Chapter 02 - Naruto Namikaze.

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[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]
Third Person POV


Years had passed since that fateful night when the flames and roar of the Kyuubi marked the fate of Konoha and the Namikaze family. The village, once plunged into despair and destruction, was now flourishing once again, its wounds slowly healed by time and the determination of its inhabitants, despite the bad memories.

On the peaceful outskirts of the village, away from the daily bustle, a solitary house rested under the shadow of large trees. There, a young 6-year-old boy with blond hair and bright blue eyes lived. This boy was Naruto, a boy whose life had been marked by an unusual and mysterious diagnosis: the total absence of chakra in his body. An unprecedented condition that made him unique in a world where chakra was the essence of existence and power. Now, he found refuge from the sun under one of the old oaks next to his house. He was deeply engrossed in a thick book, reading something about the geography of this world.

His fascination with knowledge led him to explore ancient and forgotten texts, where he found references to a world beyond the borders of Konoha, a world where power did not come from chakra, but from something called Haki and mysterious fruits that granted extraordinary abilities. Naruto felt an inexplicable connection with these stories, as if they were part of something bigger that he was destined to discover.

"This continent is not as big as I imagined..." the boy commented, looking at the map of the 5 nations. "There's just this continent..." He murmured, trying to find out about other lands, but there was nothing more in the book.

As Naruto was a unique existence in this world, his parents treated him like glass that could break at any moment. Due to his condition of not possessing chakra, they were always concerned and questioned everything Naruto was going to do. Despite Naruto appearing to be a healthy boy and never having a history of illness or injury, they always had some fear, as no one in this world was supposed to live without chakra in their body.

While Naruto delved into the world of books, seeking knowledge under that tree, his sisters, Mizu and Sora Namikaze, who unlike him, took after their mother, with red hair and blue eyes, trained fervently under the tutelage of Jiraya in a space a little distant from here. He was one of the three legendary Sannin and the teacher of their father, and he had placed the two sisters under his tutelage from an early age due to them being Jinchuuriki, each possessing a part of Kurama. The training field was alive with the sound of their agile movements and Jiraya's firm voice, instructing them with a mix of rigor and discipline.

Despite being only six years old, Mizu and Sora Namikaze already showed clear signs of exceptional abilities, direct inheritances from their mother, Kushina Uzumaki. Each of them, in their own way, was beginning to tread a path marked both by family legacy and their individual talents.

Mizu, the more methodical of the two, had awakened the famous adamantine chains, a distinctive ability of the Uzumaki lineage. She showed a natural gift for fuinjutsu, the art of sealing, following in Kushina's footsteps. In the training sessions, Mizu demonstrated an impressive ability to weave chakra chains, combining them with intricate hand seals. Her style was a balance between control and power, and she exhibited a patience and precision that rivaled the best fuinjutsu users in the village. Naruto liked to watch Jiraiya trying to escape Mizu's chains and falling into a trap made by small paper bombs.

On the other hand, Sora, with a more impetuous and energetic personality, chose a different path. She was drawn to kenjutsu, the art of swordsmanship, and used her chains in this form as well. Her approach to combat was more direct and aggressive, employing quick movements and powerful attacks. Jiraiya always had to escape her chains, devastating the area while the girl tried to cut him with a sword in hand, Sora had her indomitable spirit.

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