Chapter Two

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Chapter Two
A large black modern house stood in front of me. It had a small garden of flowers, a small pond in that garden, and tinted windows. The area I was in was quiet, not a single car, or house for miles.I grabbed a hold of the banister of the stairs, and stepped up the stairs. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat, and took a deep breath, as I stood by the door. I quickly pressed the doorbell, as I heard a muffled sound coming from inside. The sound of the door opening was heard. 
"Hello, how may I help you?" Someone asked. A tall male ranging about 6'1 stood in front of me. He wore a blue robe, with white pants, and he had black socks on. His hair was platinum gray, and he had white freckles on his pale face, with lips that matched his cool skin tone, he had gray eyes.
"Uh...Hi?" I spoke.  The person's face turned towards mine. He looked as if he was just woken up. 
"Ah Mira, what a pleasure to see you. Era told us you would be coming by sometime. We just weren't expecting to see you so soon." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Or tonight."  I looked at him, with a blank face. An introduction to this person would be great. "Ah right, you're wondering who I am."
"Well no shit," I responded sarcastically, smiling, and crossing my arms, and looking at him.
"Right," He chuckled, embarrassed by the situation. "Well to answer your question I am Silverson. I have the elemental power ice." He said, picking a flower off of the bush next to him, covering the petals in a design of ice, with the leaves, leaving the flower all by itself.
"It's pretty," I said, looking at the flower. "However."
"However, what?" He asked.
"May I?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded, allowing me to gently grab the flower. I placed the flower right over the picked steam, gently easing both the ends of the flower's stems together. "A flower belongs with its bush, or group, not picked, or even frozen idiot."
"So you're the element earth." He gawked a bit.
"Yes," I answered confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because your mother..."
"My mother is dead, I know, I was there for her funeral" I sighed, looking at him. I swear I think this man is stupid, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was. Most men are stupid.
"It's not that." He spoke, thinking for a moment. "Most people who are earth element holders are usually just people who can heal if not grow herbs, even something with just planting. It's not normal to see someone's powers similar to your mother's." I smacked my head, looking at him.
"You do realize I am my mother's daughter and my father is also an earth holder right?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and looking at him.
"Right," He chuckled awkwardly. I rolled my eyes, annoyed with how he was acting. You'd think this is his first time talking to women. 
"Can I come in or what?" I asked, feeling the temperature drop a bit. 
"Yes of course, where are my manners?" He smiled, pulling open the door some more, and motioning for me to come inside. I walked inside the dimly lit house, and I looked around as I saw glass lights hanging from the ceiling, a black wall and ceiling, and a large couch in the center of the room with a platinum screen TV. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to go see if any of the others are awake." He spoke, as he hurriedly ran up the stairs.
"Okay," I answered. I made my way to the couch, placing my bag on the table and calmly sat down, relaxing into the black fluffy cushions. I took off my boots, and looked around the room I was in.
A giant flat screen TV, fake plants, lots of blankets folded under black tables, and pictures of everyone together. Some included my mother, and some included my father. There were a few of me when I was younger, with someone I didn't quite recognize in any of the pictures. She had beautiful black skin, with beautiful hazel eyes, and wore a sun clip in her hair.
I turned my head towards the window, seeing that the outside looked completely the same as when you're out there. I saw the moon glistening in the sky, with twinkling stars. I sighed, thinking about the situation that I just put myself in.
What if they can't help me? My mom said that when the time would come someone would come for me, and offer help. I just never thought coming here was the way of them asking to help me. Let alone this happening so early in my life. But what other way was there to ask about this situation. I sat there for a few minutes watching the stars and moon, before the guy from earlier came back. 
"I see you're relaxed and comfortable." Silverson said. I jumped a bit, hearing his voice. I turned my head towards him. He smiled softly, holding a few things in his hand. I looked at him, and nodded. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Mira, but everyone's asleep. However, after exchanging a few words with a half asleep Era, she said to get you a few blankets and pillows, that way you can stay for the night. The other people who live here don't know you're here."
"Go figure." I said. I heard a soft chuckle come from him.
"I can lend you a shirt and shorts so you can change out of what you're wearing and get some sleep."  I opened my bag, remembering that I didn't pack a pair of clothes with me. I remembered that I only grabbed what I thought I needed. I also remembered my father is going to be wondering where the hell I am in the morning.
"Okay, but we have one problem." I tell him.
"What might that be?" He asked.
"What are we going to do about my father?" I asked. I never thought I would be staying the night, but now that I am. What am I supposed to do?
"That's easy."
"How?" I looked at him confused.
"We'll make sure he won't notice you're missing, and will take care of all that when the time comes in the morning." Silverson replied, setting the blankets and pillows down. I hummed looking at him. "I'll go get the clothes you're going to need now."
"Okay thank you," I said, looking at him. He smiled generously, and walked back upstairs. I started to make my bed, organizing the pillows in an area that would be comfy. I found a remote to the TV, and grabbed it, randomly selecting a movie to listen too. I placed the remote down, and began to grow a few pieces of grass out of my hand.
