet footsteps had startled him.

"I suppose everyone is missing me if they sent you here," Aemond said. Rhaella toyed with the book's wrapped parchment.

" In truth, no one much cares," Rhaella said, rather bluntly. Despite her tone, her eyes met his, clear with mirth.

"I thought as much," Aemond said, sullen look deepening. His attention was pulled to the present in the girls' hands.

"What's that?" Aemond asked. Rhaella passed the book to him.

"It's for you," Rhaella said. Aemond eagerly ripped apart the covering, revealing the book.

' Dragons and Histories'

" Father will be cross with me for taking it, but we have plenty of others," Rhaella said.

"Thank you, Rhaella," Aemond said gratefully. Rhaella shrugged. She had read through the same book many times herself. She knew her cousin shared the same hunger to learn.

Scooting closer to him, Rhaella flipped to a page she knew well. Sketches of Balerion, the Black Dread filled the page. Among all the dragons, Rhaella favored him above all else.

"Father told me he was named after the Old Valyrian God of death," Rhaella said. Aemond looked at her in awe. His cousin always seemed to know much and more than he ever could.

"I want a dragon like that," Aemond said. He longed for something undeniable in power.

Something that the realm would have no choice but to acknowledge.

"I think I would too." Rhaella agreed. Aemond gave her a side glance.

" Balerion was ridden by Aegon the Conqueror, he would be best suited for a man."

Rhaella scoffed at the absurdity of the comment. " Princess Aerea rode him, you should know that if the maesters have taught you anything at all." She said.

Aemond fell silent at Rhaella's scolding. Rhaella's eyes soften. Perhaps she had been too harsh, it was his name day after all.

"One day, you and I will fly all over the realm together," Rhaella said.

"I want to see the ruins of Old Valyria," Aemond said. Rhaella pulled a face. Old Valyria was a dangerous place but she declined to add the fact in for Aemond's sake.

"I'd much rather see Dorne," Rhaella said. It was the only place their ancestors couldn't overtake. Her curiosities regarding the place always bubbled over.

"Dorne, why?" Aemond asked. Rhaella closed the book, pushing it to the side.

"It's warm and the women are fair," Rhaella said. Aemond glanced at her in confusion.

"Perhaps I'd marry a Dornish prince as well. Rhaella added. Aemond grimaced. Why she would venture to Dorne for a husband? It was beyond him.

"They're all right, you are quite strange," Aemond said. Rolling her eyes, Rhaella stood up in a huff, dusting off her dress.

Aemond stood as well, placing the book under his arm.

"I don't much like being called that," Rhaella said. The two began walking to the festivities. Rhaella was fixed on not missing the cake.

Suddenly, Rhaella halted in place, a sly smile dancing across her face. Turning to Aemond, she places a peck on his cheek, causing the boy to freeze.

A furious blush makes its way to Aemond's cheek, much to Rhaella's enjoyment.

"What was that for?" Aemond asked, fumbling his words.

Rhaella stared at him in bemusement. She turned to continue walking, Aemond quick on her heels.

"You should cheer up, cousin," Rhaella said.

"I'm here for you, after all."

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