Chapter Nine

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I woke up sometime later, with light around me. I sat up looking around the room. Where am I? I fell off the bed.
"Mira are you alright?!" Malina yelled out, rushing down the hall. "I heard a thud.
"Yeah," I responded confusedly, still confused as to how I got here.
"Well, get dressed and come downstairs, we need to talk about a few things." Malina tells me. I nodded, feeling the anxiety in my chest rise. I got up off the floor stretching, and turning towards the mirror, seeing as I was changed into my PJs.
"I must have hit my head or something." I muttered softly.
"No you didn't." Kierian spoke. I looked in my mirror, and saw my shadow was shaped like a Kierian. I was about to scream, when he shushed me, by putting his hand on my mouth. I licked his hand. He pulled his hand back. "Ew."
"You placed your hand on my mouth, so I licked it. It's fair game." I tell him. He rolled his eyes.
"As I was saying. I brought you here after we left the park, it was late when we got back, and you have stuff to do today. So I just changed you, I saw nothing I promise. However I must go now, Ember is healed, and she knows you were around last night. She just doesn't know I brought you here. Which I plan to keep that a secret as much as possible." I nodded, looking at him. "I wish you luck with your day petal." He pressed a butterfly kiss to my cheek and left. I smiled, quickly turning around towards my boxes, and opening one. I changed into a pair of black leggings, and a green athletic shirt, slipping on a pair of socks, and going downstairs.
I saw a bunch of unopened boxes littered in the living room, and saw Nico and Silverson downstairs, their mouths dropped open, and the mugs they held fell on the floor. Malina shot them a glare.
"What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked Malina.
"Boys clean that mess up," Malina tells Nico and Silverson first, before turning to me and smiling. "Today we're going to teach you how to request your weapon for training today. Our time with Ember is coming closer, and closer by the moment. We're not going to have enough time to properly train you for a fight. So we're going to see if you pulling your weapon can help with any of this."
"I have a weapon?" I asked, looking at her confused.
"Yes you do." Malina responded, and  smiled, turning towards Kai, who brought me a mug of coffee.
"Thank you." I said, grabbing the cup from Kai. He smiled, and sat down on the couch. "So what's my weapon."
"Not sure," Malina spoke, taking a seat next to Kai, pointing at the chair across from her to have a seat. I sat down. "Each of us have a designated weapon that our power allows us to control, and use to our benefit." Malina spoke.
"And what may those benefits be?" I asked.
"The benefits usually have to do with helping with your power. As I said before each of us have a weapon."
"Right, now what type of weapon does everyone have?"
"Well, Kai has a spear, as it's an easy way for him to reach fish, and enemies, Era has two tessens one for each hand to reflect her air control, Silverson has a bow and arrow, as the pace he moves at is fast and it's an easy way for him to reach, Nico has two handles to create eclectic whips with to use long range attacks, and to grab the enemy when they try to get away. Striker has bracelets to absorb energy and use it to their command so they can stop the enemy from moving. Finally I don't have one due to my power being light and light is everywhere."
"Did my mom have one?" I asked.
"Yes she did," Malina responded, grabbing a photo out of a drawer, and showing it to me. "Her's were rock gauntlets as a way to keep her hands nice and open during fights to use her power, without her hands taking severe amounts of damage to them ."
"Maybe I'll get them too." I tell her. Malina shrugged her shoulders, and smiled at me.
"It's rare to see a child take their parents' weapon, but that could happen, but you'll never know." Malina said, folding her hands into her lap. 
"When are we going to learn to assemble my weapon?" I asked.
"Outside in the next few minutes. We're going to go set everything up, meet us out there in five."
"Okay," I answered, drinking a sip of my coffee.
"Oh, Silverson and Nico, you need to unpack the living room until I call you two outside." Malina yells out.
Kai and Malina got up and went outside. I heard the sound of footsteps, and saw through the corners of my eyes Silverson and Nico were walking back into the room. They were coming into interrogate me, not unload the boxes that Malina asked them to do.
"Where did you go last night?" Silverson asked, walking into the room. Nico followed him into the room a second later. I held the cup of coffee to my lips not answering him. "I asked where you were last night, Mira. Now is not the time to stay quiet."
