Chapter Seven

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We watched the garage door open, and Silverson walk outside the garage, and down towards us. We all stood there, waiting for Malina, Era, and Striker to open the truck doors so we could start unloading everything.
"So who's staying in what room?" Malina asked. We all looked at her.
"Uhh..." We all spoke, trying to think.
"None of you chose a room did you?" Malina asked. We all shook our heads no. Malina sighed out, looking at us.
"No we were to busy trying to make sure you didn't get killed, and that we didn't either." Nico spoke. Malina sighed again, shooting a glare at Nico.
"Go pick out your rooms," Malina grabbed a pen and a thing of sticky notes out of her back. "Label your rooms, and then come back out."
"Yes ma'am." We all responded, taking a sticky note, writing our names on the sticky note. We all went back inside, and up the steps. Once we were upstairs, we looked down the hallway, and saw Malina and Era's rooms were labeled with their names on the door.
I opened the door to Malina's room, and saw a medium sized room with lots of windows. Classic pick for Malina. I opened the door to the right of Malina's and saw a beautiful vintage room, with a small balcony. A good choice for Era.
I walked around seeing all the rooms were taken except for the master bedroom at the end of the hallway on the right showing all of the woods.
"Found your room huh?" Nico asked, standing next to me.
"Yeah," I smiled, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Everything will be alright," Nico spoke, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You've just got to trust everyone around so we can help you." He's probably right, but I can't risk losing anyone.
"Maybe," I smiled, looking at him. He smiled softly.  "Come on, they're probably waiting for us."
"Right," Nico coughed awkwardly leaving my room. I chuckled at him, and turned my gaze to look out into the treeline seeing Kierian in the distance. I smiled, and waved at him. He waved back tiredly, disappearing right after.
"Please stay safe." I whispered into the air.
"I will Mira, I will." Kierian whispered back. I smiled subconsciously to myself and walked out of my room, and down the stairs. I went outside and stood with everyone.
"Did you all pick your rooms?" Malina asked.
"Yes." We all responded.
"Alright. Whose room is where?" Malina asked.
"I'm the room next to you." Era spoke, smiling.
"I know that Era," Malina smiled, sighing a bit after, looking at the four of us. "I was talking about you four troublemakers." No one responded, afraid of what Malina would say. Malina rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Would someone answer? It would be nice to finally sleep in my own bedroom, and not in a crappy hotel, or on the floor tonight." Silverson said a silent prayer to himself, and looked at Malina. Who stood with her knee bent, and her arms crossed glaring at us.
"I'm the room across from Era." Silverson spoke. Malina nodded, motioning for us to continue. 
"I'm in the room next to Mira, on the right." Nico tells us.
"I'm the room next to Malina but to the left." Striker says.
"I'm in the room next to the striker at the end of the hall." Kai tells us. Everyone but me said their rooms with ease, Malina just nodded her head and wrote everything down.
"That leaves Mira with the master bedroom by the woods." Malina said.
"Yes, I'm in the master's bedroom. Is that alright?" I asked her.
"Of course it is sweetie, don't worry. I was actually hoping you'd pick that room. It would be something you'd like to be in."
"It was a good choice indeed." I smiled.
"Well then," Malina said, clapping her hands together. "We're going to unload all the stuff in the back of each truck, and then we're going to put everything away in the morning when we get up. We're going to get all the beds inside first so we have a place to sleep, and then will put all the boxes in their respective area. Tomorrow morning, those who aren't putting things in rooms will be helping me organize boxes, and placing them in their piles so we can just grab them that afternoon, to start unpacking."
"Sounds good to me." I spoke.
"Alright," Malina smiled, opening the first truck. "First bed we have is mine, so Kai and Silverson if you want to take the bed and bed frame upstairs. Nico and Mira can take up the next bed up to the respected room."
"Sounds good." Kai spoke, grabbing the bed frame, and Silverson grabbed the bed, as they both made their way inside.
"Alright next up is Mira's bed and frame." Malina spoke, looking at the labeled notes that we left on my bed, and the other boxes.
