John and Daphne

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"What were you thinking?" I ask as soon as we get home and Daphne stares blankly at me.

"I'm sorry." She shrugs before trying to walk away from me.

I grab her arm and before I can think about what I'm doing, I pull my arm back and slap her backside.


She turns around to face me and I can immediately tell I've hurt her feelings more than her butt.

"Don't walk away from me, young lady." I warn and she stays silent, "Now I asked you a question "

"She made me mad." Daphne shrugs and I lower my head for a moment.

"Daphne Paloma, I'm about to take you upstairs to your room and spank you if you don't give me a legitimate reason for shoving your teammate because she missed a hoop." I warn and Daphne stares at me blankly, "Now."

"I don't know what you want me to say." She shrugs and I take a deep breath.

"Go upstairs to your room. I'll be up in a moment." I order and she rolls her eyes but walks upstairs.

I walk to the kitchen and find Katherine working on dinner.

"I'm about to spank Daphne, just wanted to let you know." I tell her and her jaw drops.


"She pushed a girl at basketball practice for missing a hoop snd
I mean full fledge shoved her so hard she fell down and went backwards." I explain as Katherine stays silent in shock.

"And you're spanking her for that?" She asks in disagreement and I nod.

"I know it's not dangerous but it's something I want to nip in the bud." I explain and Katherine sighs but nods at me.

I walk upstairs and go to Daphne's room, taking a deep breath before walking in the room.

"What were you thinking, young lady?" I ask again and she stares blankly at me and simply shrugs, "Not an answer. I want an answer right now or I can give you some more swats before the real deal begins."

"She was being stupid. She should have made that pass and the hoop." Daphne explains and I place my hands on my hips.

"You're in serious trouble young lady. You don't shove someone to the ground just because you think they aren't trying. You don't know her home life, what goes on, or how stressed she is. Treat everyone with kindness." I scold and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay, how long am I grounded for?" She asks passively and I chuckle.

"Stand up." I order and she looks at me with confusion, but obeys. I walk over and sit on her bed before grabbing her wrist and pulling her to lay over my lap.

"What are you doing?" She asks and I curse myself when I realize I can't talk to her.

I pull her back up and sit her on my knee.

"I'm spanking you." I tell her, spelling the word out in ASL in case she can't read 'spanking' if she's never heard it.

"You're what?"

"I'm going to repeatedly slap your bottom to teach you a lesson." I explain calmly and I can see she's starting to freak out.

"You can't do that!"

"Watch me."

I pull her back over and cross my leg over hers and pin her hands to the small of her back.

I rest my hand against her thigh and tap it in warning that I'm about to start.

I raise my hand and bring it down, gauging her reaction to see how she handles it.

She stays still so the next swat I go a little harder and I feel her legs tense up.

I stay at that strength and start peppering swats all over her backside.

I open to my mouth to start lecturing her but then realize she can't hear me so I close my mouth.

She starts fighting me and trying to buck herself off of my lap, so as any reasonable parent would do, I start spanking her thighs.

I can hear her starting to audibly cry and it shatters my heart.

"Please just pull me up for a second so I can talk to you for a second!" She pleads and I sigh but pull her up. I sit her on my right knee and stare at her.

"What's wrong?" I ask as she wipes tears from her cheeks.

"I just started panicking." She cries, fully breaking down and I can't stop myself from pulling her into my arms and letting her rest her head on my shoulder.

"You're not done, I just know this is your first spanking probably and I'm being lenient." I explain after a few moments, pulling her off so she can see my lips.

"Please, it hurts." She starts sobbing harder and I sigh, honestly wondering if she can handle it.

"Your almost done, I won't pin your hands." I explain before laying her back over my lap.

I press my hand to her back and start spanking again, aiming mostly at her butt more than her thighs this time.

As I'm spanking, Daphne throws her arm back and I go to pin it but she grabs my hand and just squeezes it. I roll my hand over and lay my palm open and she starts squeezing the life out my hand.

I squeeze it once in a silent warning before tipping her down a bit and speeding up, aiming for her sit spots.

I land a final slap to the center of her butt, stilling my hand and instead rubbing her back.

"Can I get up?" She asks almost incoherently and I hook my hands under her stomach and pull her up, guiding her to sit on my lap.

She hisses and where as I'm expecting her to jump up and tell me I'm the most awful person in the world and run to Regina to snitch, she starts sobbing harder and buries her face in my chest.

I don't say anything, there's no point, she can't hear me anyways. So instead, I just hold my daughter and let her cry, rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

After about 10 minutes of her sobs, I feel her crying go down and she stays sitting, curled up into my arms.

I move so I can see her face and I find my suspicions to be correct; Daphne is sleeping peacefully cuddled into me.

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