"No where," I lied, pulling the cup away from my lips with a small smirk. "Why do you ask?" I looked at the coffee in the cup, swirling the liquid in there a few times.
"Because you were slammed against a wall paralyzed from the neck down, thanks to Nico, and someone came and picked you up, and then you disappeared." He tells me.
I dropped my smirk, and turned towards Silverson, who stood there, his arms crossed, and a scowl on his face. Fuck, he saw Kierian. I need to think of a lie.
"I just went to my room." I lied him, placing the cup in my lap. I mean it wasn't technically a lie, if I ended up in my room afterwards. I saw Nico stand next to Silverson, his back propped against the wall, and his arms crossed as well, glaring at me. 
"No you didn't." Nico snarled, looking at me. I rolled my eyes at them.
"Look," I spoke, getting up, holding my spoon, and pointing it at both of them. "It's none of your damn business where I go, who I'm with, or what I'm doing. Got that?"
"It kind of is our business when a fucking shadow appears out of nowhere grabbing you and taking you somewhere." Silverson growled.
I felt the anger in me rise. They called Kierian a shadow. He's not a shadow. He's proved to me numerous times that he's not a shadow.
"Why the fuck do you care?" I asked, glaring at them. They glared back. "None of you seem to care about me unless I get hurt. Why is that?" No answer. I shoved myself between them. "Next time you ask me something about my personal life, maybe think twice before even asking it. Also don't forget to do what Malina asked you to do." I went into the kitchen, placed my cup in the sink, and walked over to the back door to walk out onto the deck, seeing Malina, Era, Kai, and Striker, setting up a few things.
"What's all this?" I asked them, seeing a table full of weapons. I walked down the steps of the deck, and walked over to them.
"Just a few things to see what you know about weapons, before you try getting your weapon." Malina spoke. My brain went blank, as a lumped formed in my throat.
They think I know things about weapons? My dad taught me that even hitting someone with a ruler hurts. Then again he did train me in hand to hand combat with a shield, not so much the usage of any weapon like a sword, let alone most of these weapons on the table.
"Uhh are you alright Mira?" Era asked, looking at me. "You look like you just saw a ghost."
"Yeah I'm fine." I lied, looking at Era. She just smiled and giggled.
"Alright," She grabbed a weapon off the table. "Here, try this first." Era grabbed a fan off the table, opening it quickly directly in front of my face. My eyes widened at the light gray fan in front of me with designs of flowers across them.
"A fan?" I asked, confused about what I was getting ready to hold.
"It's not a fan," Era sighed, looking at Malina who just stood there, looking at me. "It's called a Tessen, it's a japanese fan weapon I use in order to create more wind, and to use when I make fast rapid movements when moving." She placed the weapon in my hand. "Try opening it." I opened the fan rather easily, feeling how light the Tessen was. "Now, move it around." Era tells me.
"Okay," Was all I said, moving the fan around a few times. The light weighted material moved around effortlessly in the air. I watched in awe, before I accidentally let go of the fan throwing it in Kai, and Malina's direction. Era caught the Tessen, holding it so it wouldn't hit them.
"Maybe this weapon isn't for you." Era smiled sheepishly.
"I agree with Era," Malina spoke, walking over to the table. "What about throwing knives."
"Maybe not after she almost killed you and I." Kai spoke, looking at us.
"You're probably right," Malina sighed, turning towards me. "You don't know anything about weapons do you."
"Nope," I answered sheepishly.
"How does the daughter of the queen and a knight not know how to use any type of weapon!" Malina shrieked. I covered my ears, and so did everyone else. Waiting for her shrieking to stop. Once it was quiet I removed my hands from my ears, and looked at her. I cleared my throat.
"I was just taught hand to hand combat, and just simple things with my powers." I tell her, Malina's face went blank, and she thought for a moment.
"Alright let me put it the best way possible," Malina groaned, rubbing her temples. "Without a weapon, and us not knowing what you're capable, you are screwed and you're going to die."
"I didn't know I needed to learn how to use a weapon when I signed up for this." I tell her. Malina sighed out.
"Look, we're going to need to learn what your powers are capable of, and we're also going to need to learn how to teach you to use a weapon or a series of weapons. But before we even figure out what weapon is best fit for you, that your powers create, we need to teach you how to use a weapon." Malina grabbed a knife off the table. "Here,"
"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked her, looking at her.