"Will get the bed frame up first." Nico spoke, walking into the truck up the ramp. I followed Nico up the ramp grabbing the one side of the bed frame that was towards the back of the truck. While I grabbed the side of the frame that was closer towards the outside. "I'll count to three and then will go ahead and lift the frame up off the floor of the truck."
"Sounds good," I said, rolling my shirt sleeves up. "Let's do this."
"Alright," Nico squatted down, and I did the same. "One, two, three, lift, lift lift." I picked the frame up off the ground, and Nico did the same. We were able to guide the frame out of the garage, into the house, and up the stairs with ease. As most of the hallways and doorways were wide. We made it towards my bedroom. "Where do you want the frame?"
"By the window please."
"Got it," Nico responded. We both moved the bed over to the window, setting the frame against the wall. "Come on, let's go get the mattress, and then will see what's left to be unloaded for the beds into the other rooms." I nodded, and followed Nico downstairs.
"Alright, Kai, Silverson, and Striker took care of the rest of the beds, while you moved Mira's bed frame to her room. All that's really left is her bed, and then everyone needs to grab their stuff for their rooms, that way tomorrow we can get the rest of the boxes inside."
"I can take my bed to my room." I spoke.
"Are you sure?" Nico asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, I'm sure I've moved mattresses before." I told him.
"Alright, if you need any help please let us know, I do not need you getting hurt." Malina says to me sternly.
"I will." I smiled, grabbing my mattress, and making my way to my room. I walked into my room, placed my bed down, and walked back out into the hallway. Where I heard Kai and Silverson talking about something quietly. I quickly, stood by the wall near the doorway of Silverson's room.
"Kai, I'm not joking. I saw a shadow with Mira the first day we got here." Silverson whispered to him.
"I highly doubt that Silv, you're probably just paranoid. Especially with everything that has been happening." Kai responded, moving a few of his boxes.
Shit he found out Kierian was around. Now what do I do?
"He kissed her Kai." Silverson groaned, running his hands through his hair, steam leaving his body.
"I highly doubt that Silverson," He sighed, turning towards the doorway. I moved my body against the wall.
"They kissed Kai," Silverson tells him, turning Kai around towards him. I quickly peaked back into the room. "I watched that shadow's lips press against hers. And she responded." I heard Kai sigh again, and turn back towards the doorway.  I quickly pressed myself against the wall again, listening to the rest of their conversation.
"Look, you need to give this situation a rest, just trust her."
"Maybe you're right Kai." Silverson sighed, turning towards the opposite side of the doorway grabbing a book. I held my breathe, until he went back in. I sighed out in relief softly.
"Just don't force yourself on the poor girl, she's already got enough going on." Kai said.
"Yeah," Silverson sighed out.  I quietly snuck past the doorway going down the steps. I stood waiting for a few of my boxes. I thought about what I just heard.
Silverson saw Kierian, but why would he care that I kissed him? Sure we kissed, and it was the nicest kiss I've ever had with anyone. I mean there are sparks with Kierian, just not with Silverosn. When I'm with Keirian it's like all of my worries disappear. I couldn't be happier when I am around him.
When I'm around Nico and Silverson, I don't feel those feelings, rather I feel safety, and just a sibling, and platonic relationship. I never thought that Silverson could have feelings for me. I highly doubt he'll do anything though. I heard snapping draw me back into the moment.
"Hello Earth to Mira," Era spoke, waving her hand in front of my face. I jumped a bit.
"What?" I asked, looking at her with a blank face. She giggled softly.
"You zoned out silly." She tells me, smiling still.
"Sorry," I spoke. I need to shake this off. I took a deep breath, looking at Era.
"It's all good, Nico and Striker were able to get there boxes into their rooms, so Malina had them get Malina and I's stuff in our room, while Kai and Silverson are working on Kai's room. Leaving all the boxes for rooms left towards yours."
"Right on it," I spoke, walking over to the truck, and up the ramp.
"How many boxes would you like Mira?" Malina asked, looking at all of my boxes.
"Three is fine for right now. I'll take the books first, since they're the heaviest things out of everything for my room."
