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The air was crisp as Kya inhaled. They were on their way to Kyoshi Island. Kya had never even left her village, none of them had.
A squeak was let out by the flying lemur as it jumped into Aang's hand.
"Oh so we're keeping that thing?" Kya muttered.
"Well yeah! I think Momo wants to join us!" Aang said.
"Momo?" Sokka asked, perched over the saddle, looking at Aang.
"Yeah! He looks like a Momo, doesn't he? Just like how you look like a Sokka!"
Katara chuckled, "Cant argue with that!"
Sokka shook his head.
Kya stayed quiet, only looking at the clouds beside them.
Sokka moved to her. She moved away.
"Kya." He started.
She nodded.
"A lot just happened did you wanna- maybe talk about it."
"Why would I wanna talk to you?"
Sokka shook his head, "Should've known you'd be difficult if I asked."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
The pair both huffed, crossed their arms and turned their back to each other.
Aang, who had been watching the whole interaction turned to face Katara."Why is she like that?" He whispered to her.
Katara looked back toward Kya then to Aang, "Oh she's just- um. We've all been through a lot is all." She sighed, not wanting to get into why Kya is the way she is.
Aang nodded.


"There she is." Sokka announced, "Giant, scary lady."
Appa was moving toward the statue of Kyoshi on Kyoshi island.
Once landed, the group hopped off.
"Check this out." Sokka said, heading towards the entry of a tall building near the statue. He opened the door.
"Sokka! Should you just go in there?" Katara questioned.
"Eh." Kya shrugged, "If he wants to get himself killed I'm not opposed."
Just after she spoke, her hands were pulled behind her. "Hey what the hell?"
"Aang!" Katara shouted, she was captured too.
Aang began to air bend his way through the small army.
"Sokka!" Katara gasped.
"What's going on?" He said as he left the building.
A warrior flipped him into his back, "You are trespassing on sacred ground." She said as she pulled him back up.
"Stop! You're making a mistake. He's the Avatar!" Katara plead.
"Ridiculous. There would've been signs if he was the avatar."
A mystical whirring sounded behind them, accompanied by strong rays of light.
Everyone looked to it, the statue of Kyoshi's eyes were glowing.
"That enough of a sign?" Kya mumbled as she was let go of.
"Come with me." The leader said.
She took the four into the village. It was unlike the Wolf's cove. There were fresh trees, green grass, a smell of plants and warmth. Kya felt peaceful there
The group was ushered into a small room. The female warriors, wearing the same makeup as Avatar Kyoshi were spread across the room.
"It's been a long time since we've had visitors, and for good reason." The woman, who Kya assumed was their leader stated. "For a hundred years, Kyoshi island has remained safe from the ravages of war, by keeping to ourselves. We expect the outside world to do the same."
"We're not here to cause any trouble." Aang replied, "all I want is to learn more about Avatar Kyoshi. Isn't that what this place is about? Keeping her memory alive?"
"We're not a threat." Katara stated.
"Maybe not. But the next visitors might be. We can't start making exceptions."
"We're not just any visitors, he's the Avatar!" Katara plead.
"According to you and a few reflections off a statue."
"I know you're scared. I don't know what life has been like here. To be honest, I don't know what life has been like anywhere. I've been away for a while. But where I'm from, people help each other. I know I don't belong here. That's something I've been feeling a lot lately. But if you can help me, if I can learn to be the Avatar maybe I could bring the place I knew, a world where people were happier, back."
The warrior who had toppled Sokka over earlier crouched down to her leader and whispered to her.
The group exchanged glances, they couldn't hear the interaction, so they waited.
The warrior stood up, and exchanged a look with Sokka, softly smiling. Kya noticed this and furrowed her brows.
"I'm reminded that Kyoshi herself often benefited from the kindness of strangers. And as the Avatar, she believed in helping those who could not help themselves. So we will open our village to our guests... For 48 hours. I trust that you will respect the limits of our generosity."
They nodded.

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