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"You like me too?" I asks Aaron as we both lie naked on the bed, covers with duvet and facing up. He do not say anything and I looks at him, smiling, waiting for his answer.

"Uhm" He says and I looks up back, blushing.

"And why didn't you say anything to me when we see?"

"I was just holding back". He says and I looks at him, still smiling but he do not smile, just staring up. "I didn't know you like me too. I just felt kissing you and I did even though I didn't know how you would take it".

I smiles when he say that and I look up back.

"I was actually rehearsing words I would tell you".


"That I like you". I says and pauses before I turn to him again. He don't really look much happy, am expecting him to smile but he do not.

"You are good Aaron?"

He stares surprise and looks at me. "How did you know my name?"

"Alanna told me".

"Oh. How did you know Alanna?"

"We are friends in school. Actually". I pauses and he looks at me. "I got closer to Alanna because I saw her with you on your birthday"

"My birthday? You know my birthday?"

"I see Alanna in school and we just say Hi Hi then on your birthday we got close when we met at the bakery to get cakes. She told me she got the cake for her boyfriend but I didn't know it was you. When I got home, I saw the two of you together at your balcony". I laugh at myself when I remember reason why I got close to Alanna. "I got closer to Alanna because I want to know you and she told me everything".


I smiles looking at him.

"I watch you too when you would jump in your room happily, sometimes you look at my balcony and with the way you look at me when we looked at each other, I knew you like me".

"Really?" I asks laughing.


We become silent for a while before I break the silence. "So, what are we now?" I asks smiling. "Boyfriend and girlfriend?" I look at him.

He pauses small. "Uhm".

I laughs, happy this is finally happening. I watches him as his face up. "You are handsome Aaron". He looks at me and I give him a big smile, he do too but small.

"I'm your first time?"

I nods. "Yeah and I feel good I did it with someone I love, you Aaron".

He chuckles small.

"I gotta go now". I says rising up and getting down from the bed. He rise up too. "My parents would have been expecting me home". I says putting on my pant and trouser.

"Your polo isn't here but down". He says.

"I know". I laughs and he laughs too. My first time seeing him laughing, it's so charming but I feel something is missing in that laughs.


I leave the room while he follows me behind after putting on his clothes. I climb down the stairs, looking around.

"You live alone?" I walks to where my polo and coat is. I take it up and put them on.

"Yeah". He says and I want to ask more but soon I will get to know him well. I walk closer to him, looking at his face with a smile.

"I love you Aaron". I says to him and he smiles with a nod.

"What's that? You don't love me?"

"I don't". He says and he laughs. I smile.

"Bye". I turn, leaving.

"Wait". He says and I turn to him. "You don't feel bad you are doing this with me and Alanna is your friend?". He asks and I stares at him.

"No, I don't feel bad".

"Wow". He says small.

"You feel bad?"

"No, I broke up with her". He says and that makes me smile. "You are pretty Brooke".

"What? You know my name?". I asks walking closer to him, surprise.

"Yeah, the day I saw you first with your friend. She called your name and I heard that".

"Really?" I laughs. "Wow".

"You are pretty". He says again and I stares at him. I kiss him.

"See you tomorrow". I says looking at him. He nods small with small smile. "Goodnight".


I turn and leave his house. I smiles, happy to be with Aaron. I feel I should sleep by his side overnight but that gonna happen soon. We just started.

I come home back and enter. I see my mum alone in the living room. She is waiting for me then I remember I lied to get something at the store. I didn't even get it.

"You are back". She says standing up.

"Yeah". I says, scared a bit. Well, if she ask, I would say I don't get it because the store don't have it.

"Lock the door. Goodnight". She says and leave.

"Goodnight mum". I says happy. She didn't even ask me what I got. Well, my parents trust me but I think they are going to stop now if I keep lying and they see I don't stay home often because I got a boyfriend now.

I lock the door and climbs the stairs up fast. I enter my room and jump on the bed happily. I stand up and walks to the window and look out. I see Aaron at the balcony. He waves at me. I can't see his face clearly because it's dark now. I wave back happily, blowing kisses to him.

I know he would be laughing seeing how lovely I am but I can't see his face. Then, he walks in. I smile watching him then I turn and walks to the bed, I take my phone up and goes to Lydia's DM.

"Hey, I had sex with him and it was super hottt".

I send the texts to her and drop my phone down. I jump on the bed and breathes out.

Aaron is my boyfriend now. The someone I love.

I shouts small happily, don't want to wake my parents up.

I want to tell the whole world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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