"Okay," Malina said, grabbing a box and handing it to me, which I took from her and waited as she stacked the other two boxes on top. "We couldn't get the book shelves out of the wall, so we will make a trip at some point whether that is before we deal with the Ember situation or after. It'll probably be after the Ember situation." Malina told me.
"That's fine." I spoke, walking down the ramp and up to my room, placing the boxes against the wall by my bed, leaving a clear path to the bathroom. It was a good few hours before we had the trucks fully unloaded with everyone's stuff for their rooms, and had all the couches in the house, all the other boxes and chairs sat out in the garage. This was all for the moving company to pick up both trucks tomorrow, and take them back home.
"Well," Malina yawned, stretching her body. "A job well done everyone, I'm proud of you guys. However I'm tired, you guys can order takeout or something, but I'm going to bed. Just make sure to order something for me. Will go grocery shopping tomorrow."
"You got it Malina," Silverson spoke, watching as Malina went up the steps. Silverson's head turned towards Era's, who nodded, and smiled.
"I'll help her." Era spoke, toddling over to Malina. "I'll be right back."
"Okay, is there anything specific anyone is craving for dinner?" Silverson asked her.
"Not really, anything is fine." Era smiled, helping Malina upstairs. I looked at them confused.
"Hmm?" Silverson looked at me.
"Why is she going to bed so early?" I asked, looking at my phone seeing the time. "It's only seven.."
"Well it's a new environment for one." Silverson spoke, opening his phone and typing a few things. "It's also getting dark out, and once the sun starts setting, she becomes tired rather quickly, and because she expunged so much energy today, she isn't going to be able to stay awake long."
"Oh," Was all I said.
"How does chinese sound for dinner tonight?" Silverson asked Everyone. No complaints were made.
"I'm fine with that, just make sure you get Malina, the orange chicken with white rice, and a side of noodles." Nico spoke.
"I was going to order that for her anyways." Silverson spoke.
"I never said you weren't." Nico retorted, rolling his eyes and sitting on the couch. "I was just reminding you."
"Sure you were." Silverson spoke, clicking away at his phone, and stepping outside on the front steps. Nico groaned, stretching his legs out on the couch.
"What a bitch." Nico spoke. Kai laughed, running his hands through his hair.
"You and Silverson fight like a married couple." Kai chuckled. I took a seat next to Nico on the couch, and sank into the couch cushions relaxing.
"No we don't." Nico groaned. I snickered softly.
"You kind of do." I smiled.
"Not you too." Nico sighed, covering his face with his hands. Kai and I looked at each other, and bursted out laughing. Silverson came back inside.
"What's so funny?" Silverson asked, looking at Kai and I.
"Nothing," We both say. I bit my lip refraining from laughing, but Kai just bursted out laughing again. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I joined in.
"Really?" Silverson asked in disbelief, looking at Nico. "Any ideas Nico."
"Not a clue." Nico answered slowly, his hands still on is face, as he was beet read
"It's just." Kai said, trying to calm down.
"It's just what?" Silverson asked us.
"When you two argue it sounds like," Kai snorted
"Like what?" Silverson asked.
"Like you're a married couple." Kai and I said, laughing right after. We both watched as Silverson's and Nico's faces became red with embarrassment.
"No we don't." They both said at the same time.
"Yes you do." Kai and I answered.
"We don't!" Silverson and Nico yelled.
"Hey I said it first." Nico spoke.
"Did not." Silverson answered.
"Did two,"
"Did not,"
"Did two."
"That's enough you too." Kai said sternly, splashing the two of them with cold water.
"My apologies." Silverson spoke.
"Right, sorry," Nico answered.
"So when's dinner going to be here?"
"In the next half hour." Silverson answered, getting shoes on. "I'll go wait for the food outside."
"Sounds good." I said, watching Silverson walk outside. I smiled at the memory that was just created. I've always been thankful for tender memories after my mother's death, mainly because you never know when shit is going to hit the fan. And with the way things are progressing here, shit will be hitting the fan sooner rather than later.
"Should we try setting the TV up then while we wait?" Kai asked.
