Chapter 156-160

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  Xiang Jingming raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "I just want to get married with the Qingyun Sect. Is it the right name for me?"

  "How about I call you brother with Immortal Qingchi? Brother-in-law? It doesn't sound like -"

  A sharp sword energy struck the side of Xiang Jingming's face. He dodged quickly, but a strand of hair was still cut off.

  Looking at the man who was irritated by him, Xiang Jingming raised his eyebrows. The strand of broken hair was floating in the air and burned by the black flames.

  He was not angry, but laughed wildly, "Brother-in-law, why are you so angry? Are you afraid that I have hurt you?"

  But after a few words, the scene became more and more tense.

  The people in Qingyun Sect don't understand the inside story, and are still thinking about whether there is a conspiracy behind the Demon Lord's sneaking into Qingyun Sect. Of course, no matter how you look at it, this matter poses a great threat to the world of cultivation.

  Without them even knowing it, there was already a demon cultivator who could disguise himself as a cultivator and successfully infiltrated among them. Even so far, they haven't noticed anything strange.

  If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that everyone in the cultivation world will be in danger from now on.

  As expected, it would be better to eradicate the demon world as soon as possible!

  But this Demon Lord is after all an old monster from a thousand years ago, with strange strength. It is unlikely that their sect alone may be able to defeat the other.

  Hundreds of years ago, they fought once in a secret territory. The demon king was unscathed, but everyone on their side was completely wiped out.

  If the Demon Lord hadn't been missing in seclusion for many years, and later relied on the large number of people in the cultivation world, as well as the continuous help from the seniors who were promoted to immortals, I am afraid that the three worlds would have been turned upside down.

  It is obvious that the two parties cannot live in harmony at all, but they have reached a strange balance due to constraints in various aspects.

  The person who broke this balance, or made the threads involved in it loose, was the Immortal Lord Qingchi who was abducted to the mountains of the Demon Realm.

  It's just that everyone is not yet fully aware of what changes the arrogant and unruly man in front of them will make for Li Yingchi.

  Gu Wenshu couldn't bear it anymore. When he raised his hand, he unsheathed his sword and let out a dragon roar, "I usually take care of Guan Yun Jianzhou, but I forgot that there is a person like you."

  "What did my brother-in-law say? It makes my brother-in-law very sad."

  At this time, even if people from both the Qingyun Sect and the Demon Realm didn't quite understand, they knew that Xiang Jingming was taking advantage of Gu Wenshu, but they just didn't know who the person Xiang Jingming was attracted to was.

  Seeing that a fierce battle was about to happen, the door behind Xiang Jingming suddenly opened.

  In the misty and watery mist, a glistening white toe that was not wearing socks was the first to poke out. Through the rain curtain, it seemed to be stained with water stains.

  Then came the slender white calves. The hem of his thin clothes swayed slightly as he walked, and the shiny skin exposed was——

  "What's going on?" Li Yingchi deliberately increased his walking movements in order to let everyone at the foot of the steps see the tattoo on his leg clearly.

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