My name is...

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We left off on a cliffhanger but here we go.
Also, I may not be able to post stories so frequently due to my working schedule. Sorry in advance. Now let's being shall we☆
"Ah! Sorry! Ah! Sorry! Sorry!"(Y/N) blurted, and caught the radio just in time before it hit the floor.
"I didn't mean to alarm you my dear. My, my, what impeccable reflex you got there. "
"Thanks and sorry for messing around. Umm, where exactly am I Mr..."
"My goodness, where are my manners? My name is Alastor, the radio demon. Perhaps you may have heard my dear? No? Hmm...Oh well. My dear, could you tell me your name?"
"(Y/N). Umm...Human? I guess? Wait did you say Radio demon? Wait what? Where am I?"
(Y/N) was in a state of panic. Alastor hissed in excitement. This was entertaining for him.
"You my dear are in my hotel room at the Hazbin Hotel, in Hell. " Alastor's smile widened with entertainment.
"Hell? Wait! Hotel room!? Did we? Oh my god...I hope I don't get pregnant. I'm not going to get pregnant am I? Oh, god what am I going to do? I mean I want a baby and all but I don't even know you and oh my...fuck me! Do you know me? You're not those thugs that were trying to kill me are you? Did you already get me pregnant!? Shit...I'm going to have a baby with a total stranger. Fuck this Isn't happening is it?" All the while, (Y/N) was ranting, Alastor couldn't help but find(Y/N) interesting.
"You my dear are an interesting being. To answer your question, you are not pregnant with my seed. I am not a thug that is after your life. I found you lying in the streets of Hell, so I decided to bring you back here. After all, Hell is a dangerous place for a newcomer such as yourself my dear (Y/N). And may I just say (Y/N) is a beautiful name."
(Y/N) blushed at Alastor. She couldn't help but feel like she was falling for him.
"Thank you...///" She blushed.
"Come my dear, let me introduce you to the members of the Hazbin Hotel."
A/N: second part up to date. Don't know when part 3 will come up and how long this book/ fanfic will be but I hope you enjoy it.

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