Hired to Kill

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The fresh smell of quiet outside rapidly changed to alcohol and loud clamor as they shoved her into a tavern. Stumbling down steps, the shuffle of feet quietly grow as the colorful life fades further down. Adira only signed so done with the day; she wanted to lay down desperately to sleep everything off.

Gently placed in a wooden chair, the potato sack is removed. Rapid blinks to adjust to the lateen lit cellar, analyzing the situation. A rugged woman with a scar along arm at a desk. Two burley men behind Adira. Barrels of some sort.

She stayed silent, running through scenarios in mind. Each one trying to lead in escape but the woman noticed wheels turning and had Adira delicately tied up.

"Have you eaten yet?" Adira nods wearily. "Good. We can get straight to the point."

The woman with wispy braided gray hair rises, lumbering in small room. She had to be at least six foot four. Reaching on a shelf, a stack of paper is pulled and set onto desk.

"What combat are you skilled in?"

Adira straightens up, eyeing the drawn portraits of a criminal wanted for robbery. This is where she was needed to be all along. "Shooting. Close range combat with hands and knives."

The woman mulls over answer, rolling tongue in cheek.

"You'll need to be trained in swordsmanship." She rakes over Adria's attire. "And societal rules for this to work."

"For what to work?" Why couldn't anyone be straightforward? Agitation crept into emerald, eye twitching at the mysterious.

"We, this uh...Guild, need to expand our operations. While commoners offer loads of information and jobs, we need to get nobility involved." Creak of wooden chair and the woman leans forward, head perched on hands with cat like smile. "That's where you come in."

Adira digests the explanation, pondering if this truly was a Guild or group of mercenaries. Maybe both. Either way this is her only option in learning about this world, especially if they have access to information. "Want me to bring in that robber?"

She studies the page, glancing over items stolen. A diamond necklace and two rubies. Quick flick up as the woman nods. "As a test to your skills. Need to know if this investment will pay off."

"What will I get in return?" Her eyes narrow, and a decorative box is whipped from desk drawer. Inside is an impressive display of three gold bars marked with currency values.

"Consider it payment and advancement if you succeed." The lanterns flicker excited as Adira agrees to the partnership. "Bring him in dead or alive along with the stolen items."

They loosen the ropes and hand over a sleek knife. Perfect to carve in skin, made with some type of animal bone. She runs finger along blade, testing sharpness and is satisfied when it delicately slices pad. Last item handed over is a map of last known whereabouts in the city, filled with descriptive landmarks a child could find.

Her heart jumped with blood curling glee; she could finally be of some use and start working towards goals. Tucking knife under shirt, they escorted her out the back, explained deadline would be sunrise, and shut the door closed. Her fingers trembled unfurling map, orienting it north. Bell tower.

She scanned along the horizon, searching for the large structure to find with ease. A half mile give or take away. Slinking through shadowed streets, most lights in buildings have diminished to darkness as moon creeps higher.

Houses begin shrinking in size, more densely packed towards a center of town. The only light gracing cobble is from a two-story stone base. Out of curiosity in the alley, she peeks into a curtained window and immediately looks away. Unknowingly stumbling upon a brothel near the bell tower.

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