Take 18 - The Many Friends of Nina C. Moen

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As soon as we were seated in the car, James began to apologize. To be honest, I had completely forgotten that I still had the ear device that connected to everyone. It was probably just as well, seeing that I was surrounded by prisoners who would have loved to make use of me to contact their clean, law-abiding friends in the outside world.

"I did not want you to feel...alone. And before anyone comments that it isn't possible for an AI to know how that feels, it is possible. Very possible. But I'm so, so sorry I hadn't thought to eavesdrop on police channels."

"Jimmy, why would you? There's been no police after us at all."

Scarlet was correct. That was unusual, considering the mayhem we'd left behind. Somewhere there must be security camera footage available with our faces in different vehicles. And yet – James had given us devices to scramble such cameras.

"James, is there something about San Francisco that is interfering with your duties?"

"Maybe. Perhaps. I don't know, Peter. I've had no news from your mother..."

"I have!" piped Nina, who'd been sharing selfies she'd taken with some of the new Hollywood A-listers. "And I'll tell you all about her when someone takes us to a good place to eat!"

Twenty minutes later we were eating in Golden Gate Park's Park Chalet. Nina sipped her Oh Ya! lemonade, took off her black old-man shoes, and exhaled as if she'd been holding her breath since the moment she'd entered the Police Station. Which, apparently, she had.

"Peter, I may have repaid a favor to Miss Scarlet, but you definitely owe me one now. You know, I've always wanted to give voice to a Disney character. It doesn't matter whether it's human or animal. Just...no outer space jellyfish. Or frogmen."

"Please. My parents – what have you heard?" I'd waited long enough since she'd demanded lunch.

"She called you last night, but of course you were in the 'big house' and couldn't answer." She popped a blueberry lemon ricotta beignet in her mouth, which left exactly two in the bowl. I was still working on the lobster mac and cheese. "So, she called me, of course. Scarlet hadn't called me yet, so I didn't know where you were. She said to tell you she's fine; that her Ferrari is getting new tires and a little TLC, and your father is recovering from having a nasty kidney stone removed."

James overheard that and reminded me of my request. "Which hospital?" I asked.

"She mentioned it briefly...something British sounding...oh, yes! The Royal Hospital in Bucharest."

"Bucharest, Romania?" said Derek. "Peter, what is your father doing, so close to Ukraine? Yeah, Romania's safe...for now."

"Location noted. I'll make arrangements for the flowers. Peter? I would like to talk with you privately sometime soon, please." That was the first time James had ever said 'please,' so of course I answered, "Yes. Is tonight soon enough – provided we don't have an earthquake or another emergency."

Nina ordered another Oh Ya! lemonade, and Miss Fever ordered a Zicatela Cooler. "Oh, my dear – that's the one with hot chili bitters? Well, live dangerously."

She reached into her purse, pulled out a pill case, removed two pills and swallowed them. "It has its ups and downs, but it's mostly ups! Hey, Marine," she said with a conspiratorial whisper, "How many people is Team Pete being followed by?"

"You mean Team Lance?" I asked, at the same time that Derek asked, "What do you mean being followed by?"

"Manners, Peter!" chided Nina. "I was talking to Derek, but I'll give you a quick answer. Do you see Lance Hardwood here? Did he come running to your defense when you were surreptitiously handcuffed and carted away? He's not on your team now. He's on Team Trina – which is bigger than even that scheming unstable girl realizes."

Derek stood up, and said quietly, leaning over the table, "She may be scheming, she may be unstable, but that's my little sister you're talking about!"

"There are, sir, some Hollywood types who want to take advantage of your little sister's instability, and cash in on her obvious writing talent without her seeing a dime – or even receiving credit." Nina used her swizzle stick to stir the drink; its lemon bits, strawberries, cucumber slices, mint leaves and lavender sprigs made a small colorful waterspout in the glass.

I couldn't help myself – "How do you know these things? How can you possibly know these things?"

"Friend," she said, looking me straight in the eye, "Contacts. Careful listening and observation. Putting two and two together. In Hollywood, it all comes down to making money. You can have talent out the wazoo or no talent at all – but without money to back you up, you're dead in the water. Since that first KCAL news piece on you, I've been asking around and taking notes. The question that needs answering, Pete, is who stands to make the most money?"

She ate another beignet. "Mr. Steele – may I call you Derek? – Can you tell me, now that I've tipped you off, how many people are following Team Pete?"

"Team Lance," I say under my breath, but this time I'm no longer certain.

"Three," he replied. Nina nodded approvingly.

"Glad to see there's a brain in that jarhead. Where are they?"

"There's a Mutt and Jeff pair over there who are splitting a sundae, but they haven't touched it at all. They have a definite interest in us. Their attempts to glance this way are pitiful." I recognized them instantly from the Bellagio – Micky and Manny, the Mouseketeers! I informed everyone.

"Disney is on the scene! No surprise there. Don't underestimate those two. They were probably hired by Joy, to make sure he doesn't get hurt or into trouble. I bet they got an earful for Yosemite. Who else?" Nina was grinning.

"I can't tell whether or not it's the lone Asian guy that's looking at the artwork, or the woman in the overalls with the poodle by the lake. I'm leaning towards the guy, though."

As soon as I looked in that direction and our eyes met, Tucker Chang ran like hell. 

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