The First Date

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London, England

"Hello again." She said, smiling at him.

"Hi, miss me?" Harry teased.

"Oh definitely, what else would I do with my day then stand here talking your coffee order? Tell me, will it be your normal? Or something completely original?"

"Straight to it I see, well if it bothers you so much I will just leave and return when you aren't so busy." Harry said, turning to walk away from the laughing barista.

She stuck her hand out to stop him. "Wait! Don't go!"

He turned and looked at her, laughing. The other baristas were also chuckling at their usual banter.

"My normal, please. If that's alright." Harry said.

"Finally." She said. The brunette turned and started to make a new coffee she'd wanted to make for awhile.

Harry moved and walked over to the desk with napkins and straws and grabbed a few napkins. He looked back over at her making his drink and smiled again. One of the baristas noticed and made a quick wave motion with her hand.

Harry, confused, walked over to her and leaned down to her.

"You should really ask her out you know, she talks about you a lot." She whispered to him, making sure the topic of the conversation wasn't listening.

Harry shrugged, whispering back, "I don't even know her name, plus this is her job. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable at her job."

"Believe me, go for it. Besides you've been in here almost every single day for months, I see the way her eyes light up when we hear your loud bike pull in. Or how her mood changes when you don't show up at your normal time." She finished quickly, as the one they were speaking about had finished making his coffee and was heading their way.

Harry stood quickly and matched her grin as she came over.

"Here you go." She said cheerfully, handing it over.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without this." He said, taking a long drink from it.

"I believe you would have lived." She joked. They shared a laugh.

Harry was turning to leave when a straw hit him in the chest. Looking around, he saw the barista from earlier looking at him pointedly and nodding her head to her.

Harry took a deep breath. "So, you know my name, could I know yours?" He asked quickly, staring into her chocolatey warm brown eyes.

She smirked. "Could you?"

He sighed, "May I?" Rolling his eyes at her to her amusement.

"You may, but I will tell you later. Say at, 7? At The Square?" She said quickly, her face flushed red. Harry looked at with wide eyes and stared at her for a moment.

The moment of silence weighed heavy on her and she stammered out an apology and something about it being a mistake when he grabbed her hand. She looked up at him and stared into his eyes as his face broke into a large grin and he nodded quickly.

"If we can get a spot, I would love to go there with you." Harry answered her. She let out a sigh of relief and and laughed.

"Ok." She said, looking at him.

"I'll see you there." He said, walking slowly backwards. She gave a little wave at him.

Harry turned, nodded his head at the other baristas, gave a thumbs up to the one smiling like mad behind the counter, and left out the front doors.

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