"You're going to fight Kai."
"Fight me?!" Kai asked, looking at Malina wide eyed. "Why me?"
"Because you're the easiest target to hit because of your size." Malina said.
"No I'm not." Kai retorted.
"Yes you are, Ember is slightly smaller then Mira but she's fast. You're tall but fast. I would have Striker fight her but they would hurt her, and I don't have a weapon, leaving the easiest option to be you." Malina spoke calmly. Kai muttered something earning a slap to the back of his head rather quickly.
"Ow," Kai groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm going, I'm going alright."
"Good," Malina smiled innocently. I looked at them confused.
"Do you know how to use a knife?" Kai asked me.
"Nope." I answered honestly.
"Do you know how to use a pocket knife?"
"Then what the hell did your father teach you?" Kai asked, skepticism all over his face.
"Hand to hand combat, and how to use a shield for protection." I tell him.
"Okay," Kai thought for a moment. "Alright, so here's what you're going to do." He grabbed the knife out of my hands, tossing it somewhere into the yard, walking back to the table and grabbing a shield, and coming back over to me. Malina looked at him. "Trust me I know what I'm doing Malina."
"I hope you do." Malina spoke, looking at us. Kai turned his face back to me.
"You're going to attempt to use the shield and your hand to hand combat to go against me. I'll defend against you with my weapon." Kai tells me.
"Okay?" I asked, watching Kai. He clapped his hands together, streaming water together, swirling his hands around, creating a blue circle underneath him, before water droplets came up out of the circle he created.
"May the spear of the way of water, and water come to me." Kai spoke. The water droplets came together, creating a spear. Kai grabbed it by the handle, readying it. My eyes widened as I looked at the large blue and silver spear he had in his hands. "Ready."
"Yeah...totally..." I lied, feeling that all to familiar lump form in my throat.
"Good!" Kai spoke. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, and held the shield in my hand, and readied myself. I took a deep breath.
"Get ready, get set, go." Malina said. I turned my head towards her.
"What is this? A pacer test?" I asked.
"Mira watch out!" Era yelled. Before I could turn around, to do anything. I was pushed to the ground. I saw Kai standing above me.
"Already giving up?" Kai asked, placing the bottom of the spear on top of the shield. I looked for an opening angle, seeing his legs were wide open.
"Nope." I answered, swiping my feet under his legs, quickly kicking him to the ground, and placing my shield directly on his chest. "You were saying?" I taunted him, standing on him. 
"Not bad, not bad at all." Kai spoke, raising his hand. "But you forgot about one thing."
"And that is?" I asked.
"I still have a spear." Kai ran his hand down the air, as his spear reappeared, quickly pushing me off of him. I landed on my back, looking around for him. Finding him standing up, twirling his spear. I got up readying my stance. I held the shield in front of me.
"You may have a spear, and I may have just a shield. However, that doesn't mean you're any match for me." I tell him.
Kai's face furrowed into confusion, as he got up running over to me, getting ready to slash at me. I placed my hand in the middle of the shield turning the metal into crystal, waiting for the right moment to hit. The tip of the spear came down, as I lifted the shield, hitting the spear straight on, creating a cataclysmic response. Kai landed on the ground, his spear landed way across the yard standing straight up in the ground. Malina stood wide eyed, as well as Era.
"Mira," Malina spoke softly, looking around the area. "How the hell did you do that?"
"I can manipulate forms of metals, and forms of crystals." I responded, watching Kai get up.
"What the hell," Kai groaned, grabbing his spear out of the ground. "Who the hell let her do that?"
"Malina told me to fight you," I responded to Kai.
"I did tell her that." Malina spoke.
"You didn't tell me she could do that." Kai groaned, steadying himself on his feet.
"No one knew she could do that," Malina tells him, looking at me. "But I think I have an idea of what her weapon will be."
"Yeah, a god forsaken thing of crystals." Kai muttered. Era and I snickered, as Malina just rolled her eyes.
"What is she going to do with crystals? Witchcraft in the middle of a battle with Ember. Yeah sure." Malina sighed looking at him.
"My bad." Kai said.
