So, Karunika got up, not bothering to wipe her tears as she pulled her son in. The family cried. They cried for the life of their family. Adam lost another part of his heart. Another break. One child wasn't enough for the world? Did it have to take one more? What adharm, dushkarm, or lie had been said by her that she had to die.

" Maharani! " Uttar ran in, panting nearly out of breath as he ran up to the family on the ground. Keshav right behind him.

" Maharaj! Maharani! I can save her! I can! "

" Rajkumaar Uttar. It is not wise for you to give me false promises right now. My rage at your failure will kill you. " Moksh said, wiping his tears as he was held by his father.

" I am honest Maharaj. Your own brother has given me a boon, Maharani. I can share my soul with another, only in time of emergency and if the person still has pulse in them. " He said, appealing to them with joint hands.

" Go. Do it. " Karunika said, knowing that there was no pulse. Her daughter was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

So Uttar stood up, hand above her wrist as he felt.

Dhum..........Dhum......... Dhum.......

The faintest trace. Quickly depleting and very quiet .

" Hai Dhananjay! As per your boon! I share a part of my soul with the Yuvrani of Vajji. Let it flow. " He said, as gold lights filled the room. It glowed. Bright and vibrant and just as it began to work, Keshav ran away.

For once no one cared what he did. Karunika Adam and Moksh all sat by, watching through wet eyes as the magic made it's way through.

The light died down and so did everyone's hopes when...

" Aaah. "


That night Karunika didn't leave Aahana alone. Even when Uttara was hit by the brhamastr, his brother ran out. But Aahana was held by her brother, father and mother.

She kept on kissing her face, holding her close, rocking her as she kept her in her line of vision. No one could disturb her that day. She sat by her, simply holding her head against her lap, running her hand through her hair. Each time she would fall asleep, her mother would panic as her father reassured her that she was just asleep. She was very much in debt to Raajkumar Uttar. She had already liked him as a person and now she was indebted to him for life. Or for her life would be better. Even as the sun rose the next day when her other brothers came to meet her, Karunika would not leave her, but had to be gently pried away by her father.

He constantly told his wife that Aahana was safe and fine. That she should go thank the Raajkumar. That they both would and that is what she did.


" Rajkumaar. I feel thanking you isn't big enough. I cannot express my joy at seeing my -my daughter alive and it is all because of you. You kept a mother's love putr. You did. " Karunika said, joining her hands in front of him.

" Nahi nahi mata. One can never not do anything for love. For hope. Your daughter will always be yours. She is your light. I was just a small person with the right boon. "

Adam then twisted the child's ear , not with anger or pain but love.

" You call her mata, but then call yourself a small person? No child of Karunika and Adam is small. They have their own right. "

" Yes. But what do you mean about love? " She asked, looking up at the boy who was now shy. Steel in his spine, his resolve, he  said, " I love your daughter. But I know we are not of marriageable age yet. So, if she returns my emotions, then I wish to marry her, as soon as we can. " He said, solemnly, as the two looked shocked, but not truly surprised either.

" If our daughter agrees, so do we. But until she does, we cannot give you any promise. " Adam said, staring into his soul. This was the protective father everyone knew and loved.

" I had told you but you didn't listen to me -aaaagh. Jyeshtha kshama! "


Ahem ahem. Look. It had to happen. Ashwatthama's curse needed a source.

There were many who had said how it wasn't the right age for their marriage and I agreed. I wasn't planning to get them married right away.

Karunika's own marriage took eight chapters. Why did you think Aahana's would take less than even one....

Anyways. Share your opinions and votes.

I am so grateful for all the votes we have as we steadily move towards a thousand..

Much love

Radhekrishn ❤

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