Always have, always will

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A/N: Sorry for the wait...I was tied up with work. This may be the final chapter...I hope you enjoy it and if you don't, you know it by now, sorry in advance.
Alastor was gently rubbing his wife's full term pregnant belly. Yes, Alastor the radio demon was now married; who'd have ever thought this was going to happen?
"Alastor? I'm almost due so I was thinking about names." Y/N the radio demon's wife nuzzled against his chest. The act made Alastor kissed her forehead.
"What ever name you want my dear." Alastor was love struck by her; he continued to rub her belly and kiss it every now and then.
"Okay, I was thinking...if we have a boy then Alfred. For a girl perhaps...Arridere. It's Latin for, smile. " Y/N shyly said as she joined the rubbing.
"Arridere...I like how it slides off my tongue and if it means smile then by all means it has to be a girl. After all, no one is fully dressed without a smile. Isn't that right my little Arridere." Alastor kissed Y/N's stomach only to receive a strong kick back.
"Oof...that was a bit strong."Y/N's face was in a tiny bit of distress.
"I think our little faun is a girl. She kicked when I called her name. Arridere, daddy and mommy can't wait to see you my dear." Y/N earned another strong kick, making her clench her fist a bit. "My dear? Is everything alright?" Alastor was getting concerned.
"Alastor...I feel a sudden tightness...can you help me get up?" Alastor helped her up. As soon as her plump bottom was off the bed and she was standing on her own two feet, a loud SPLASH filled the room. The newly weds looked at the floor and then back at each other.
"Y/'s either you couldn't wait to go to the bathroom or the baby is making her grand entrance, right here, right now." Alastor was shaking a tad bit.
"I think its my water. It broke. My water broke dummy! We're having this baby right now, right here." Y/N's contraction were quick to kick in. Alastor tried to make her lie down but she insisted on going to the lounge as it was close to the fridge and she wanted a glass of water. Alastor helped her to the lounge sofa. Everyone started to gather around her.
"Just keep breathin' sugar. Ya doin' great." Angel calmed her. Husker made some shaved ice for her. Charlie and Vaggie went around to help the delivery. Nifty brought some towels and a warm bucket of water. Alastor was wiping away the sweat that was pooling around Y/N.
"HERESSSSSSS MIMMMZZZZZYYYYYY! "The lobby door boomed open as a small chubby figure let herself in. Y/N screamed in pain. The chubby figure entered the lounge.
"So it's true. Al, ya really gotta gal knocked up and even married her!" The small women said in disbelief.
"Not now Mimmzy. As you can see, my wife is in labor. We'll catch up later alright?" Alastor replied to the women referred to as Mimmzy.
"So, ya'll the gal that stole the radio demon's psychotic heart eh? Yeeak, ewww, I see something dark and big peaking from her hooha." Mimmzy said grossing out Angel and Husker a bit.
"Mimmzy? What brings you here? I'm a bit busy at the moment if you haven't noticed."
Alastor's voice was full of static and irritation.
"Oh, hi Al! Yeah, some really bad people are after me again. I guess they can't get enough of me but hey, ya'll know me, I don't do none of that after service. I was wanderin' if you could be a sweetheart and take care of them bad goons for little ol' me. Those bad people will be" On queue, the goons started to roar wildly and one of them entered the lounge where everyone was gathered. The demon grinned as he took a look at the vulnerable Y/N and with a titanic clawed arm tried to take her life first.
"Wrong move." Alastor glitched, as he summoned shadows and tore the demon apart.
"Yeay Alastor! I think there were maybe like 9 more after me." Mimmzy chirped as she made herself a martini.
"I won't be long my dear. I'm not going to let anyone lay a single finger on you or our child." Alastor kissed Y/N's forehead and lips and walked out to the lobby door, but only to look back at Mimmzy."I'll deal with you later." He hissed.
Y/N gritted her teeth. Her breathing became rapid.
"Alastor...Alastor it hurts. Oh fuck! It hurts like shit!"With tear stained eyes, she called for Alastor weakly.
The radio demon on the other hand had summoned dark shadow tentacles and started ripping the demon goons to shreds.
"Big mistake! Let the radio demon teach you a lesson to never come near my loved ones! How dare you come here to my territory! This was supposed to be the best day of my life and I am missing everything! Now die! Die and stay dead for all eternity!" Alastor was going full berserk mode. Ripping every last demon goon to shreds, he darted back to his Y/N just in time to hold her for one final push.
"Alright, Y/N! This is it! Say hello to you and Alastor's beautiful baby...GIRL!" Charlie yelled out. Everyone held their breaths to hear the baby crying but she didn't make a sound.
"Oh no...she's not..." Y/N was on the verge of tears. Vaggie had the baby girl in a warm blanket towel. Everyone went silent.
"Oh! Give it here!" Mimmzy, a bit violently took the baby girl by her legs and gave it a powerful slap on it's small round bottom. The act made the radio demon glitch. He was about to attack the short show girl but was stopped from a lustrous cry. His daughter, Y/N and Alastor's precious baby girl began to cry loudly. It put relief and a smile on everyone's faces.
"I'm just gonna go now. Thanks a bunch Al!" Mimmzy ran away like the wind. Knowing well that messing with the radio demon would cost her her life.
"So, whacha(what are you) gonna name her?" Husker asked as he gently tickled the now giggling baby girl.
"Well..." Y/N began.
"Y/N came up with a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl earlier." Alastor grinned.
"Yeah? And? Out with it already!" Angel and Vaggie said in unison.
"Her name is Arridere." Alastor, a now proud father beemed.
"It means smile in Latin. I thought it might suit her since she is Alastor's daughter and all." Y/N cooed back at her new born daughter.
"We'll leave you two alone for a few days until you settle down Y/N." Vaggie hugged her and shoved everyone out of the lounge and back to their rooms. Alastor carried Y/N in his arms and took her and Arridere back to their room. Once they were back, Arridere started to cry. Y/N immediately breastfed her. The tiny little baby girl greedily began to suckled her mother.
"She's beautiful."Y/N breathed
"No, she's perfect my dear. She's our innocent faun." Alastor replied; putting an arm around his family.

〜Time skip 5 years〜
"Arriedere! Get back here right now young lady!" Y/N yelled out. She tried her best to run but could only waddle to try and catch her energetic 5 year old daughter. Y/N was currently 7months pregnant with what an odd looking hellborn doctor said were twin boys. Alastor absolutely adored Arridere. Knowing Y/N was chasing their daughter was because the innocent faun was running around the hotel butt naked. Angel was encouraging her, Husker was just smiling not in a weird perverted way but like a protective guardian. Charlie and Vaggie were in each other's arms and what a big surprise, they were also 4 months pregnant with each other's babies. Let's just say it was a demonic and angelic miracle that both Charlie Vaggie got pregnant with each other's child. Nifty was just giggling at the sight.
"Alright my dear, enough causing chaos to your mama. It's not very lady-like and my dear, you should know better your mama is carrying your little brothers. You have to help mama not cause mischief." Alastor picked up the plump chubby fussy little girl in his arms and gave her a small peck on her forehead.
"Papa! Yeaay! I wuv papa! Mama is big and slow so shez no fun to pway weej." Arridere pouted. Y/N was out of breath. "Nah, ah Arridere. Mama loves you. Now say you're sorry to mama or papa will never talk or play with you again. Do you want that to happen?" Alastor threatened the terrified little girl a tad bit. The squirming little girl looked at Y/N and Alastor with sad round eyes.
"I'm sowy mama...I'm sowy baby brasaers(brothers) I diddi(didn't)mean da words...I wuv you mama! I wuv you papa! I'm sowy...pwese don(don't) haay me(hate me). " Arridere started crying loudly.
"Awe, honey, daddy and mommy love's you so much. Do you know why? Because we know you are a good girl. You said you were sorry right? You love your baby brothers right? Well guess what, your baby brothers are saying that's okay big sister Arridere, we love you too. Do you want to check?"Y/N let Arriedere touch her stomach. The twins were energetic and kicked and tossed about in her womb.
"Right, now my child, are you going to be a good girl and wear your nightgown now?" Alastor stuck out his hands to receive his daughter's pajamas from his wife.
Arridere giggled when her father tickled her a bit.
"Smile's sure has changed for the better eh?" Angel said in awe.
"Ya can say that again, loser." Husker replied.
"Arridere, my dear, can you say your good nights to your auties and uncles?" Alastor was such a good father. It was hard to imagen he had a difficult childhood.
"Goo naiy ugle Agel! (Good night uncle Angel) Goo naiy ugle haaasshhh(good night uncle Husk) Goo naiy auuty baggy(Good night auntie Vaggie) Good naiy auuty chaawy(Good night auntie Charlie) Good naiy auuty nifiyy(Good night auntie Nifty)"
The little girl still had to work on her pronounciations but everyone understood.
"Good night sweet Arridere" everyone said together. Little Arridere yawned and snuggled against her father. Y/N and Alastor carefully lay her in her tiny bed and kissed her good night.
"My dear, you are glowing." Alastor stated as he escorted his wife to their bedroom. Once he helped her on to the bed, he carefully lifted her shirt, revealing a round stomach.
"I'm the size of a house now. I still can't believe I'm carrying twins." Y/N sighed happily as she began to calmly pat her growing belly.
"You have made me the happiest man. My dear." Alastor placed his head on top of Y/N's stomach, feeling the twins kick around.
"You've made me the happiest being as well too Alastor." Y/N stroked her husband's hair.
"Our children...our marriage." Alastor said under his breath. Y/N chuckled. The twins tossed and turned and kicked, making Alastor pretend to fly away from the adorable impact.
"Alastor, When our twins are born and Charlie and Vaggie's children are born, do you think we could all go out for a small picnic or something?" Y/N asked as she began to pull her shirt down and get ready for bed. Alastor pulled her in for a kiss and smiled lovingly at his wife.
"That sounds like fun Y/N. I suggest you share your idea to the girls tomorrow." Alastor kissed Y/N once more.
"Alastor, I love you...///" Y/N said as she let herself get flustered. Alastor stroked her stomach and removed a strand of hair from her face.
"I love you too my dear. Always have, always will. Good night Y/N." Letting sleep take them. Alastor pulled the blanket over themselves. Kissing his wife loving on the forehead again before he too closed his eyes.

A/N: This chapter was long've probably guessed by now... it's the last chapter. Y/N is pregnant again with twins and Charlie and Vaggie are also preq with a bit of demonic and angelic miracle. By some demonic miracle Husker and Angel could get pregnant too but that's a story for a different time. I hope you all enjoyed this book(?) Until we meet again in a perhaps a different series. Who knows.
Thank you for reading.

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