"I have returned." He spoke.  I jumped a bit, causing the sprouts of grass to turn into weeds. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said
I calmed down and relaxed for a second. "It's quite alright, really." I tell him. He nodded, awkwardly standing there for a second.
"Here" He spoke softly, holding a navy blue crewneck and a pair of shorts. "The shorts may be a bit loose, but it's better than nothing."
"Thank you," I smiled gratefully, accepting the clothes and feeling the soft fabric of the crewneck in my arms. The smell of cold pine and water filled my nostrils. I smiled into the crewneck.
"Well," He spoke slowly. "I'm going to bed, if you want to dim the window's tint or brighten them, you can use that brown remote next to you, also if you need anything I'm the room down at the end of the hall on the right upstairs."
"Thank you," I responded, putting the shirt and shorts down for a moment. "And goodnight to you as well Silverson."
"Please call me Silv." He smiled, his teeth showing, and eyes shutting for just a moment. He is quite the charmer, I chuckled to myself, and nodded, watching as he locked the door, setting the house alarm, and went upstairs.
Once he was gone, I changed into the clothes he gave me. His long arms, and legs were huge compared to my tall, and slightly muscular frame. I folded the sleeves of the crew neck to shorten them, and folded my clothes after. Setting them on top of my bag that was on the table. I breathed in the scent of fresh pine, and cold water and smiled. He has his own little scent.
After I got myself dressed, I snuck myself under the covers, feeling the warmth from the soft blanket. I smiled in delight, as I turned and looked at the moon and stars. I felt all the worries in the world disappear. My eyelids soon began closing shut, and I drifted off into a blissful and quiet slumber. 
I woke up to the warm sun beaming on my face, I stretched my limbs, groaning and looking around for a clock. I found a ticking clock on the dark brown wall, just above the TV, with the numbers in roman numerals. The clock's big hand laid on the six, and the small hand laid right above the seven. 7:30 am, no one is up yet. Then again, I did come in around two this morning so everyone is more than likely still sleeping.
I sighed, sitting up, getting off the couch. Once I stood up, I began to walk around the downstairs, looking around all the rooms. A formal dining room with an oak wood table, and oak wood chairs. Another family room like the one out here but without a TV. With a little bit more adventuring I found a massive sized kitchen, in the back of the house, with a huge black and gold marble island with a stove on it, and a window next to the large kitchen sink.
I walked over to the window and looked outside to see a garden with weeds growing everywhere and the flowers dying off. I'm taking from the state that the garden is in, this used to be my mother's garden. I stared outside for a few more moments, before, I heard my stomach rumble. I better figure out what to make for breakfast.
I looked at the cabinets that were laid all around the kitchen that were labeled with all their kitchen utensils, spices, or container. After a few minutes, I found a giant black oak door with gold letters, reading Pantry. I walked over to the pantry door, opening it. I saw several shelving units holding a variety of food, filling the entire panty. Not a single shelf had an empty space. Now what to make for breakfast?  I thought back to a recipe that was quick and easy, and made a very minimal mess. If this recipe isn't a minimal mess, I need to think of a new food idea. I thought for a few more seconds. Chocolate chip pancakes, with fruit, and bacon. That is an easy, and convenient, breakfast. Now to see if they have any of the ingredients.
I surfed around the pantry shelves, finding flour, baking soda, salt, chocolate chips, and sugar. I grabbed the ingredients off their respective shelves, and placed them onto the island. I quietly walked back to the pantry door to shut it, and walked over to the fridge after.
I opened the door, grabbing out eggs, milk, and bacon. I placed all the ingredients on the island, and walked back over to the fridge, to look for some fruits. Now where would the fruit be? I shut the main fridge door, and pulled the middle drawer between the fridge and the freezer out, noticing the right side of the drawer was fruits, and on the left side of the drawer was vegetables. Quite the organized fridge they have here.
I grabbed the cantaloupe, smelling it, and flicking it a few times to see if it was ripe, and it was. So, I took the cantaloupe over to the sink, placed the cantaloupe inside, and walked back over to the fridge.
I also grabbed a container of strawberries, some honeydew, a watermelon, and a container of grapes. I walked over to the sink, turning the faucet on, and washing my hands first. Afterwards, I placed all the fruits in the sink and rinsed them thoroughly with water. After they were all washed off. I left the fruit in the sink, to keep them out of the way, and for them to dry off in a sterile environment, and moved the faucet over to the other side of the sink, so after I cook the pancakes and bacon, I can just clean the dishes on the other side.
I walked over to the cabinet under the stove with the label that read pots and pans on the door, and pulled out two pans. One pan was smaller as this pan would be used for the pancakes, and the other pan that was slightly larger, was big enough to hold a few strips of bacon at once.
