"We have to find him, Appa. Let's go." You bend air to lift you up on top of Appa. "Yip yip!" The bison flap his tail as you began to search for Aang.

Appa let out a moan when he heard a familiar whistle and it's coming from a village. "What is it, boy? Did you find Aang?"

Then a familiar bald headed boy looking for his sister and Appa. Relief wash over your body like water as yousmile with joy when you saw Aang while Appa bellows seeing his friend. "Y/N? Appa?!" Hearing your brother's voice gives you happiness as you two finally reunite again.

You came down to hug Aang tightly. Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes. "I'm glad you're okay, Aang. I thought I lost you." Your voice was trembling, the stormy night and Aang drown flashed in your eyes. Appa grunts softly as he nudge his head gesturing of a group hug. "Sky bison." Aang smiled pointing at Appa.

You saw a boy, a girl and an old lady looking at you in shock. "Another airbender?" The woman said gaping her mouth while the two siblings seems to be acting the same.

"You say you two went down in the storm?" The tall boy said. You and Aang sat next to each other innocently while answering there question. "It came upon us suddenly. The weather went crazy just after I left home. The Southern Air Temple. Where the Air Nomads live." You saw their confuse look like they haven't heard the place before. "Well, not all the Air Nomads, but most of them had just arrived for the Great Comet Festival."

"The Great Comet Festival," the old woman repeated as she stood up. "Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them." You look at Aang who's head hung low. You grab his small hand and give it a squeeze.

"But when the world needed him most, he vanished. And so the Fire Nation marched and laid waste, plunging us into a time of darkness. Everyone in the village knows this story, but you two don't, do you?"

"We didn't know how long we've been on the ice." You explain. "Just as you two don't know that Airbenders haven't been seen in generations, and that the Southern Air Temple was the first to fall, because you've been trapped in that ice a long time ago."

You breath hitched, eyebrows furrowed. All this time you thought you were inside the eyes for days and the old woman just told that you and Aang stayed there for centuries.

You sat back down, you felt dizzy and confused. If the Fire Nation attacked your home. Are they really gone? You saw Aang running away with guilt and anger on his face as you followed suit. "Those two were the last Airbenders." Gran Gran while looking at the door.

You saw Aang on top of the hut roof. You jump and sat next to him. "I know you're preassured, Aang. I am, too. Both of us just opened our eyes and we didn't know centuries has been passed."

He looks at me sadly. "I didn't know this burden would be bigger than I thought. I'm scared, Y/N." You sigh wrapping an arm around him. "I'm here for you, Aang, always. This may be big but I'll be here for you. So you don't have to carry all of this on your own." Aang's eyes blur as tears falling down from his eyes engulfing you in a hug. "We're in this. Together."

"Are you two, okay?" You look down to see the girl from earlier. "A hundred years. All our friends, everyone we know... They're all gone."

"Um, I'm sorry. Believe me, I know how hard it is to lose the people you love." The girl said with sincerity in her voice. Wind started whistling as you and Aand headed to the ground.

"When I was little, I didn't really understand the war. Until the night the firebenders came." She said recalling the memories of that night with a frowning face. "They destroyed everything in their path. Everything. Everyone. Afterwards, our father set out with the other warriors to hunt down the Firebenders. That was three years ago, and we haven't seen him since."

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