"I'm on it." He smirks. I smile and plop down.

"Are you seriously making him buy you a blanket?" Billy asks rhetorically.

"No, I making him finish my new hideout." I correct with heavy sarcasm making the man chuckle.

"You're a good kid." He smiles.

"And you're a pretty badass dad, Billy."
I'm in a room behind a big steel table. A chair on the other side. A big 2 way window. A light hanging down from above the table. The doors are locked. Boxes piled up in the corner. A notebook and pen to my left, a folder to my right. I close my eyes and lean my head back. I hear distant conversations, about my case. Why do they care so much? It was years ago. Gabe and I have been getting questioned all week. We're fine. Yeah, I still have panic attacks, but that's normal with PTSD. Nothing that they can do to help, I mean, that kind of stuff is permanent. They're never gonna find my dad before Gabe and I. We've been doing this for a while. We know how to find him, they don't. The door unlocks causing me to open my eyes and sit back up.

"Elizabeth?" The voice sounds familiar. I look over and my eyes widen.

"Hotch!?!" My voice lights up. I get up and we exchange a hug.

"You ready for a brief interrogation?"

"I guess."

"Don't worry, I'm very aware of your state. And what happened to you."

"I remember. Gabe and I begged you not to tell so we didn't get hurt for it. You held up an argument, but we explained and you kept it a secret."

"I should've arrested him the second that I figured it out." He sighs.

"It's fine Hotch."

"Okay, first question. The first time, how long were you in the freezer?"

"5 minutes."

"Did Gabe pull you out, or your father?"

"Father, the first time it wasn't bad."

"How long did it take before Gabe was saving you?"

"A week, maybe. More like 3 days."

"How long would you have been in there if Gabe hadn't gotten you?"

"The rest of the night." Hotch's face drops and his hand takes mine over the table.

"Who was put in the freezer first?"

"There were two. Gabe's was locked first though. I had the chance to run Hotch, but I didn't. I could've saved myself. I just layed there and did nothing. I could've ran." Tears start down my face.

"Elizabeth do you need a break?" I nod and he walks me out. I sit down in a chair in the main lobby. I curl up like I normally do and press my face into my knees. After a few minutes, I'm visited by a familiar face.

"D-Derek Morgan?" I stutter.

"Hey babygirl. You okay?" I nod. He sits beside me and pulls me over. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Who was in the box during my questioning?"

"Me, Reid, and JJ."

"Can you go find JJ?"

"Garcia's here too, want me to get her?" I smile and nod
"Get your stuff ready." Jacob sighs.

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