I wish they had a griddle to make this easier to cook. I found the bowls right next to the sink. I pulled out a bowl from the cabinet above the sink, and a spoon from the drawer underneath the cabinet. I hummed softly, as I found cooking spray on the counter top, and turned the stove on. I sprayed both the pans, and let them heat up, as I began working on the pancake mixture.
I mixed the eggs, flour, sugar, water, and milk together letting the pancake mixture come together. Once it was smooth enough, with very few bubbles, I added the chocolate chips in and began mixing it. Once everything was all mixed in. I poured a small amount of the batter onto the pan. I opened the bacon, putting three strips into a pan, letting it simmer for a second.
I opened the drawer next to me labeled kitchen utensils, and grabbed a spatula out of the drawer. I flipped the pancake that was golden brown with the melted chocolate chips onto the otherside to cook.
I grabbed a couple plates out of the cabinet next to the bowls, and some paper towels that were next to the sink. I set a few paper towels on the plate, and grabbed a fork from the silverware drawer.
I moved the bacon around with the fork, pulling the three strips of bacon out of the pan, and onto the plate, putting three new pieces of bacon back into the pan. I moved the pancake out of the pan onto a different plate. I smiled softly, repeating the same actions with the pancakes and bacon.
It took about fifteen minutes until I finished making all the pancakes, and bacon. I smiled, turning the stove off, and finding a small bowl, draining the grease out of the pan to the bowl, setting it down to cool.
I walked over to the sink, pulling out the fruits, and moving them to the island then grabbing both of the pans, and washing them along with the bowl.
I grabbed the towel off the handle of the oven, to dry everything off.  I placed the pans back where they belonged, grabbing the cutting board from the drawer by that the spatula was in, and putting it on the counter by the stove.
I placed the bowl I used for the pancake batter back onto the counter, and grabbed a knife from the cutlery set, on the countertop next to the sink. I grabbed the cantaloupe out of the sink, and began cutting it. I used a spoon I grabbed to pull all of the cantaloupe out from the shell. I began cutting the cantaloupe into cubes, and added them into the bowl. I threw the shell into the compost bin that was by the foot of the island and reached over for the strawberries.
I began cutting the top off all the strawberries, then cut them in half and added them to the bowl. I did the grapes next, pulling them off of the stem and then placed them into the bowl. Now onto the hard part, cutting the watermelon.
I sighed, looking at the knife and remembered a trick to cut watermelon; I cut both the ends off, then after slicing the watermelon in half, I cut the rind off the watermelon and began slicing the melon into cubes. Once the watermelon was fully cut, I placed the watermelon into the bowl and mixed all the fruit together.
Now onto setting the table. I saw six chairs sitting around a the rectangular table, with silverware at each chair. I hummed softly, as I grabbed six plates out of the cabinet and walked over to set all them on the table.
I walked back over to the island, grabbed the bowl of fruit salad and placed it directly in the middle of the table. I went back to the island, grabbed the pancakes, tongs, spatula, and walked back over to the table. I placed two pancakes on each plate, leaving the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table next to the fruit salad bowl. I did the same with the bacon, placing the tongs on the plate of bacon, and walked back into the kitchen.
I cleaned the cutting board and put it away, realizing I still have to make a pot of coffee for everyone. Because what is pancakes without coffee? I grabbed a few mugs out of the cupboard, then grabbed the coffee grounds that were next to the coffee pot. I found the filters right next to the coffee pot. Their kitchen was well organized. I filled the water, placed fresh scoops of coffee grounds into the filter, and started the coffee pot.
The smell of breakfast and freshly brewed coffee filled the house. I walked back into the pantry looking for the syrup. After I found the syrup I walked out of the pantry to see four people standing outside of the kitchen. I froze almost dropping the syrup bottle.
"Good Morning!" They all said. I felt myself sprout daisies out of my shoulders. I recognized two of them. Era and Silverson, as well as two others I didn't know. One was a tall female that looked like the girl from the picture, and the other one was a shorter person.
"I am so sorry we scared you," Era giggled softly, covering her mouth, as her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. She had a light pink shirt on, with white shorts for her Pajamas. I sighed out in relief.
"It's quite alright," I smiled a bit, holding the bottle of syrup. The girl next to Era smiled gently.
"We just woke up, and smelt some delicious food coming from the kitchen." Era spoke, taking a peak at the table. "We were curious to see what you cooked."
"Oh," Was all I could manage coming out, without feeling slightly awkward afterwards.
"The other two should be down shortly, we'll do introductions over breakfast. What did you cook for us this morning? It smells heavenly." Era said.
"Well...I...uh made homemade chocolate chip pancakes," I said softly, taking a deep breath. "With bacon, and fruit salad. There's coffee brewing right now, because I didn't have enough time to start the pot, so I apologize if it's not done yet."
