Chapter 9: House.

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♡Clay pov♡

George and I were woken up by a soft, thudding noise. We were cuddled up together on the couch.

"What was that?" He mumbled.

"I don't know." I replied.

The thudding got loud, and I began hearing snarls from all around the RV. Sapnap and Karl came out of their room.

"What's going on?" Karl asked.

I got off the couch and went to the door that went to the roof. I pushed it open.

"Karl or George, come here. I need someone to go up and look." I demanded.

"You'll need to pull yourself up. I'll go. Your shoulder is still hurt." George said.

He came over to me. I squatted down and held my hands out. He put his uninjured foot on my hands, and I pushed him up. He grabbed onto either side of the small door and pulled himself up. He stood, and we heard him start walking around. He quickly came back, and I helped him down.

"The RV is surrounded by zombies." He stated.

"Shit." Sap cursed.

"There's a lot. We might be able to take some out, though. There aren't any by the back." George told us.

"Our best bet would be to go onto the roof and go down that way. We're all dead if someone gets caught in the doorway." Karl said.

We agreed on that plan and gathered all of our things.

"George, I'll send you first. Then Karl. Then Sap. Then me." I stated.

They nodded, and I helped George up again. We passed all the bags up to him. Sap and I worked together to get Karl up so he wouldn't have to use his injured arm as much. I helped Sapnap up. I heard the sound of the door swinging open and hit the wall. I quickly turned around as a zombie slowly made its way inside.

"Clay, grab my hand. Hurry." Sapnap said worridedly.

Another zombie came in, and they were now too close for me to go up.

My fucking knife and gun are in the bags.

"Damn it." I muttered, walking backward.

I went into the bathroom as more zombies came into the RV. I shut the door and pressed my body against it.

"Clay!" Someone shouted.

I felt a slam against the bathroom door. I pushed back.

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna fucking die.

I heard something behind me. I looked to see a small window. Karl pointed up. I looked up and saw another small door leading to the roof. It opened and I saw Sapnap and George. The zombies slammed against the bathroom door again. A hand reached in, and I slammed the door shut, cutting off the hand.

"George, look in that bag for anything to stop the door." Sap demanded.

I heard a bag unzip. I kept my back against the door as the zombies pounded on it. I heard a gunshot.


Another gunshot.

"Over here!"

"God damn it, Karl." Sap muttered.

The pounding on the door gradually stopped. Sapnap reached his hand down towards me. I stepped onto the toilet and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up with George's help.

"There's a neighborhood on the other side of the woods. We can find a house for a while." Sap told me.

I nodded, a little shaken up from my near death experience. I jumped down off the RV.

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