Slipping out of her night clothes and sank into the comfort of her bed. The events of the evening had left her exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and all she wanted was to escape into the sanctuary of sleep.

Despite their brief time together, Solea had quickly learned that Emilio's affectionate gestures often masked a deeper, more sinister agenda.

As she lay there in the darkness, Solea couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Despite her exhaustion and many thoughts, sleep eluded her.

Solea's eyes fluttered open, jolted awake by the sudden pressure bearing down on her. Confusion and fear gripped her as she attempted to steady herself, only to find herself pinned down by an unseen force.

The sound of Emilio's voice filled the air, dripping with rage and malice, sending shivers down Solea's spine. As her vision slowly adjusted to the dim light, she could make out his form looming over her, his eyes ablaze with fury.

Before she could utter a word, Solea felt the sharp sting of pain as Emilio's fist collided with her face, each blow landing with brutal force.

Trying to pull her body up but was pushed back down by a weight. The world spun around her as she cried out in agony, her body trembling beneath his relentless assault.

"This what you doing huh?" She heard Emilio's voice in the distance. So much anger was being poured through his words she was confused.

Desperate and terrified, Solea pleaded for answers, her voice trembling with fear. But Emilio's response was nothing but silence, punctuated by the sickening sound of his fists raining down on her.

Opening her eyes Solea could slightly see him sitting on her upper pelvis, holding her hostage.

Before she could get a sentence out, he wrapped her hair around his large fist, punching  her in the face three times, bruising her face and sweeping her eye.

Solea  screamed at the pain he caused  her vision blurred and blood pouring from her nose.

"Wh-why are you doing this ? W-what did i do" Solea sobbed. Confused on why she was getting treated this way.

Without answering her question he steady punched her twice more—" You think you don't need me? Huh? You stay out all night with your friends, being a fucking slut. That's what you wanna be?" He darkly chuckled.

"Please please .. I'm sorry ok, I-I'll stay in" Solea screamed in pain

The hits were becoming so harsh she didn't think he realize how hard he was— or maybe he did.

With each blow, Solea's world grew darker, her senses overwhelmed by the excruciating pain radiating from her battered body. As she fought to draw breath, she felt the crushing weight of Emilio's hands around her throat, squeezing the life from her with a cold, merciless grip.

As she struggled against his hands she could feel the pressure he steady kept on her neck, him watching her with a straight face and crazed eyes , soles was scared— scared that he would kill her.

In that moment, as the darkness closed in around her, Solea was consumed by a single, terrifying thought: she was at the mercy of a monster, and there was no escape from his wrath.

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