"Oh honey," The girl next to Era spoke. Her voice is angelic, and her smile is calming and welcoming. "You don't need to be sorry, we should be the ones who are sorry. We weren't up early enough to give you a tour of the house, or make breakfast for you." She said. She had a very pretty afro that poofed out nicely, beautiful soft brown skin and shiny hazel eyes. She wore a cream colored shirt, and matching shorts. "I'm Malina, it's a pleasure to meet you Mira." She bowed, showing a beautiful smile. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks from embarrassment from such a formal introduction. "Except you already know me."
I had to think for a second. She looks familiar, I'll give her that. But where do I know her from?
"Thank you." I said softly, trying to remember where I knew her from. A person slightly shorter than me stood quietly. They had a neon yellow shirt on, and a neon pair of sweatpants.
"Go have a seat hun, we'll pour coffee." Malina tells me, motioning for me to sit down at the table. "How would you like it?" 
"Cream and not a whole lot of sugar please." I tell Malina.
"Of course hun, you got it." She smiled, blinding the room with her bright smile. I smiled back, feeling relaxed after being caught in the kitchen making breakfast. "Silv, can you pull a chair up to the table?"
"Of course, she can sit at the end, in my seat. I think that's where she belongs." Silverson said. His deep voice rang out through the room. Malina cleared her throat, moving her eyes towards me. I looked at her in confusion, as Era just smiled and giggled. I smiled back, making my way over to the table. Silverson pulled the chair out his for me. I had a seat in his chair, and he pushed me forwards after.
I hummed softly, looking at the bland table. I thought for a moment putting my fingertips on each side, as I grew some white peonies, down the sides of the table.
"That looks beautiful, Mira." Malina spoke softly, smiling, and placing my cup of coffee onto the table. 
"Thank you." I responded, looking at the coffee, and making the flowers bloom open.
"Is the light hurting you? I can move it if you like." Malina tells me. 
"No the light isn't hurting me at all, but could you please bring some more sunlight over?" I asked.
"But of course." She smiled, picking her hand up, guiding the sunlight over to the table. So she holds the power of light. Which brings back a few fuzzy memories from my childhood. Where do I know her from?
I turned my head towards the entryway of the kitchen, and saw the two others that they were waiting on to come downstairs. The first man that came down had sun kissed skin, eyes as blue as the ocean, and black hair.  He was shirtless with a muscular torso, strong biceps and buff shoulders. I heard Silverson cough. The man turned towards Silverson, who looked directly at the man. 
"Put on a shirt," Silverson says calmly, taking a breath. "We have guests." The man turned and looked at me intensely. I returned the same intense gaze. He muttered something, walking past the guy next to him.
The other man groaned, "Watch it." The man with black hair didn't respond, and walked away. The other man turned towards me. He had a toned body, hazel eyes, light tan skin, dirty blonde hair, and light freckles.
He turned towards Silverson and shrugged, making his way towards the table. He sat in the middle seat in front of the wall. Era took a seat by him, smiling at me, and giving me a thumbs up. Malina, and Silverson each carried over two cups.
"Here you are Hun," Malina said, placing a cup of coffee down for Era.
"Thanks, Malina." Era smiled, taking a sip of the coffee.
"You're welcome." Malina smiled.
"Since there's seven of us, I didn't have time to grab an extra plate. I also wasn't planning on eating anyways." I tell her.
"That's alright dear," Malina smiled, taking a seat at the other end. "Silverson grabbed an extra plate, for you when he placed your chair down." I looked next to me, to see another plate filled with two pancakes, two slices of bacon, and a scoop of fruit salad same as the others.
Malina looked over at the person with brown reddish hair. They just nodded, and grabbed the two other cups since Era already had hers and Malina was already sitting. They placed both cups down, and took a seat, next to me. Silverson sat down on my right side, as the other person was on my left side. The guy with tan skin came back downstairs.
He had a black tight fitted workout shirt on, with gray sweatpants. He took a seat next to the other person.
"Well." Era said, breaking the ice. "As you all know, we have finally found Azalea's daughter Mira. Mira, doesn't know who we are, or doesn't remember us. So, let's go around and introduce ourselves. Who wants to go first?"
"I'll go." The tan skinned male spoke. His voice was deep, and his gaze immediately found mine, as we looked into each other's eyes. He smirked, placing his hand under his chin, as if to taunt me.. I just raised my eyebrow and stared back at him.
"Well, I'm Kai," He said, looking at me. "I hold the element of water. So if you ever want to challenge me in something, I'd be more than happy to oblige." He held his smirk and cocked an eyebrow. "However, if you get beat, don't go crying." Era and Malina both face palmed.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I smiled, placing my hand under my chin. "However I will take you up on a challenge anyday, and show you how much stronger I am than you." His mouth dropped open. I winked, and turned to the person next to him. They had their phone out and had spiked platinum blonde hair. Kai gently poked his shoulder.
"Oh right," The person smiled. Their smile was goofy, and they had a peace sign up. "I'm Striker, I harness the power of energy, but not electricity. Those two different things. So I can hold atoms, or any energy on a field." They spoke quickly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Striker." I smiled.