"Since you want to be a big baby Kai," Malina smirked, looking at him. "Why don't you go inside, and get the two boys, so they can show her how to assemble a weapon. They're in the living room unboxing the boxes, and putting things away. Afterwards you can go with Era and Striker to go grocery shopping for the house as we have most of the furniture already. I'll be here to supervise Mira and the two boys, because after last night's events it's best if she has someone around with her to watch her."
"You know," Kai spoke, thinking for a minute. "A two hour trip with two quiet people, and food for the house that I get to pick with everyone else's recommendations for snacks for them. Fine by me. I'll go get the boys."
"Alright, thank you." Malina smiled, turning towards me. "Mira, go ahead and get some water, so we can start working on this situation."
"Yes Malina," I answered, going inside, to the fridge. I opened the door, looking around the shelves, grabbing a bottle of water, off of the fridge door. I opened the bottle, drinking down the cold liquid quickly. I placed my empty bottle into the recycling, wiping my mouth, and going back outside to Malina.
"Ah you're back." Malina smiled, sitting down on a chair, soaking in the sun.
"Yeah," I answered, walking over to her, sitting on the ground, admiring the house that was in front of me. 
"Well, the boys should be out in just a moment." Malina spoke quietly. I soaked up the warm weather, hearing the sounds of birds calling to one another, escadas chirping, and the sound of a small breeze. I took in the view of the house, and how pretty it is, even though it doesn't feel like a home yet. The sound of the door opening and shutting was heard.
"Why do I have to do this?" Nico groaned, walking down the steps.
"We were asked to by Malina that's why." Silverson responded to him.
"Well I don't want to teach the newbie how to do this." Nico groaned.
"You'll survive, she probably has some type of training with something like this."
"She doesn't." Malina spoke, outta of the blue. Both of the boys froze.
"Repeat that." Silverson spoke.
"I said she doesn't have any experience with being able to retrieve her weapon." Malina responded.
"So you're telling me," Nico spoke, taking a deep breath, and running his hands through his hair. "I'm getting ready to teach a fool, who knows nothing about using a weapon, how to assemble her weapon to be able to achieve it."
"Yes," Malina spoke, sitting up, and taking her glasses off. I looked at her. Her brown skin sparkled beautifully in the sunlight, as her afro blew calmly into the wind. "While you teach her what to do, I'm going to go find the book with the quote her mom said, to see if it'll help her." I froze. She's going to leave me alone with them. Right after the situation that happened in the living room this morning, I feel like they're going to try and provoke me after what happened.
"We got it Malina, you can trust us." Silverson spoke.
"I hope so, because after yesterday's situation, I'm not to keen on you two being around her, specifically Nico."
"So then why the hell did you ask us to teach her?!" Nico yelled.
"Because Kai can't teach, Era and Striker would've been no help." Malina spoke, walking up the steps to the door. "Besides, what better people to teach her then those with really good weapon skills." She smirked, at the boys, going inside.
"I cannot believe she asked us to do this." Silverson muttered, and silently said something to himself. He sighed grasping his hands together. "Look Mira, the only way will teach you how to assemble your weapon is if you tell us where you went last night."
"I told you," I said, taking a deep breath. "That it was none of your business, and to leave the situation alone."
"No Mira, I'm not-" Silveron cleared his throat, looking at Nico who rolled his eyes glared back at the silver headed male. "I mean we're not going to leave this be. You went missing last night, and we saw you go missing, while everyone else was downstairs, and Era was with Malina. Now tell us where you were."
"I don't want to talk about this situation." I said to the both of them.
"I don't care if you don't want to talk about this situation Mira." Silverson sighed, rubbing his temples. "We just want the truth about what happened last night, the only people who will know will be Nico and I, no one else. I promise." I find that hard to believe, but here we are.
"Don't tell them," Kierian whispered out into the air. My eyes froze at the sound of the voice. The breeze picked up. "Especially for all of our safety. Ember is watching everyone and I's moves. If she hears from me that you said something, we're all goners."
"You're lying." I responded to Silverson, walking up to him.
"No I'm not." Silverson gawked, astonished that I accused him of lying. I groaned, frustrated with the situation that I was in now.
"Yes you are," I tell him, looking at him directly, not paying any attention to Nico. "When was the last time you were considerate of someone else's feelings that aren't your own." Silverson was about to open his mouth. "Do not say anything. I'm not done yet."
