Chapter 3: We have names...

Start from the beginning

Charlie: "•dear god•"

Blake: "•yeah it's not that-"

Charlie: "•no, shit we have to leave•"

Nick: "•and he's sorry he cut you off we'll talk tonight• Colette get in my car and everything will be okay"

I walk to the garage but i pause by the door and hear papa-

Charlie: "•Mimi will be here soon to make sure you guys get in the bus, please don't destroy the house okay? Love you guys•"

Blake&Eli: "•Love you too•"

Dad comes behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Nick: "it'll be okay, we can handle it"

I take a deep breath and walk to the car.

(At the school)

Charlie's pov:

We park the car and i look at nick, he is fuming. I genuinely think he might kill someone...

I turn alone to see colette fiddling with her fingers.

Charlie: "honey, everything will be okay"

she nods and smiles, starting to get out of the car. I pat nicks thigh and he gets out the car.

Nick: "let me know who this guy is"

Colette: "dad it's okay. it's not that deep"

Nick: "darling, it is 'that deep' no one can touch you without consent especially multiple times!"

Charlie: "nick calm down. i can handle this if you need to wait in the car"

Nick: "i'm not a child!"

Charlie: "then act like it"

i hear Colette giggle and i grab nicks hand and let her lead the way into school.

As we get close to the entrance, we hear some comments...

Girl??: "ew didn't know your family was full of f@gs"

Guy??: "ooo she brought her daddies in to protect her! I'm quivering!"

Nick leans into colette's ear and whispers something, after a second she looks at the group and-

Colette: "at least the f@gs are cuter than your, small tits!"

I was astonished. I really didn't know what to say...

(in the office)

Secretary: "Well we can get you back there in a bit, he's in a meeting right now"

Charlie: "alright thank you"

(in the principals office)

Principal: "oh nelsons! what can i do for you?"

he says with a handshake.

Charlie: "Well colette came home very distressed and we thought it would be more appropriate to handle as adults."

Principal: "may i ask what happened?"

nick: "yeah my daughter came home fearing her life because a group of boys @ssualted her!!"

Nick was raising his voice and i this is not how i wanted this to be. I grab his thigh to try and calm him down.

principal: "so what do you want me to do about it? suspend them? are you going to press charges?"

Charlie: "well that's why we came here, to decide if we should or is there would be punishments from the school."

Principal: "well i can't do anything unless i have names so, not sure what you want us to do"

Nick: "if we get names, will you suspend them and make sure any extra curriculums will be removed from there schedule?"

Principal: "well i don't know about that...i don't wanna ruin their athletic careers ..."

Nick: "Yeah well these boys ruined my daughter's mental health so i expect it to happen."

The principal gives a nick an annoyed look so i step in-

Charlie: "i think what my husband is trying to say is that, these boys need to be punished in a thorough manner, to make sure nothing like this ever happens again."

Principal: "yeah, get me names and i'll call you guys with the parents back in. how does that sound?"

Charlie: "amazing thank you!"

We walk out to see colette sitting in a chair outside and i kneel down to her ear-

Charlie: "do you know who the boys were?"

she nods her head and i turn around and knock on the principals door.

principal: "Yes?"

I open the door so i'm facing him.

Charlie: "we have names"

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