"You already know me," Malina smiled, gently taking a sip of her coffee. "But, my name is Malina, I have the power to control light. Your mother and I were very close. It was a shame to hear she passed." She sighed, gripping her mug tightly, but smiling a moment later and relaxing her hand. I felt everything come back to me at once. I remember Malina. She was my mom's best friend, and my god mother. It's been decades since I have seen her, because after my mother's passing, my dad hid me from basically everyone but school. I remember what my mother said about Malina. My mom spoke about her a lot. "That leaves..." She looked around the table for a moment. Her face landing on the light tan male, who took a sip of his coffee."Nico introduce yourself." 
"Fine," He snarled softly, looking in my direction. His piercing hazel eyes met my green ones. His eyes held intimidation, but his pupils dilated, showing he was relaxed. "I'm Nico, as she already said. I have the power of lightning, so I work with shorty over there," He pointed to Striker, who stuck their tongue out. "I run a company, so my apologies, I must leave now." He ate the rest of his food, drinking down his coffee in one gulp, and putting his dishes in the sink.
"Don't pay him any mind Mira, he just doesn't know how to accept people." Silverson said, raising his voice a bit at the last part. Nico just rolled his eyes and left. Malina got up.
"I'll go talk to him," She said, grabbing her coffee. "I'll be right back." She returned a moment later shaking her head. "He left already." All of us nodded, and I took a deep breath. 
"Well, since you all introduced yourself to me, let me do the same back." I said, smiling at them. They all returned the smile except Kai who was drinking his coffee, and Nico who wasn't sitting at the table anymore. "My name is Mira, I am Azalea's daughter. I harness her power of earth, and my dad's power of healing from earth. I enjoy gardening, and taking care of plants."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mira." Striker smiled, putting their phone away, taking a bite of the pancakes. "Oh my heavens!" They gawked, taking another bite of the pancakes. "Who made these pancakes? They are astonishing." They spoke with their mouths full. Everyone laughed at them.
"I made them." I responded.  They smiled, and continued eating the pancakes. Breakfast was calm, everyone ate quietly, small talk was made, and everyone was relaxed. I finished eating, getting up.
"Mira sit down." Malina sternly spoke, taking the final sip of her coffee. "You already made breakfast, let us clean up."
"I agree with Malina." Silverson replied, getting up, and grabbing my plate. "Kai, can you come help us in the kitchen? I have a feeling our sink isn't working again."
"You still haven't gotten that fixed?" Kai asked. His mouth was full of bacon. He swallowed it, coughing a bit from swallowing all of the bacon at once.
"Why fix it, when I have someone who holds the element of water." Silverson jokes. Kai smirked and rolled his eyes, getting up.
"Is it because I can do a better job at cleaning than you?"
"Har har." Silverson laughed sarcastically.
"Hey don't laugh at me." He growled, readying his hand. Silverson followed suit, I was about to say something when Malina held her hand up, watching the boys. I sat back down.
"I wasn't laughing at you Kai," Silverson sighed, still holding onto the plate. "Now, will you put your hand down and help me wash dishes? After all, we have a guest." Kai placed his hand down and smirked.
"You really couldn't take me oldie?" Kai smirked, keeping his hand raised.
"That does it!" Silverson growled, releasing a stream of ice, Kai following suit with a stream of water. The air suddenly became cold and white.
"I've got it!" Era said, pulling the white air out of the room into a cloud, and walking towards the door. Malina got up and opened it. Era pushed her hands through releasing the cloud of white air into the outside. "That's better."
"Yeah," Malina sighed, looking at the two boys in front of her who were still fighting. "Now to get these two to stop fighting with each other."
"I can take care of that." I spoke, looking at the flowers on the side of the table. I used my hands creating vines from the table, and moving my hands to make the vines wrap around Kai's and Silverson's wrists.
"Would you two stop it!" Malina yelled, looking at them. "We have a guest here, this is no way to act in front of one," She sighed. The two boys were getting ready to say something when she held her hands up. "Let alone in front of Azalea's daughter!" The two males struggled against my vines, making it hard for me to control. I tightened my hands, making the vines tighten around their wrist. A small hiss fell from their lips. 
"He started it!" Kai yelled.
"Did not!" Silverson yelled back.
"Did too!"
"Did Not!" Malina sighed, looking at Striker.
"Do you mind?" Malina asked, turning towards Striker, who just nodded unfazed at the question. They stood between the two boys, opening their hands, clasping them shut, absorbing the kinetic energy between them. They both stopped, as their bodies became still. I released the vines, making them fall to the floor. 
"Now," Malina sighed, looking at the boys, whose gazes turned towards her face. "You two will get along now, and for your punishment. You guys will clean up breakfast, and take care of all the chores in the house for today." Malina guided the light from the window onto the mirror in the room. "Era, grab a pan and set it up on the island."