"Okay...I wasn't even going to say anything." Silverson muttered.
"Not the point," I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment. "My point is Silverson, is that you're selfish. You don't care about anything but yourself. The feelings you had in the forest when I went after you. Weren't for me, or for Nico, or anyone that you work with rather for yourself. And the pain that you're holding onto is, because you can't control your emotions. God if you would just look at yourself and see how shitty you are as a person, and how selfish you were, maybe you wouldn't act like this."  I heaved out a breath of relief, as I realized what I just did.
"Damn," Nico snickered. I turned my head towards him.
"Oh no lightning boy, you're just as bad." I snapped at Nico. Nico gawked, rolling his eyes, crossing his arms, and looking at me. His one eyebrow up, and a smirk written all over his face.
"How so?" He asked nonchalantly, trying to provoke me.
"That," I said, looking at him.
"That what?" He asked, confused about what I was talking about.
"That ugly expression you wear on your face, when you're gloating, or just trying to piss someone off. You act the same way Silverson does, and that is unless something comes to your benefit or you get something out of the situation, or anything to make you happy you really don't care. You can bullshit to me that you care about me, but in reality. Do you really care? Not only do I not see it, but the only time you act like you care is when there is no one around but when there are people around you act like a complete jackass to everyone. Myself included. But you're just a complete dickhead.  If you cared, you wouldn't have electrocuted me, and you would talk to me like a fucking adult." I argued. I saw Nico's face turn into a scowl. 
"You have no right to tell me how to act." Nico growled.
"I do when you're harming other people." I responded.
"Look just because I keep to myself doesn't mean a damn thing."
"It does." I tell him, looking at him. "You hurt more people than you think when you don't tell anyone anything."
"Maybe there's a reason for that." Nico said.
"Look I do not care at this point anymore. I'm done having this conversation."
"But we're not." Nico and Silverson said. I was about to say something when I heard the door open, and shut. 
"I'm back guys!" Malina called out. Silverson and Nico glared at each other while I turned towards Malina. She raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged back in response, as she nodded back at us, and looked at the two boys.
"Ehm." Malina cleared her throat.
"Yes," Silverson responded.
"When I said teach her, I didn't mean, stand there and do nothing, I said to teach her." Malina sighed out in annoyance, taking a seat on her chair again. "Did you two boys teach her anything?" They both were silent as I held a smirk on my face. "Mira, wipe that smirk off your face. You weren't telling them to do anything, therefore you have no room to talk just like them."
"Yes Malina." I responded, bringing my face back to a blank state.
"Thank you, at least you have respect." Malina smiled at me, turning towards the boys, a scowl replacing the smile on her face. "As for you two, I asked you to teach her how to do this, not stand there and argue. What exactly were you two thinking?"
"We're sorry Malina." Silverson spoke, bowing a bit. Malina rolled her eyes at the two boys, and folded her hands in her lap.
"I bet you two are, as you both are doing all the chores for the rest of the week, you will also finish unboxing everything, and putting everything in those boxes away. Do you two understand?"
"Yes ma'am." They both responded.
"Good, now onto business." Malina smiled, opening the lock on the book, with a simple tap of her finger. "There's only two people who can get in the book, well one now. That's just me, it was Azalea, but you know she's dead." She chuckled awkwardly. No one answered after. "Bad joke huh?"
"Really bad." I responded, chuckling a bit.
"My apologies," She smiled, turning through pages of the book. "Your mother has a full chapter in this book, on things related to this situation, as well as the original elements do. There's a few people in this book, who have been lost to time, that I can't decipher the writing for, and nor can anyone else. Your mother could, but she's not with us so we'll never know. However, she does have a chant she used to pull out her gauntlets. However, I'm not sure if the saying will be the same for you, but as you most likely inherited all of her powers, you should be fine, if not there's a ton more sayings, and one of them are bound to work."
"Wait a damn minute." Nico spoke, looking at Malina.
"What?" Malina asked, annoyed with the two boys who are in front of her.
"If her mother had a saying, and you're saying that her mother's saying works life will be great. But you're also saying if her mom's saying doesn't work, we're basically going to be flying by the seat of our pants." Nico spoke.
"You bet!" Malina answered happily. A bit too happily for that matter. A new lump formed in my throat, thinking about what's going to happen next.
