Chapter 16: False Hope

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I don't think I made it more than a handful of steps inside my old room before Maylyn came running after me. She stopped and gasped at the scene. The assassin still lay on the bed, half wrapped in cloth by a few guards. The room had cleared out mostly since coming here earlier, but it still felt claustrophobic. Signs of fresh blood were no more. However, the stains made themselves a permanent home in the floorboards. The carpet had long been removed since that whole mess with Kaiden happened.

When I came in the previous night to rest, I took notice of the measurements carved in them and realized Maylyn was having the wood redone. And if my speculations were correct, the plan would be to take up the carpet and leave the wood be. Since the wood underneath was so well kept even after the paints had damaged the carpet. But, now that the blood is soaked through, leaving stains, the process of my room being fixed and ready to be used will take much longer. But then again, what does it matter that it'll take longer? This room DID feel safe until this afternoon.

I clenched the earrings in my pocket. It was time to stop running and face the culprit. This person knew where I was no matter where I went. Even if I were to go to another kingdom, word would get out, and that person would find me eventually.

Maylyn went around speaking to everyone left in the room. She commanded that more guards be posted, and I watched the guard from earlier with ash brown hair and eyes nod, then bow without hesitation, leaving to report to their commander. I felt like a tiny ant in the corner, watching everything pan out. I didn't know where to go or what to do next. The people I suspected thus far have proven innocent.

I needed some fresh air, and I hated having these earrings anywhere on my body. Walking along the wall, trying to stay out of everyone's way as I aimed for the closet and grabbed a thick coat, folding it over one arm, then stepped past everyone unnoticed as they were too busy dealing with the chaos in front of them. I was glad they were distracted because I didn't want to answer any questions right now; I just wanted to be alone. Before all this, I had thought I was unrestrained and that my private quarters were my sanctuary where I could escape and think and be myself, but, I can't stop feeling like someone's watching me constantly. I have no solitude. And I couldn't stop thinking about those golden eyes, which left me feeling vulnerable. It was as if they were lurking around every corner.

It had gotten dark outside when I made my escape. There was no moon, and the stars seemed more distant than usual. A feeling of relief wrapped itself around my body. Something I've wanted all week to have. It was so damned annoying because I know this feeling won't last forever. I hated feeling like prey being stalked by its hunter.

I took a detour around where fewer guards were posted and where it was usually easier to get through. At least, I thought that was so, but I had forgotten that Maylyn strengthened the watch around us after the assassination attempt on her life a day ago and mine today.

It was weird that all of a sudden, I was being targeted. Typically, they only went after Maylyn. Yet, a lot has happened in the last week. And what set it off was when Kaiden was found murdered. Then there was the fact I haven't had an illness attack in years, and people tend to talk.

The Guards had spread thick, and I tried to wean across without being suspected. However, I did not get far and ended up getting caught. But once they had realized who I was, they let me pass. I could see them using hand motions and creating noises with their mouths that echoed throughout the forest, informing the others.

Before heading deep within the outskirts of the forest, I asked them not to say anything to my sister and to let me go alone unbothered. That didn't seem to sit well with any of them, so they said that they would follow close by, but not enough to ruin my privacy. I was slightly annoyed by this, but I let it go. They were just doing their duty, and it was better this way, I told myself, since I had a stalker, and even though the mysterious person didn't attack me or threaten me, there was still a possibility. And ideally, this would be a perfect scenario to show their true colors: a young girl, aimlessly and arrogantly walking into a forest alone in the dark. It just screams murder me.

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