"You got it!" Era responded, urgently making her way towards the cabinet, grabbing a pan out, and setting it onto the island. Malina aimed the beam of light on the pan, and then grabbed the light on the pan, aiming the light onto a broken mirror, allowing all the streams of light to reflect off of everything in the kitchen, and onto the ice glacier that now laid in the middle of the room. "Once that melts, you two are to mop the mess up. Do you understand?" She glared at them.
"Yes." They sighed. Malina nodded at Striker, who released his hands. Silverson and Kai fell backwards onto the ground, as all the energy came back to them at once.
"Now for you Mira, we want to talk with you." Malina smiled gently at me, grabbing my hand. "Era and I just have a few questions for you."
"Okay." I responded, getting up.
"Follow us." Era giggled, pulling my hand along. Era is very happy for something that just happened. I shrugged it off, walking next to Malina, as Era tried to pull me along. Era really couldn't pull me along with her, as her height difference compared to mine is a lot, and she isn't as strong as me.
"Come on Mira," Era whined, trying to pull me up the steps.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I answered, keeping up with her. She let go of me once we reached the top of the steps.
"How about we don't pull on anyone when trying to get up the steps next time." Malina said, getting up the steps way after us. Era approached a door, she had a wide smile on, and her eyes were filled with joy. She kind of resembles a puppy when she's happy, you could see her little tail moving as if she were a puppy.
"You can open the door, Era." Malina chuckled, watching Era open the door. Era pulled me inside of the room, with a large smile on her face.
"Voice authentication please!" The system in the room rangout. I jumped a bit. 
"Malina Renee."
"Era Freemen."
"Voice authentication please." The system spoke again. I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do.
"Well state your name hun," Malina tells me.
"Mira Carnelian" I spoke, listening for the intercom to go off.
"Proceed ahead." The system spoke, going quiet right after.  Malina smiled, walking ahead. Era and I followed her around, to a chair and a sofa. Malina sat down on a sofa, as Era took a seat next to her. I sat in the recliner across from her. I looked at her feeling as if I was going to be intimidated. I looked around the room, to try and get a better surrounding of where I was. There were multiple computers set up, with a coffee pot, and a bunch of book shelves and drawers.
"I take it this is your guy's office." I say, continuing to look around seeing the marble desk, and wood floors. There weren't many windows, just orange and yellow lights dangling from the ceiling.
"You would be correct." Malina smiled, folding her hands in her lap. "We aren't interrogating you like a cop would, we just wanted to talk to you, and ask a few questions."
"One do you remember me at all?" She asked me.
"To be completely honest no, I've seen you before I know that. But from where I'm not quite sure." I said, responding to her question.
"Well, what I'm about to tell you, is something that may sound familiar, but you need to promise me, that you're not going to freak out when I tell you."
"Okay?" I looked at her.
"I'm your godmother." She tells me.
"You're my what?"
"Your godmother."
"If you were my godmother, I would have known." I thought for a moment, running through my childhood memories that floated through the back of my mind. She appears in a few memories of my younger self, but once I was taken out of the kingdom a lot of my memories were just school and with my dad. I looked at Malina. "Were you the one lady that mom always had around her, on her adventures or the person that always visited us?"
"Yes," Malina says.
"I remember very little of you." I tell her.
"I thought so, mainly because after your mother's death your father left the kingdom with you, and I had no idea where you went after her funeral."
"That's why you look familiar." I tell her.
"Yes, that is why." Malina spoke.
"Guess that explains why you were always around." I said. I watched her nod.
"Now, what do you remember from yesterday? Like anything before the fight, or after the fight?" Malina asked.
"Well, I went to school. I've gone to school several times, but it is what it is. So it was just like any ordinary school day. I was working on homework in the library trying to escape from the chaotic noise of my life, and of school." I say, trying to recall the memories from yesterday.
"Okay," Malina spoke, looking at me.
"I know Ember came into the library, at some point while I was taking my notes for my science class. She went up to me and claimed 'you're sitting at MY table.' I just responded saying 'it's anyone's table not just yours.' She got mad and left. I thought I could reason with her, so I got up and followed her. Ember and I used to be friends when we were younger. My family and her family were super close. But since after my mom died, she hasn't really spoken with me since. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her dad and mother in a few years." I saw Malina bite her lip. She knows something.The question is what is she hiding.  "So I followed her, and went to attempt to reason with her. Well we ended up outside in the woods, that are a few miles away from school. It was the end of the day, so no one would know that we were missing. Anyways, after I followed her, I asked why we weren't friends anymore. Instead of a response with words, I got a response with fire. Thus, beginning the fight I was in. I also remember the hospital but that was it." I heard Malina awkwardly chuckle, and saw Era had no smile and just scrunched her lips together. Did I say something wrong? 
"Well...Mira." Malina sighed, getting up and walking over to a desk. "There are two things you should know. The first one will be told after you answer this question."
"And that is?" I asked, looking at the back of Malina's head. Her afro was in the way so I couldn't see the way she was facing.
"What exactly did your dad say killed your mother?" She asked me.
"Well," I thought for a second. "When my dad first told me she died, he claimed that she died in a shooting at the mall going birthday shopping for me. However I don't believe what he is telling me is true."