"But-" Silverson tried saying.
"No buts. You're going to teach her, and you're going to teach her right. You may not want to teach her, but if we want everything to be semi-normal, and we want the world to end up okay again, we need to take care of Ember. I hope you know this is the only thing we can do to teach her, until I make the call to the agency for someone to come and measure her powers tomorrow."
"Fine." The two sighed.
"Good, now your mother had a saying, which we just discussed."
"Right," I answered, walking over to her. "Do you know what it would be?"
"I do," She flipped through the pages of the book. "Now back up for a minute, while I do something. That goes for you two as well."
"Okay," We all responded, taking a step back.
"Earth," Malina spoke calmly, a giant circle filled the ground, as earth, air, fire, ice, water, lightning, energy, and four other elements that never lit up on the circle. What were they?  "Air," The book floated up, the pages turned rapidly, as Earth and Air were lit up on the circle. "Fire," Flames sprouted from the ground circling the bottom of the book. "Ice." Shards of ice spiraled around the book, the area of ice lighting up in silver. "Water," A spout of water climbed out of the ground, holding the book up, the area of water blue. "Lightning," Sparks of lightning came from the ground, sparking all throughout the book, and lightnings symbol glowing gold. "Energy," The book's pages stopped moving, the other elements just held the books up, as the area of energy glowed orange. "Finally light." The area of the light glowed bright yellow, shooting a bright thing of light out of the ground, onto the book. The book glowed brown, with the embroidery of gold. The book spun slowly in the air. "Grant the book of elements for me." The entire circle lit up in yellow, as the elements left, and the book fell into Malina's hands and the lock was open.
"There we go." Malina said.
"What the hell was that?" Silverson asked.
"The way to open the book, when you're one of the holders. Only the queen, and the person that she trusts can open the book." Malina answered, rolling her eyes. "I thought I taught you this."
"No." Both Nico and Silverson spoke.
"Well look you two know now." Malina smiled, and flipping through the pages, till she got to the right one. "Here we go."
"Would you like a book stand to hold the book?" I asked her. Malina looked at the book for one moment.
"Yes, that would be useful."
"Okay," I answered, pressing my hand down onto the ground, sprouting a few roots out of the ground, with leaves on the side of the book stand. "There we go."
"Thank you." Malina smiled, placing the book onto the podium. "I apologize about the writing in the book. It's ancient writing, that only key holders of elements are taught, so I'm not sure if you can read it."
"I can, mom taught me." I tell her, walking up to the book reading the emerald green writing of my mother's.
"She must have done that intentionally." Malina muttered to me.
"Not sure she taught me when I was little and told me to keep up with it, by working on it daily." I whispered back to her. She nodded, as I read the page, to see what my mother's saying was. 'May mother nature grant me the power, of earth and the strength of her to protect her and her people.'
"Whoa," Was all I could say, looking at this writing. If my mom was the harnesser of Earth's power why did she ask mother nature to grant her. "Malina."
"Yes dear?" Malina asked.
"If my mother was the earth holder of elements, why did she ask Mother Nature to bless her?" I asked. I watched as Malina's face show a small sign of panic. What was that about?
"Well, people don't exactly believe we run the earth. Rather it's Mother Nature, space, and time. Which they're partially not wrong about. Unless you're us. The elements who run these things, but may I digress that part of this. But I don't really know the real reason for the saying she had, I believe it may have something to do with your grandmother, who I believed died several centuries before you were born, so no one knows who they were. So I think Mother Nature was a way to get a blessing from her mother, otherwise I'm not too sure."
"Who are the other element holders?" I asked. I heard Malina sigh.
"Not to sure, I know your mother knew."
"That doesn't surprise me."
"Agreed." Malina smiled, sitting down in a chair. "Both your mother, and your grandparents were element holders."
"Wouldn't that mean my grandmother or grandfather was the first element holder of earth?" I asked, thinking about the possibilities of how the elements were passed down to everyone.
"I'm not done yet Mira," Malina says.
"I'm sorry," I spoke, placing my thoughts to the side.
"It's fine, but no one knows what element your grandparents held, besides your mother, but she never spoke about it when she was alive, or when she was around you. She said they died before she met us."