"We don't have wifi right now." I spoke.
"Yes we do." Nico sighed, sitting up. "I can use one of my boxes I have in my room and bring it downstairs so we can watch TV."
"Thank you Nico." Kai sighed.
"Uh-huh, whatever." Nico spoke, walking up to his room.
"Can you help me set the TV somewhere?" Kai asked me.
"Yeah," I answered, looking around the living room. "Where are we putting it?"
"On the couch table against the wall until we move the rooms the way they should be." Kai answered. I nodded, getting up off the couch, and following Kai out to the garage. We both walked over to the TV, and each one of us took a side. My back was facing the steps, and Kai was forward.
"Ready?" Kai asked.
"One, two, three lift." We picked the TV up, dragging it out of the garage, and into the living room, placing it onto the table. "Alright now time for cords." Kai walked back into the garage, and came back with an extension cord, plugging the cord into the outlet, and then plugging all the cords from the TV into their respective places. Nico came back into the living room.
"Here we are." Nico said, holding a small black box.
"It looks like a small box a ring comes in." I said.
"What are you stupid?" Nico asked, getting on the floor, plugging the small black box in, and clicking the button on top. "It's a wifi box you idiot."
"Oh yes my first assumption was a wifi box." I sarcastically responded, sitting on the couch again.
"Someone get me the remote." Nico demanded.
"You have words like please you know." Kai sighed.
"I just asked for someone to get me the damn remote."
"Right away your highness." Kai groaned, getting the remote, and handing it to Nico. Nico clicked the power button turning the TV on.
"Alright let's see here." Nico sat next to me on the couch, and began setting up the wifi for the TV. Within five minutes Nico had the TV all set up for us. "Here you go." Nico tossed the remote to Kai.
"Thanks." Kai and I said.
"No problem, someone let me know when food gets here." 
"You got it Nico." Kai spoke, looking through channels. Nico hummed something and then went upstairs.
"I'm going to go check on Nico," I tell Kai.
"Okay," Kai responded, continuing to scroll through the TV channels. I rolled my eyes, and went upstairs, to Nico's room. I knocked on his door. 
"What now?" Nico groaned, getting up and walking to the door, and opening it. He looked at me. "Oh hi Mira, what's up?" His demeanor changed rather quickly. Why?
"I just wanted to check to make sure you're okay." I say to him.
"I'm fine," Nico answered, getting ready to close the door. I stopped the door from closing with my foot. I'll pay for that later.
"You're not fine. What's wrong?" I asked again.
"Nothing is wrong Mira, I'm just tired, I promise okay." He said.
"I highly doubt that." I responded, looking him in the eyes. "Talk to me, what's wrong?"
"I've told you I'm fine now, leave it."
"You seem upset. I just want to try and help you."
"As I've told you before, I'm fine, just tired."
His answer could be truthful, but I want to find out what's wrong.
"No you're not. Was it the comment Kai and I made."
"Mira, leave it be please." Nico responded shortly.
"If so, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you." I was pushing Nico's temper, which I know I probably shouldn't be doing, but I need to find out what's bothering him.
"Mira, for the last time leave it be."
"Or what?" I asked, looking at him.
"I'll do something you don't like."
"I'm willing to take that chance to help you." I spoke calmly, taking a deep breath and placing my hand on his shoulder. "Now please tell me what's wrong." I felt a hand collide with my stomach, as my back landed against the wall.
"I told you if I asked again it wouldn't be pretty." My eyes looked around the room quickly seeing Nico's hand full of electricity.
"What did you do?" A voice called out.
"Who the hell are you?" Nico asked.
"No one you need to know about." The person spoke. I felt arms wrap around me, and they felt familiar. I looked up and saw purple eyes piercing into the hazel eyes across from me. It was Kierian. I relaxed into his arms.
"What the hell is going on?!" Silverson yelled. I heard the sound of something dropping, and saw him running up the steps, and looking at Nico.
"Nothing you need to be concerned about." Kierian said, snapping his fingers making the room go black. "Stay with me Mira," He spoke calmly. I tried saying something but I couldn't. I felt my eyelids shut and everything go black.