"I don't blame you." Era spoke, getting comfortable in her seat. I looked at her with an eye brow raised. "Malina will explain." I nodded.
"Well," Malina spoke softly, thinking for a moment. "Your mother was killed in a murder, just not a shooting at the mall. You see what really happened was," She sat down and pulled out a picture of Ember's parents, with a picture of mine, and an obituary for each of them. "Your mother was killed by Ember's father, after your mother killed his wife. Your father killed Ember's father, after he took away his wife, which left Ember an orphan for the last five or six decades."
"That doesn't make sense. Why would my father kill him, and why would my mother kill his wife?"
"Well you see what happened was, Ember's parents were working for the dark shadows of this world. To serve as a way to reach your mother, and the king at the time. At this point and time queen's and king's of elements did not have to be married, because the elements had to be able to lead people, and make sure they could control their powers and so on and so forth. I won't tell you the whole story today."
"Okay? Could you just get on with the story?" I asked.
"Oh right." Malina laughed, sitting back on the couch. "As I was saying. None of us knew that Ember's parents had been trying to overthrow the crown, so they could become queen and king. However, things did not go as planned. We didn't even know they were working for the dark shadow's until we found them one night. So we devised a plan to fight them. However we were all beaten to a pulp that night except your mother, your father, and someone else I cannot recall. Your mother's powers are very strong and powerful just like yours. You haven't gotten to see your true potential yet, so we don't know what you're capable of, as a person. However, your mother did everything she could to keep the two of their fires at bay. While your father took care of the shadows. Your mother's guard was up like crazy that night, except for one spot. That was her back, Ember's mother was very strong, but not as strong and skillful as your mother. When Ember's mother finalized her final attack she tried aiming it at your mother, who created a volcano on the spot, and fired the fireball back at the area killing Ember's mother, and the shadows around it. Your mother was devastated that she killed her one best friends. But your mother knew what had to be done, while your mother looked at the damage she made. Ember's father created the strongest attack he could muster. And attacked your mother, burning her to bone. Your father couldn't heal her, no matter how hard he tried. For she was gone, by the time that he got there. As for Ember's father, he was killed the next day when he tried to attack the kingdom."
"So let me get this straight." I said, rubbing my temples. "You're telling me, that my parents killed her parents, because it was the right thing to do, because the fate of the king and my mother were in danger?" 
"Pretty much," Malina sighed, placing everything away. Something feels really off here. Elements only die in battle like that if they are not original holders, like Malina, me, Kai, or anyone here really. So what exactly happened?
"The king passed away from sadness and his powers and life was at the end of the line a few years ago, so the coming of age of our next king and queen is quite soon." Malina smiled, looking at me. "I pick the queen and king every year, with the help of this." I watched Malina grab something out of a drawer, and walk back over to me. Malina sat down, and pulled out a beautiful yellow tourmaline bangle. "Once the bangle glows it means I've found the king and queen."
"Wow," I reached my hand out. She gently smacked my hand away. 
"You can't touch it until the ceremony. Plus I'm not sure if you're even worthy of the kingdom."
"What makes you worthy to be a queen or a king?"
"Bravery, courtesy, kindness, and being helpful. Things that just make up a strong and good person, who can lead their kingdom, and still be connected to themselves, and not dwell on just the kingdom."
"Oh,"  It was silent for a few minutes. "When is the ceremony for the crowning or more finding of the new king and queen?"
"A few weeks from now!" Era exclaimed, getting excited, and pulling out a magazine, and flipping through all the pictures from the past. "All the elements are there, dressed up in the fanciest of fancy gowns, there's amazing food, and amazing music. It's like the biggest ball in the history of elements!"
"Yes," Malina spoke, smiling at the two of us. "However, that means we only have a few weeks to stop this disaster from happening."
"So what do you need me to do?" I asked, looking at the two of them.
"Help us." Malina answered. I rolled my eyes.
"I know that." I responded, glaring.
"Then why'd you ask?" Malina asked.  I sighed. 
"I want to know how I am supposed to help you."
"Mira, we need your power, we need your smarts. You hung out with Ember for several centuries, you know what it is like to be around her, and where all her hiding spots are. Maybe you'll know how to stop her. You are our best bet at putting the reign of dark shadows behind us, so the future king and queen can live in peace and harmony with the elements." Malina explained, looking at me. "Please Mira, you're all we have left for help."
"I know some information about Ember, not a whole lot but enough. But, I will help you." I responded, grabbing her hands. "You were my mother's favorite person in the whole universe. Who would I be if I didn't help you." Malina smiled. "Now I've got to talk to my dad."
"I'll do that for you sweetie," Malina sighed, taking her hands back and getting up. "He's bound to remember me." Era and I both got up following. "When we come back we'll have you moved into your mom's old room. I think you'll like how she had it." She smiled. I smiled back, following her downstairs. My dad is not going to let me live here, I already know. I sighed, taking a deep breath. Don't overthink this Mira, you can trust Malina, you've always trusted her. At least from what I can remember. I reached the bottom of the steps, looking for my shoes. Kai came up to me holding folded clothes.