"Huh," I said, looking through the rest of the book. Multiple elements were in the book, in writing that I couldn't understand. "So who are these other elements?"
"No one knows, your mother knew who the elements were as I said before, she just didn't know the writings of any of them but one. I can decipher one of the elements a bit, but that's because they write similar to us, but not really."
"That's weird."
"I know it is, but we mustn't diddle on these missing elements. When we should be working on your weapon." Malina smiled a bit.
"Right, I got side tracted I'm sorry." I chuckled. 
"You're fine Mira. But you should probably try using your mother's saying to get your weapon, so we can see if it'll work or not."
"Right," I sighed, looking at the saying one last time. "How exactly do I do this?" I asked.
"Boys." Malina said.
"Yes?" They both asked, looking at Malina.
"You're going to show Malina how her mother got her gauntlets, to see if she's going to get gauntlets or a weapon that way.
"Okay," Nico spoke, crossing his arms.
"Do any of you remember what she did?" Malina asked them.
"I do," Silverson spoke, walking over to me.
"Okay, go and show her, Nico make sure everything is in the right position."
"Got it," Nico answered, standing in front of me.
"Okay, so you're going to get to stay standing. Your feet are going to be shoulder lengths apart, so your balance is right. You're going to make sure your back is straight, and your stance is strong. You're going to cross your arms over your wrist over your chest creating an x. Your left wrist should be behind your right wrist." Silverson tells me, showing me the stance. I began trying to copy the same position that Silverson was in, bringing my right arm up, crossing my right wrist behind my left wrist.
"Fix your wrist." Nico tells me, looking at me. "Your right wrist should be in front your left wrist, and bring your arms up a bit more, so your wrist are directly in the center of your chest."
"Okay," I answered, fixing my wrist. He moved my arms down, looking at everything else. "Straighten your back. You're not a hunchback." I straightened my back, feeling stiff. "No relax yourself, you don't want to look stiff, you want to look powerful." I tried relaxing my back, hearing Nico sigh in annoyance as he got behind me, pressing on my lower back gently, releasing the tension. "Relax your shoulders, you've got too much tension." I relaxed my shoulders as I felt my posture fix itself. I felt Nico grab my wrist gently from behind and bring them up a bit. "Don't drop your arms, or your shoulders. Like I said before, you want to look strong." He walked back in front of me. "How does it look Malina?" Nico asked. Malina looked at Silverson and then at me.
"Just unclench your jaw Mira, and then go ahead and recite her saying."
"Okay," I answered, releasing my jaw and taking a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," I whispered, closing my eyes. "May mother nature grant me the power, of earth and the strength of her to protect her and her people!" I yelled. I opened my eyes, and looking down. Nothing happened, as the only sound of anything were birds crowing, and flying away.
"So we know her mother's saying doesn't work." Nico spoke, thinking for a moment. "What now?"
"She can try her own." Silverson spoke, getting up. "When she fought with Kai earlier. What weapon did she use?"
"A shield." Malina answered. I heard Silverson and Nico sigh out in annoyance.
"So if she used a shield, and that's what she was taught growing up, she was most likely not going to have the same weapons as her mother."
"Well she could have, because she has said numerous times that she was good at hand to hand combat." Nico answered to Silverson. Silverson was about to rebuttal, before things clicked.
"That's it," Silverson snapped his fingers, pulling me up off the ground. "Like Malina said she needs to make her own thing."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"In order for you to get your weapon, you've got to do what you think it is. You have to be in a position, you know you'll get it in."
"Okay?" I responded.
"You're still not following are you?" Silverson asked.
"No," I answered sheepishly. I felt Silverson sigh out, taking a deep breath.
"For one of the smartest people I've ever met you're quite dense sometimes, but not the point. What I'm saying is. In order for your weapon to come to you, you need to be the one calling for it. Not just from your desire to have it, but from your heart. Your heart will help you create your weapon, and it'll help you come up with a spell for it, that way you're the only one who can grab it."
"Now I understand," I responded, thinking for a moment.
"Okay, now why don't you try it out." Silverson tells me.
"For the first time you actually come up with something." Nico tells him.
"Shut up." Silverson responded, standing up, groaning.
"Boys," Malina strictly spoke.
"Our apologies." They both said.
