21 || Kid's Cove

27 3 21

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 4498 words)
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, physical fights, fear, descriptions of blood/injuries

"It's twelve thirty," Kaylen warns, closing the door to her car and walking back over to our group. We're finishing off a light snack and trying to mentally prepare ourselves for what's about to happen. Everyone's at different points in that process, but we're waiting on borrowed time. The longer we sit, the less time we have to react and replan for mistakes and curveballs. At this point, I'm spending my time manifesting a situation where we have neither.

The most basic rundown of this plan is that Jonah and I get to Kid's Cove, give Sam some sense of identity, and break her connection to the Puppet while Kaylen, Mike, and Abby go to the office so Abby can convince JJ and Balloon Boy to help us distract the Toys. Once all three animatronics are on our side, Jonah and I grab the key and meet the others in the private room we met Jeremy earlier. We'll recollect and make any necessary plan changes there. Then we head to parts and service, get in, reunite Jeremy with an animatronic body, wake the other spirits, reunite Jeremy with his other half, and break Afton's hold over Charlie's spirit.

It's a lot to do, and it's all a matter of life or death. If we do this wrong, we could all very easily get killed.

Or, if I've learned anything since this fiasco began, something worse could happen to us.

Regardless of the daunting tasks, we've all at least agreed on one point of importance: Abby's first priority. This agreement happened silently, but we all know her life is the one that shouldn't be risked here.

In the back of my mind, Jonah's life follows close behind Abby's.

He has to come home.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask, trying to hold enough confidence for all of us. It's hard, knowing what's ahead. It's almost harder than blindly following little-Jeremy's vague instructions, which is saying a lot.

"Ready for this to be over," Mike mumbles, stuffing his hands into his pockets as a shiver runs through him. "Ready for a good night's sleep."

"Ready to finally get what you paid for?" I question, side-stepping so I can nudge him with my arm. My hands are both in my hoodie pocket and I don't want to take them out yet, so I nudge him with my arm instead of using my hand. He chuckles and bumps me back.

"So much for a one-time trip to a creepy pizzeria," he teases, a soft smile on his lips even as his eyes lack any emotion. I exhale and look at the ground, trying not to focus too much on everything this investigation into.

"It's almost over," I say, more for myself than for him.

"Almost," he echoes. The words hurts.

"You done, Abs?" Kaylen asks, and Abby graciously hands her candy bar wrapper to her. The woman places the trash in her car and shuts the door.

"Here we go," Mike mumbles.

"Here we go," I repeat.

"Remember: stick together, yell if anything goes south, and if all else fails, Abby is first priority," I reiterate as we walk towards the access door. "Nothing comes in or goes out once we're inside. Not until this is over. If an animatronic beats Jonah and I to the private party room, lock the door, we'll go straight to parts and service. Give JJ and Balloon Boy what they want. Whatever it is, it'll be worth it to not have the Toys all ganging up to get Abby. Everyone understand what they're doing?"

"Got it," Kaylen chimes.

"Yep," Mike confirms.

"Yes!" Abby chirps.

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