"Here are your clean clothes." Kai spoke, holding them out for me. I reached my arms out to grab them, when he pulled them above his head. "But you won't get them back unless you give me a kiss."
"Excuse me?" I asked, looking at him.
"I said if you want your clothes back you'll have to give me a kiss." He repeated.
"Give her your clothes back." Era sighed, looking up at Kai.
"And whatcha going to do about that shorty?" Kai asked.
"Why you-" Era was about to say something when Malina cut her off.
"Kai I will assign you the rest of the chores for the week, unless you give her her clothes back."
"Yes Malina." Kai sighed, handing me my clothes. "I'll be waiting on that kiss." Kai winked, and walked away.
"I'm sorry about them." Malina groaned, pulling out her car keys. "Get dressed and then come on outside."
"Okay." I answered, looking for the bathroom.
"Third door on your left Mira," Era spoke, grabbing something by the couch.
"Thank you." I smiled, watching Era walk up to me.
"Your shoes." Era smiled.
"Thank you again." I answered.
"No problem Mira, let me know if you need anything." Era smiled, toddling off into one of the rooms.
I walked down the hall where all the rooms were and saw the third door to the left, knocking not hearing anyone answer. I opened the door, and went inside. The bathroom was very moderned themed. Beige tile on the floor, with black walls, black sinks, and a white toilet. I placed my clothes on the closed toilet, and got undressed, changing into my clothes, and sitting down on the toilet, getting my shoes on. I slipped back on Silverson's crewneck, walked back out of the bathroom, down the halls, and down the stairs. Where I saw Malina standing by the door.
"Come on, let's get you home to your dad, so I can talk to him." I nodded, following her outside. I still had Silverson's crewneck on, but the now faded smell of fresh pine and cold water was the only thing keeping me relaxed at this point. The drive to my house was calming, as Malina carefully drove.. We arrived, seeing my father was still home. He would usually be out doing something at this time. I looked at Malina, who unbuckled and got out of the car. I followed, unlocking the door and going inside.
"Oh thank heavens you're alright Mira!" My father yelled, coming over and hugging me. I awkwardly smiled, and let out an awkward laugh. "Where were you? I was worried."
"Did you not see-" I was about to finish talking when Malina cut me off.
"Jeorge, is that you?" Malina asked, walking inside.
"Malina?" My father asked, shocked at what he was seeing right now. Malina's blinding smile filled the room.
"It's the one and only." Malina chuckled, walking inside. "It's a pleasure to see you again, I'm sorry about your wife. She was an amazing person."
"Thank you Malina," He sighed sadly, letting go of me. "It means a lot."
"I would like to talk to you if that's okay." Malina spoke calmly, thinking of a way to convince him to let me go with her.
"Of course," My father turned towards me. "Please go to your room for right now, Mira. I'll call you out when we're done talking." I nodded, walking towards my room, and closing the door. I sat on my bed, with my frog plushie that my mom had gotten me before she died.
I turned towards my TV, putting on some random movie, while I zoned out for a few minutes. About halfway through the movie, there was a knock at my door. I placed my frog plushie down.
"Come in!" I called out. My father and Malina answer.
"Mira Carnelian, you need to promise me something." My father said sternly looking at me. I looked at him confused. "Promise me that you will stay safe while you're away, and that while you're working you'll come and visit me when you get the chance." My eyes became wide as saucers as I looked at my dad.
"You mean?!" I asked, looking at him.
"Yes, I mean you can go. If there's anyone besides your mother who could save us now. It's you Mira." My father sighed, looking sad that there would be no one around him anymore. I got up hugging him.
"I won't let you down dad. I promise." I responded quietly. I felt him hug me back.
"Come on Mira, you need to pack. So we can get going.." Malina smiled.
"I'll help." My father said, and left the room going and getting a few totes. Once he came back. "Here are some totes to help us get everything packed." I nodded, and began packing my clothes, as my dad packed my books, and some of my other stuff. After about an hour we had my bear necessities packed into the three totes that my dad brought in my room. We all brought the totes outside to Malina's car. We got all the totes in the back, as I turned towards my father.
"Bye Dad." I smiled, holding my frog.
"Goodbye Mira," My father smiled sadly, looking at me for the last time. "Wait." He held his hands together creating a bouquet of flowers. They were tulips, white, orange, yellow, and red. "I immortalized them for you, so they'll never die, and you can always remember me."  I smiled as tears filled my eyes, as I hugged him.
"I love you Mira." He mumbled into my shoulder.
"I love you too dad." I whispered, holding onto him tightly one last time, before he pulled away. I got in the car, as I quickly wiped my tears.
"Let's go home, Mira." Malina spoke softly, and drove home.

Elemental Kingdom Chronicles: LivingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora