An addition to the party pt.2

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A/N: Hi...umm...please don't kill me...I know it's fast but bear with me, it's a fanfic and well, some people might like it some won't... So without any further delay, I hope you enjoy it and if you don't...sorry in advance.
Y/N didn't know how to tell Alastor the news . They were together for a little over a year now and the unpredictable happened. How was she supposed to tell the radio demon she was currently carrying his seed in her belly?
"Fuck..." Y/N sighed loudly. "This shit can't be happening. This must be a nightmare or something...I mean I am happy to carry his child but what and how am I supposed to tell him?"
A knock on the door jolted Y/N back to reality.
"Y/N? You in there? Nifty made some cookies. Do you want some?" Angel asked. Almost instantly Y/N came out of the room; deciding that she would deal with the radio demon later.
"Always ready for cookies. Say, Angel you wouldn't know if Nifty made any sour cookies do you?" Y/N accidentally blurted out.
"Sheesh, Y/N what's with the choice of cookie flavor?" Angel questioned.
"When I was alive, my... umm... friend's mom used to make sour cookies, and I just really liked it." The sudden excuse slipped from her lips making her feel safe. Angel just shrugged at her come back. They went to the lobby where Charlie and Vaggie were already eating the freshly baked cookies, and Husker was in his usual post drinking booze.
"I brought Y/N. Hey, Nif, are there any sour cookies? Y/N wants some. She said her friend's mom used to make it."
Nifty grinned as she brought a new batch of cookies.
"I made lemon cookies too!" Nifty vibrated.
Y/N took a bite out of the sour cookie and she melted.
"Oh, wow Nifty, this is amazing." Y/N said as she shoved a few lemon cookies in her mouth.
"She eats like a woman up the duff." Husker jabbered out. Charlie's eyes sparkled but Vaggie was quick to react.
"Oh no. Charlie! Remember what happened last time? You got carried away and she wasn't pregnant? Maybe she just remembers the taste of the cookies she had. You heard Angel say her friend's mom used to make it. Right Y/N?" Vaggie assured. Y/N nodded violently as she shoved one more lemon cookie.
"It...umm...the taste felt so nostalgic that I just couldn't stop myself." Y/N managed to escape the subject once again.
"That good eh? Let me try..." Angel took a bite and spat it out."Yeesh! What the fuck Y/N. This is sour as shit. Ya know if your friend's mom didn't make these and you didn't feel any nostalgia from eating this, I would suspect you were knocked up too ya know." Angel wiped his mouth.
"I'm back! Did everyone miss me?" Alastor came in the lobby. Y/N became a bit stiff. She just stuffed her mouth with the cookies and pretend to not be able to talk. She didn't want to say or do anything stupid in front of everyone. Especially to Alastor.
"I made cookies! You want some?" Nifty poped out of the kitchen. She took the plate of sour lemon cookies to Alastor. Y/N was in a bit of panic as Alastor bit into the cookie.
"Nifty? Did you put in the wrong ingredients? This cookie is too sour to eat. Only an expecting mother would want to eat these cookies." Alastor stated as he put the cookie back. Everyone's eyes went back to Y/N as she continued to stuff her mouth.
"Will everyone just stop pointing fingers at Y/N already? She already explained herself remember? She's not pregnant!" Vaggie clarified once more. Y/N ran to hug her. Earning everyone a confused expression. It didn't bother Y/N because she couldn't talk with all the cookies in her mouth. She didn't have to say anything stupid.
"Well then Y/N my dear, I will return to our room alright?" Alastor smiled at her and disappeared into their shared room.
"I'll be up soon." Y/N said with her mouth full. 2 more cookies later, Y/N remembered her pregnancy test results were still on the bathroom sink. She had forgotten to throw it away. Swallowing her cookie, she wished everyone a good night and darted to their room. Huffing and puffing, she entered the room, only to be one step behind.
Alastor came out of the bathroom holding the test in his hands.
"Y/N? I may be old fashioned but I do know what this contraption is. Are you really pregnant?"
Alastor was looking at the test with disbelief.
"Alastor... I'm weren't supposed to see that yet. I wasn't ready to tell you and I...I didn't know how to tell you. I wasn't sure how you'd react." Y/N looked down at her feet.
Alastor slowly closed in on her and embraced her in a tight hug but not too tight as to mind the life that was now growing inside her.
"I honestly never would've thought that I would be doing this; not for anyone. But I have to say, when I found you on the streets of hell, I have to admit, I was going to see if I could make a deal with you and take your soul; but after a while you..." Alastor paused for a brief moment. It made you a bit uncomfortable.
"Yes? Go on..." Y/N ushered the radio demon. He cleared his throat and continued.
"You changed something in me and even if it wasn't a romantic beginning, it formed into something bigger. I've never fallen for someone this hard before. I know this is sudden and we're not prepared for this but I can and will promise you three things. I will protect you, with absolutely everything I have. I will love you, everyday until the end of time. And lastly, will you..." Y/N shushed him with a kiss.
"One and two are quite enough. I love you too Alastor and I'm glad you're okay with having a baby." Y/N blushed.
"Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be? And my dear, it's not nice to interrupt a person when they are still explaining themselves." Alastor said as he gently removed a strand of hair from her face and then he did the unpredictable. No one in all of hell would ever imagine the radio demon would ever fall in love nor would he get down on one knee and kiss a woman's hand. "Y/N?" Alastor began.
"Oh shit...///" Y/N blurted as she covered her mouth in disbelief and embarrassment.
"Y/N, my dear, you've made me the happiest man in hell. You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life.Will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife? I know this is sudden but I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I want to protect you and our child with my life. Not one demon or angel will lay a finger on our creation." Alastor summoned a red velvet box and opened it; revealing a blood red ring, embroided on the ring were the initials of Y/N's and Alastor's and the words Forever yours.

A/N: Part 8 is complete. I hope everyone liked it. I know things are going fast and I know Alastor isn't the type to love...or is he? Anyhoot, yes, Y/N is pregnant with the radio demon's child. The two will be husband and wife. I'm thinking about writing the pregnancy chapters by trimester so...maybe 3chapters long I guess to finally see the spawn of Alastor. The first trimester will most likely be short.
Thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter.

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