"Mira, go ahead and try. The worse thing that can happen, is that you don't have a weapon at all, and you'll be just like me."
"You're right." I responded, shaking out the pain my muscles were in, from being in that form for so long. I know it's a shield. I feel most comfortable holding a shield, and nothing more then a shield, as that's what I learned on when I was little. I got in a lunge, my right hand balled in a fist, placed over my heart, as my right arm was bent. My left hand was in a fist, and wrapped behind my back. "May the world of dirt, clay, and minerals come and grant me the power of earth." The ground below me glowed green, but not a single thing for my weapon came up.
"Okay, so you're in the right stance, but you're missing something." Malina spoke.
"Yeah it's her saying." Nico spoke.
"I agree with Nico, she's in the right stance for her weapon, but her saying isn't right, or anywhere near close to where it should be." Silverson spoke.
"No really boys, I would have never guessed by this situation we're in." Malina snarled at them.
"Sorry." They both said. Malina hummed out something.
"Okay, so I need to try something else." I said.
"Yes," Nico and Silverson answered.
I tried several other chants, getting a bit closer after each. I felt my body slowly becoming tired. I felt my sweat dripping down my body, as I was becoming hot and exhausted.
"I know it's taking a lot out of your body Mira," Malina spoke, getting on her knees and looking at me. My body was pouring sweat off like crazy, all of it soaking into the ground. "Just try one more time."
"Okay." I panted, steadying myself, and taking a deep breath to relax my body. "Seas of coronations, hills of diamonds, leaves of the beautiful maple trees, and the minerals that my mother earth created. Please bless me with the power to harness Earth, and protect you mother." I looked down, and saw that the ground created a glowing green circle, as I felt a strong hardness of diamond being placed around my arm, with a diamond circle being created. I watched as several shades of green crystals popped out of the diamond, creating the barrier between the shield and the plate.
"She did it." Malina gasped, looking at me. I felt my body go into shock, after all the energy that was taken out of me. The world slowly faded. "Someone catch her." I felt the world go back as I fell into something.
I woke up sometime later, to a cold wash cloth being dragged across my head.
"You're awake." Malina spoke calmly, looking at me. I opened my eyes, looking around the dimly lit room, seeing my things. I was in my room, I let out a silent sigh of relief, thanking the world for allowing me to be in here.
"What time was it?" I asked.
"A little past seven, you passed out from all the shock your body went through trying to achieve your weapon." Malina tells me, wiping off the rest of my face.
"Did I get my weapon at least?"
"Yes you did, however your body isn't strong enough to handle your weapon yet, and being able to use your powers with your weapon at the same time."
"When will I be strong enough?" I asked her.
"I'm not sure Mira." Malina sighed. I watched her grab a water bottle off my nightstand, lowering the straw that was in the water bottle to my mouth.
I took a sip of the water and looked at her. "I'm having someone from our agency come down to measure your powers tomorrow. She's another person who has some of the Earth holder magic, but she just creates rocks out of the ground, nothing compared to what you, your mother, and your father do. She's bringing equipment tomorrow afternoon to see what you're capable of. After we do the measurement test, we will figure out how to proceed with everything. But I'm not even sure if there will be a direct answer then."
"Okay," I spoke weakly, feeling the heat of the blankets start to become overwhelming.
"Your body is still in shock from how overheated you are, that we've been trying to calm you down. I'm getting ready to have Silverson come cool you off, if I can't get this stupid water to cool you down." Malina tells me. I groaned a bit.
"I feel fine, just tired." I told her. I wasn't over heating, I was quite comfortable now that I can feel the actual warmth of the blanket, rather than feel like I'm dying of a heat stroke.
"Okay, well I'm going to leave for the night, if you need anything, let me know okay."
"Okay," I tell her, getting comfortable, reaching for my frog. Everything hurt, from all my strength I used today, but that doesn't matter, because all I wanted was my frog, so I could feel close to my mom and my dad.
"The pain will wear off in the morning Mira, just sleep for now." I nodded, feeling her press a kiss to my forehead. I watched Malina get up from the side of the bed and walk out of the room. "Goodnight Mira."
"Goodnight Malina." I spoke, watching her turn the light off, and closing the door. I looked out my window for a few moments, before I decided to close my eyes and drift off into a dark and quiet slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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