Venison and Jambalaya

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A/N: work is draining me and so if you feel like this chapter isn't good...sorry in advance there will be a time skip. I hope you like it.
Entertaining her second trimester, Y/N was now 5months. Her stomach was round and plump. Everyone was excited and couldn't keep their hands to themselves. When Alastor and Y/N were alone, the radio demon would snuggle up to Y/N and rub her rounded stomach and try to feel the fetus. It had started to move a little bit in her. Alastor loved everything about her growing body. He really couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"Alastor? I'm hungry...I feel like I want to eat something really spicy." Y/N said out of the blue as she was receiving sweet showers of kisses on her belly. Alastor's eyes shot open and his grin became wide.
"My dear have you ever had spicy venison and jambalaya? It's divine." Alastor took her hands in his and took her to the kitchen.
He opened the fridge and took out a few items.
"I've never had jambalaya or venison before. Was it your favorite dish when you were... well umm...on Earth?" Y/N asked as Alastor's cooking smelt delicious and mouthwatering.
"Yes, this was my mother's recipe. She would sometimes use venison instead of beef. It's much more satisfying in my opinion." Alastor hummed as he continued to cook.
"Alastor, you look...///nothing, forget it. I...I forgot what I was going to say." Y/N quickly turned away too embarrassment to say she was feeling horny looking at him cooking. Alastor however, knew what she was going to say. He too felt a certain tightness in his trousers. How could he not? She was glowing. Every time she called his name or every sigh she made, every time she fluttered her eyes, every movement she made made her look so radiant. If pregnancy made her look this beautiful, he wanted her to be pregnant forever; but that would mean he wouldn't be able to see their child. He would have to keep getting her pregnant.
"Ready my dear. Let's dig in shall we?" Alastor served the venison jambalaya.
"Mmm...Alastor, this smells wonderful♡ Oh...shit, this tastes even better! I've never had something this delicious before!" Y/N announced as she continued to happily chow down her food.
"Wonderful! I'm glad this recipe is to your liking. And my dear, after we finish our meal let me bend you over later in our room." Alastor snickered as he took a spoonful of venison jambalaya from his plate. "Mmm! Perfect if I can say so myself."
Seeing Y/N's face completely flushed red he chuckled. Suddenly, Y/N gasped.
"Alastor! The kicked ♡" Y/N quickly took his hands in hers and placed it on top of her belly. After a few awkward seconds later, sure enough, the couple felt their little one move.
"That was a strong kick. Are you alright my dear?" The radio demon asked in concern. But he only saw the joy in her face. She was glowing brighter and he had to have her. Without a word, he put the food away and left a DO NOT TOUCH notice on it and scooped Y/N off her feet and took her to their room.
"Alastor? W...what are you..." Y/N's words were cut off from an aggressive kiss from him.
"Shh, bend over my dear." Y/N shivered as his normal voice was now low and inviting. She did as she was told; she went to the bed and bent over. Alastor licked his lips as he began to kiss her naked body.
"Alastor♡ I feel lonely here." Y/N turned over and began to gently rub her stomach.
"Greedy girl. You already have my seed. Is it not enough?" The radio demon grinned as he touched her wet insides. Carefully not hurting the baby, he slowly entered her. They started off slowly but Y/N was just a moaning mess and began to seduce him with her eyes. With each thrust he made, Y/N would become tighter and her rounded stomach wobbled a bit.
"Alastor please ♡I...I'm cumming." Y/N moaned as she felt Alastor hardening inside her.
"Cum for me mon cher." The two squealed each others name and collapsed on the bed.
Y/N chuckled as she placed both her and his hands on her enlarged belly.
"They're kicking hard. Do you think they could feel if their mommy and daddy felt good?" Y/N blushed as she spoke. Alastor closed in on her and gave her a kiss.
"You're beautiful. Now, how about we go finish that venison and jambalaya that has our name on it." Alastor helped her dress into something more comfortable and escorted to her to the kitchen and continued their meal.
"Alastor, thank you." Y/N happily munched down.
"I love you." Alastor said, making her blush.

A/N: Umm...please don't kill me...this chapter didn't turn out as well as I hoped for and it's short...I will do better in the next chapter...I don't know when that will be though...due to my work being a bit difficult to handle at the moment. Sorry...

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