Chapter 14

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  • מוקדש ל Jennerturner's BFF x

Liams pov

It just hit me like a bus; my boyfriend is going to be a dad and I’m the father of the child. Were only young and were going to be parents, how are we going to do it, the tours, the interviews, photo shoots and the fans; Are we going to tell them about us? About the baby? If so how will they react?

I was starting to panic so I dropped the butter knife I was holding and ran straight out the front door with only my phone in my pocket and shoes on my feet, along with my sweats and hoodie.                                                                                               I ran down the street to the park opposite the Chinese takeaway store that we bought lunch from. All I needed was air and time to think, you wouldn’t think half an hour would be too much to ask for, but being famous has a down side. A group of about ten teenage girls came running and screaming up to me asking for pictures and autographs but that wasn’t the problem it was the reporter that ran behind them and asked for all the gossip they could get, and most of the time my answer was ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘no comment’. But then I snapped.

“Leave me alone I’m sick of this” I broke down and ran again but this time I didn’t know where I was headed.

About an hour later I looked around me completely lost, it was cold and starting to rain. I pulled out my phone to call someone to come pick me up but my battery was flashing low and then turned off. I started crying again. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life not even when I didn’t pass the next round of the X factor and that hurt a lot.

I turned around and started to go back the way I came but when I got half way down the road it went off in three different directions, now I really am lost. All around me was alley ways that I didn’t even want to think what has happened down them or what still lurks in the dark corners or behind the dumpsters. I pick the road that looked the least threatening but turns out that it was probably worse than the others. I went to turn around to go down another but someone grabbed my wrist making me spin around to face them.

“Your that famous guy in that famous band aren’t you?” said a guy that looked like he hasn’t had a shower in over a week with a slight beard because he hasn’t had a shower in while. I nodded scared of what he could do to me.

“You’re coming with me until your little friends pay up.”

“Don’t hurt me please, I will do anything, my unborn child needs me!”

Oh My God I just told a guy after money thank I have an unborn child…

“And what ‘unborn child’ are you talking about?”


So sorry about not uploaing but i just got a new laptop so Hopefully the chapters will get uploaded faster and longer, keep your fingers crossed.......@JennerTurner I hope your Best friend likes One Direction and BoyxBoy because this chapter is for her - love you jen :)

Please go and read Blue eyed boy by Jennerturner its also a Mpreg/Boyxboy/Nouis. xx

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