red hood vs DC villain girls

Start from the beginning

Red hood: stick to children's birthday parties.

As the dust settled, Red Hood stood victorious amidst his fallen adversaries. Each had been bested by a combination of gadgets, technology, combat expertise, and strategic use of his firearms - all non-lethally subdued.

Red hood: This was your final warning.

He announced, his voice echoing in the quiet aftermath.

Red hood: Stay out of Metropolis. This is my turf now.

With a final, sweeping glance at the incapacitated group, he vanished into the night, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

The next day at sweet justice.

He was hanging out with Karen in HQ when Diana comes out with a newspaper and puts it on the table. Titled: red hood takes down 6 notorious villains by himself!

Khalil: aw great picture really captured my good side.

Diana: why would you fight them by yourself? Why didn't you call us?

Khalil: it just didn't seem important I mean it was just Catwoman and her villain girlfriends.

Diana: that doesn't matter. You're part of a team now. You're not by yourself anymore. Please Khalil you have to be careful next time.

Khalil: ok I'm sorry I'll call y'all next time when there's a villain on the scene.

Diana: thank you. Always remember you're not alone. You're part of a team.

Diana then leaves.

Karen: Diana is right Khalil you should've called us.

Khalil: my instincts kicked in and hey I won the fight without breaking a sweat.

Karen: and that's good but we don't want you getting hurt. Catwoman and her team aren't the only villains out there you know.

Khalil: hey they were lucky I didn't kill them.

Karen: khalil please don't tell me you're getting the urge to kill again?

Khalil: it just not putting a bullet in these criminals making my mind go crazy. I shot at Catwoman with rubber bullets. It felt weird.

Karen: why?

Khalil: Karen I come from a long line of assassin's my parents are assassin's my siblings are assassin's. My parents trained me and my siblings to become the perfect killers either for good or bad or both it would mostly depend on the job.

Karen: have you ever killed a innocent person before? Like for a hit?

Khalil: I don't think so no. Most people I put into the ground have been scumbags.

Karen: well look you have us to come to if your feeling like killing again and hey your making strides like you said you replaced your lead bullets with rubber.

khalil: thanks to you and your help. I really appreciate it Karen. Your really smart.

Karen then blushes.

Khalil: so why don't I help you with your growth problem.

Karen: I can only grow small. You know like a bee.

Khalil: your name is bumble bee. Which I'm wondering why bumble bee?

Karen: you know Diana gave me that name.

Khalil: yeah but you can change it.

Karen: to what? Though my suit is black and yellow and I grow to the size of a bee.

Khalil: well this is just off the top of my dome. Um wasp, yellowjacket, hornet.

Karen then looks at him with widen eyes.

Karen: those are so much better than bumblebee. Why didn't I think of that?

Khalil: probably because someone else did (mumbles).

Karen: what was that?

Khalil: nothing anyway I can help you with your suit.

Karen: really?

Khalil: yeah I can take it home and work on it.

Karen: no, I want us to work on it together.

Khalil: really why?

Karen blushes with shyness.

Karen: uh well cause we can study each other's notes and work. You know be lab partners. If you want?

Khalil: I like that.

Karen: really?

Khalil: yeah it'll be fun.

Karen blushes harder hiding her smile into her sweater.

Khalil: the hood and the bee. Has a good ring to it.

Karen: yeah it does (smiling). Hey Khalil can you promise me something?

Khalil: sure wassup?

Karen: promise me you won't kill again.

Khalil: ouuu.

Karen: please Khalil I know you can do it. This is just extra encouragement please promise me no more killing.

He then sighs and get on one knee to her eye level. Which makes her blush harder.

Khalil: I promise.

Karen then quickly hugs him tight while smiling.

Karen: thank you Khalil.

Khalil: no problem.

He then keeps thinking about his family.

Khalil thoughts: oh man how am I gonna tell my family I'm not killing anymore. Especially my mom and dad.

Karen: are you ok Khalil?

Khalil: hm oh yeah I'm fine come on let's start working on your suit.

Karen: ok (says gleefully).

Karen then runs over to the workstation.

Khalil: this is gonna be harder than I thought (sighs).

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