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A/N: This chapter has underaged drinking... It's just butterbeer but still, James and Regulus are technically underaged (being 17 and 16). I thought I should mention that, just in case :)

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The Potters' New Years Eve party was to begin at 8. Euphemia and Fleamont spent a lot of the day getting ready to host a whole bunch of people, as well as going out to buy some things. James and Regulus spent the last day of 1976 doing what they normally did – playing Quidditch, playing chess, and debating about stuff. Regulus even got James to read a chapter of a book, which was a serious accomplishment. James could never sit still but, when persuaded enough by Regulus, he did. 

Never again, though. He despised sitting still, regardless of how happy Regulus was that he was reading.

It was one of Regulus' favorite books, too. A Muggle one. Pride and Prejudice.

Then, like always, they started arguing. This time, it was about whether or not it's worth the time to read a book. And somehow that lead to them debating over how long a typical book takes to write. And that lead to a conversation over whether or not authors were fucked in the head because of their ability to be able to create a completely different universe and then write it down on paper. Both of them said yes. There! Another thing they agreed on!

So far, they agreed that Leo was the best constellation, and that authors were fucked in the head. Interesting.

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Usually, James loved parties. He was the life of every Quidditch win afterparty or anything at school, really. But he hated this one. All he'd really done was stand around and greet old people he hardly knew. By 8:30, he'd already lost count of how many people told him, "You've grown so much!" or "The last time I saw you, you were just a baby!" He just had to stand there and nod awkwardly, waiting for the first chance he could get to sneak away with Regulus.

That chance finally came, at around 9pm, an hour after the party began. James and Regulus slipped away from everyone, and snuck up the stairs and to James' room. Somehow, James had managed to sneak two bottles of butterbeer from downstairs, and decided it was time for him and Regulus to have their own celebration.

The hours passed by, as Regulus and James drank and talked and laughed. Regulus told James about his closest friends from Slytherin, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr., and in return, James told Regulus stories about the Marauders and their many hilarious pranks. James had never seen Regulus smile as much or heard him laugh as much as he did that night, not in his entire time knowing the Slytherin. But, James decided, he liked seeing Regulus like this. Regulus deserved to be happy, just as much as anyone, especially after what he'd gone through on Christmas. And, not to mention... he looked pretty when he smiled.

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"... So, Flitwick gave Evan detention for that, of course. And that's when Barty shoved the whole bloody desk down, and he got detention too!" Regulus exclaimed, his smile wide, and James laughed. "God, when I tell you those two would murder–"

"Shh! Shut up! It's 11:55!" James interrupted him, glancing at the clock on his wall. He swung the empty butterbeer bottle between his fingers. He was a little tipsy from the drink, and he could tell Regulus was too. The Slytherin was being a bit jittery. "Merlin, 1976 ends in five minutes."

"I'm kind of... nervous for 1977," Regulus muttered. "You know, with this whole war starting and all..." He glanced down at his arm, the black tattoo clear as day on his pale skin. "I can't help but think something bad is going to happen."

"Hey," James spoke softly, reaching to rest his hand over Regulus'. Regulus smiled. "You'll be okay, alright? That's why you're here. You're safe. Don't worry. And if anything happens, write to me. And... don't be afraid of my parents. Now that you're here, they'll love you like one of their own. It happens with all my friends. They'll never judge you, I swear. They offer a kind smile over a mean word every time."

"Just like you," Regulus replied, moving his hand so their fingers intertwined. James smiled back uncontrollably.

"Try not to think about the war right now, okay, Starboy?" James said, his voice just above a whisper. "I want to end my 1976 on a happy note."

"Okay," Regulus whispered back, a small smile still etched on his lips.

There was only about 3 minutes left until midnight now, until 1977. James stood from his bedroom floor, pulling Regulus up with him. Going on the small bit of roof right outside James' window had been a tradition for the Marauders since they had become friends. That's where they would set off fireworks from their wands and scream into the dark nothingness of midnight. But, James decided, he could take Regulus out here too. Traditions change sometimes. He supposed this was one of them.

James opened the window, and they stepped through, being careful not to fall off the slightly slanted roof. The only light up here was coming from the moon. The winter air nipped at James' skin, cold as stone. The only part of his body that stayed warm was his hand, which still held Regulus' tight.

Regulus' eyes rose to the sky, and on display were countless beautiful, shimmering stars. Regulus looked at them like they were the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on... the same way James seemed to be looking at Regulus now. And then, Regulus' eyes returned from the heavens and found James', locking with them. James could've drowned in those eyes... no, actually, he was drowning in them. The chill of the winter sky seemed to vanish, and he was embraced by the sea foam. He was suffocating, losing himself in those eyes, and oh... those eyes... Those eyes as grey as thunderclouds, and as bright as all the stars in the sky. Those eyes prettier than the cosmos, and deeper than the Pacific Ocean, pulling him in... in... and under...


They pulled him in like the cold, cruel undertow of the sea, showing him no mercy and no sign of release. The echoes of guests from inside the house counting down from 10 seemed to come from a million miles away. James felt as if he were stuck underwater, only hearing the muffled sounds of everyone else, forgetting the world as he slipped away silently.


He couldn't get enough... those beautiful eyes pulled him in deeper... deeper... closer... All the air left his lungs and he felt helpless.


The clock struck 12, and the new year began. James was unsure if which one of them moved in first, but it didn't matter. He found his lips against Regulus', and there was nowhere else he'd rather be but here, falling away from the world and being pulled under by the waves.


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A/N: GUYS IT HAPPENED THEY FINALLY KISSED!!! And I know I don't leave many author's notes at the end of these chapters, but this is a special scenario. :)

Also, I've posted chapters 1-3 of this on AO3. My account is @r3gg13s_l0ck3t if you want to find me there! xx

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