"Mira. Mira, can you hear me?" A voice called out. I groaned, opening my eyes to see nothing but darkness.
"Where am I?" I questioned, looking around the room. "Two lights and that's it? Where am I at?"
"My house." Someone called out. I jumped, turning my head to the side and seeing Kierian behind me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...again."
"It's fine, I promise." I smile a bit, feeling my face hurt from smiling. Kierian placed a straw and cup down on the table next to me. "What happened?" I felt Kierian's hands gently wrap around my upper body, moving me, and sitting my back against a headboard. My body was stiff and in pain. I hissed a bit. He gave an apologetic smile, before sighing. He took a seat next to me, and grabbed the cup and straw off the table.
"The guy with lightning power punched you with a handful of sparks, burning a bit of your skin, and stressing your muscles out causing your body to be in distress."
"Right," I sighed, looking at him. "I remember what happened now."
"What did happen?" Kierian asked, sitting next to me with a cup. He placed the straw in the cup that he had in his hand. "Drink, it will help you feel better." I took a quick sip, drinking the liquid down, and looking at him.
"Just made him upset is all." I tell him, looking at the straw. He brought it up to my mouth, as I took another sip from the cup. It's just water. "Nothing much more than that."
"Are you sure?" He asked me. Nope not one bit. However that's what got me in this situation if you want to call this a situation.
"Yeah, I probably just irritated him is all." I tell him, thinking about what I just said. I didn't even say anything that could have set him off. So why did he do what he did?
I watched as Kierian didn't think to much about what I said, and just held the cup with the straw near my mouth. I sighed mentally in relief.
"Okay," He placed the straw back in my mouth again, as I finished the last of the liquid. "Well I may want to inform you of what I did then."
"What did you do?" I asked, looking at him.
"Just came to your rescue," He tells me, rubbing his neck nervously. I felt my eyes widened.
"You did what now?!" I asked him, shock filling my face.
"I came to your rescue." He repeated. I looked at him shock still written all over my face. "There was no way you would have made it out there alive, especially with the silver-haired male coming upstairs to see what the hell was going on." Kierian tells me. Silverson heard the noise? Oh god. I put my hands on my head. "From what it looked like, the silver hair male and the blond hair male were getting ready to go at each other's throats. So I knew it would be safer to grab you and get you out. Rather than-" I cut him off.
"Then what happened?" I asked.
"I took you back to my house, I didn't try anything I promise. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and taken care of when you woke you up." 
"I know you wouldn't try anything. I trust you enough to know that." I tell him. I felt the pain in my muscles subside, but everything was still throbbing.
"I'm just waiting on the antidote that I'm making to heal you." He got up.
"Once you take the antidote, and rest for a little while longer, I can show you around my home, so you can see what issues we have going on here, or I can take you home."
"It probably would be safer for both of us to stay here, and not go back, as they will be trying to figure out who you are, and why you took me." I tell him, smiling after. He looked at me and smiled back. He placed the cup on the table next to me, and turned back towards me.
"I'll be right back." He gently laid my head back down on the pillow, and moved my hair out of my face, and leaving the room. I laid there, taking slow deep breaths to not pay attention to the throbbing pain in some of my muscles, as well as to keep my mind from overthinking the situation that happened earlier at home.
Maybe I shouldn't pry at people's barriers but I couldn't help myself. Something is bothering Nico, and I need to know what it is. He has been in a bad mood where he only talks to me, but fights with anyone else. But when I ask him what's wrong he won't tell me. Why is that?
"I'm back." Kierian called out, drawing me out of my thoughts. I smiled a bit.
"Welcome back." I said softly. Kierian gently moved my body back up against the headboard, placing the straw from the water into the cup.
"Open your mouth," He tells me. I opened my mouth, watching him place a dark purple pill in my mouth. He grabbed the cup off the table. "Drink," He held the straw out in front of my mouth.
"You're not trying to poison me are you?" I asked with the pill in my mouth. He rolled his eyes.
"No I'm trying to help you feel better is what I'm doing." He rolled his eyes.
