The Dream

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Dauntless & Astute-Two Hours Before Opening

"Harry!" Harry Potter-Granger muffled his ears quickly as the loud voice of his close friend rang out from behind him.

"What do you want you siren?" He asked, turning around with a annoyed expression on his face.

"Nothing, just making sure you were awake." Daphne Greengrass said nonchalantly, turning around and walking out of the main room.

Harry looked at her dumbfounded.

"What the-" Harry began but was cut off by Ron walking in through the front doors.

"Hello everyone! I brought donuts and coffee! Curtsey of our favorite cafe." Ron shouted, holding two boxes of donuts in one hand and a drink carrier with four large cups of dark coffee.

"Wow thanks Ron." Harry said amazed, walking over to his best friend and grabbing the boxes off of him.

"You didn't have to buy all this." Harry said as Hermione, Daphne, Draco, Luna, and Ginny all walked in after hearing the shout.

"Oh I didn't buy it. Angelina gave it to me to bring here. For free!" Ron replied back, grabbing a glazed donut out of the box and taking a large bite.

"Oh also by the way, Angelina said her and Fred would be coming by later tonight." Ron said, looking at Hermione.

"What about George and Percy?" Ginny asked, crossing her arms in front of her.

Ron shrugged, "I've no idea, honestly."

"That's fine, thank you Ronald. Also, please swallow before you talk." Daphne said with a bit of distain in her voice.

Ron shrugged and winked at Harry, who burst into laughter.

Dauntless & Astute-Twenty Minutes Before Opening

"Alright everyone! Remember your jobs! This has to go perfect or I will personally make all your lives a living hell!" Ginny shouted, looking around at everyone, who were laughing at her 'speech'.

"Thanks Gin. Remember guys, have fun and work hard." Hermione said, standing up and looking around. She met Harry's eyes and nodded.

"We both appreciate all you guys have done for us, and this place. We will be paying off this debt to you guys forever. We wouldn't want to do this with anyone else and we love and appreciate you. Thanks." Harry finished, his cheeks flushed.

The group all said their thank you's and got ready.

"It's about time everyone." Hermione said, looking at the clock. As soon as the hand hit the number eight, she took a deep breath and walked over to the big front entrance door. Unlocking it with one hand, she grabbed the door knob tight and twisted it, opening the store to the public for the first time.

On the other side was a pair of smiling faces, her parents.

"Hello Mrs. are you open yet?" Her dad asked with a large smile.

"We are, please come in." Hermione said, standing to the side of the door to let them come in.

Following her parents were some more of their friends and family, and also some strangers.

'The fliers must have worked.' Hermione thought.

She quickly walked behind the counter after seeing a woman stand there looking up at their menu.

"Hello welcome to D&A, how could I help you?" Daphne asked, using her work experience to the limit.

Harry walked over to a customer who was looking at a aisle of books and stood next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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