Chapter 17: Good Intentions

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There was commotion in the entrance corridor after I was let in by one of the guards posted in front of the main door. Standing there with the dead owl in my hand, waiting to see if anyone noticed me, but they all had been too busy questioning and surrounding Maylyn, who held her head down. I could barely see what she was doing and stood on the tips of my toes, only to glimpse bits and parts of her. Lightly tossing the carcass on top of a table adorned with a vase full of flowers, slightly staining the surface with blood, I weened myself through pushing past the annoying bodies and ignoring their protests and curses. Finally, I stood before her, but she didn't react. She was reading a document, but by the looks of things, it wasn't news she seemed to like, for her eyebrows knitted together, and those eyes were a blazed like molten lava. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her softly, barely lowering my head so we were eye to eye. Even though we were twins, I was a bit taller than her once we matured into fully grown adults.

"Maylyn, what's the matter?"

She looked up at me as if this was the very first time she'd ever seen my face, and I almost faltered back in surprise. I've never seen my sister so bothered or upset before. Glancing down to her hands, I wondered what was written on that document that made her react this way. I met her eyes, and the life began to pull itself back in, making her dark orbs swirl with emotions. She looked around and squeezed one of my arms hard before whispering.

"We need to talk. Now. In private. Follow me."

I chewed at the inside of my mouth nervously and nodded, knowing whatever it was, it was serious.

"All of you head back to your positions and refrain from any further distractions!" Maylyn shouted firmly.

Those around instantly shut their mouths and scampered away without biting back, and I could feel goosebumps envelop my skin as her scent of fear wafted through my nostrils. Turning on her heels without another word, we walked in silence hastily until we were in the safety of her room with no one around. She sat me down on a chair near the fireplace and then pushed another so it was across from me. Taking a seat, she shook the document that had become wrinkled and crinkled from earlier in my direction. I grabbed it, my heart racing and my nerves a wreck from the wait.

"What?" I asked, shocked, looking up at her, and she beamed with delight but also worry and fear.

"Yes! They've finally answered after all these years!"

"But why...they didn't even say anything regarding why they made us wait."

Mylyn leaned in closer and took the document out of my hand, repeatedly pointing at the words.

"It says, 'We will agree to a meeting with the Vampire Kingdom royal lineage. A messenger will arrive soon.'"

"It's all too weird. They left us in the dark for eight years, and now, all of a sudden, they want to have a meeting with no excuse or apology?"

"Nadalia...stop being so negative. Let's take this as a good thing, and when the time comes, we can get our answers."

"Fine, but I don't trust them. They are up to something. This reminds me of that currency change you and Demetri discussed; I don't like it, either! Why are we doing all this? What's it for?"

"It was the Elven Kingdom's suggestion for Demetri's kingdom to convert to that type of currency, and he suggested we do the same if we wanted to show we were serious about allying with them. By doing this, it's gained their attention, and that must be the reason why they've agreed to meet with us. Think about it, sister. The people need what they can offer us. We've been in the dark for too long, and the damage is done. You can't ignore that fact."

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