"Uh-huh." I spoke, smiling after. He shook his head and smiled. 
"Just drink the water, It'll help you feel better." I opened my mouth, as he slipped the straw inside. I drank the water, feeling the pain in my muscles slowly go away. "You just need to rest for a little while longer, then we can go look around." He placed the cup down on the nightstand, sitting next to me.
"What about Ember?" I asked, turning my head towards him.
"She's being healed right now, so I have a few hours before I am due back to her." He tells me, running his hands through my hair. "Just know this."
"Know what?" I asked.
"The fight wasn't your fault, it was his. You were only trying to help, and I respect you for that."
"Kierian," I called out softly.
"What?" He asked.
"Thank you." I smiled. I needed to hear someone say something, before I went ballistic with anxiety. I saw a light shade of red coat on his pale cheeks.
"You're welcome I guess." He muttered, as he continued to run his hands through my hair. I relaxed, as I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. The silence was comfortable, not overbearing at all, just comfortable. It felt safe here.
It didn't feel like I had a million responsibilities. It felt like a home instead of a place where I just lived, because I had too.
"I do need to tell you something though." I say calmly.
"What is it my petal?" My eyes widened at the name he called me.
"Silverson saw you, and I together." I mumbled, looking down. I left the part of him kissing me out. Part of the reason being trying to save him from the embarrassment and myself from that as well. I felt his hand gently lift up my chin, and his purple eyes stare into my green ones.
"I don't care," He pressed his lips softly against mine, pulling away a second later. "If he wants to complain about seeing us together, then let him. You act as if anyone would believe him anyways." I smiled, laying my head back onto his shoulder. He continued playing with my hair for a few minutes. "You should be alright to move now, let's take a few steps and see how you feel." I nodded, watching Kierian get up out of the bed, and walk over to my standing in front of me. He held his hands out towards me. I adjusted myself so my feet were dangling off the bed. I looked at him. "Go on and grab my hands."
"What am I a baby learning to walk?" I asked.
"Just grab my hands Mira," Kierian spoke, chuckling after. I placed my hands into his, feeling his arms, gently pull me out of the bed, and my feet touch the floor. My legs shook, at the feeling of all my weight being placed on my legs at once. "It's alright I've got you." He spoke looking at me. "We just need to take a few steps and then you need to try walking on your own."
"Okay," I responded, taking a deep breath. Kierian began taking small steps backwards, as I followed with small steps forwards. We did this for a few minutes, before he looked at me.
"Are you ready to try walking by yourself?" He asked.
"Yes," I responded.
"I'll only be a few steps in front of you, so if you fall, I'll catch you." I nodded, watching as Kierian let go of my hands and take few steps forward. I walked towards him with slightly shaky legs, but soon got a hold of being able to walk again. I smiled, as I looked up and saw a smile on Kierian's face.
"Are you ready?" Kierian asked.
"For what?" I asked back. He smiled.
"To see my home?" He grabbed a few things out of a closet next to me, and handed me a cloak. "You're going to want to wear this so Ember and someone else doesn't know you're here."
"Okay?" I asked, putting the cloak on me. He chuckled, looking at me. "What?"
"You look like a giant black blob."
"Well, you're taller then me, and your clothes are bigger then mine, so I'm going to look like a black blob." I pouted.
"An adorable one." He muttered.
"What was that?" I asked, curious to make sure I heard what he said was right.
"Nothing." He spoke, collecting himself quickly.
"Whatever you say." I answered, watching, as he got himself ready for us to leave. I took in the view of his house, seeing a few windows. I turned my head towards the window, seeing that there wasn't light outside, rather it was dark, and there were lots of stars, and a dark shade of red blood moonlight illuminating the sky, and parts of his house.
I turned my gaze back to the inside of his house, and continued looking around the house seeing a few photo frames, a lot with his parents, and someone I couldn't recognize, and a few things of dead flowers.
I lifted my hand, replenishing the flower's life, making them immortal so they don't die off because of the lack of sunlight. I smiled softly. I watched Kierian come out to me. 
"Alright, are we ready to go now?" I nodded, as he opened the door.

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