11 || An Emotional Moment

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(Unedited, Not Proofread, 3670 words)
Trigger Warnings: Descriptions of death, trauma

"Alright, it seems our options are Wendy's or gas station food. Take your pick, I will only pass them once and we will not be turning around," Jonah says with the air of a tour bus driver.

"Mike, pick," I chime, having returned to the newspapers I've already coated in ink from a marker Jonah had in the backseat. The man currently sitting in the backseat groans, putting his own story down and thinking for a second.

"Do we need gas?" he asks, and Jonah glances down to see. The moment of silence after he checks it speaks volumes. He wanted Wendy's.

"Gas station it is," the teenager mumbles.

"We're grabbing things for after," I remind him, "getting hot food would be a bad idea." We won't be eating until after we go to the pizzeria, but we've all decided to not chance how much energy we'll have after. Our only task afterwards is to find a hotel and get a room, which is already a lot.

"You're right," Jonah says reluctantly, a bit of the adult in him shining through.

Ms. Fitzgerald told us we needed to stay in town overnight even if we got what we wanted done tonight. She mentioned something about nightmares that I didn't really catch because I was distracted by Jeremy, who was walking around the kitchen. Mike was firm in telling us we weren't driving home tonight, so Jonah and I both listened.

"Alright," Jonah sings as he pulls into the parking lot. "I'm getting gas. You two get food."

"Do you want to give us a pep talk about avoiding kidnappers and serial killers before we head in?" I ask as he pulls up next to a gas pump.

"If you get kidnapped, none of us are going back to New Orleans," Jonah says, throwing a pointed look back at Mike. I elbow him and open my door.  To my surprise, Mike doesn't comment on Jonah's jab.

Mike and I climb out of the car and Jonah passes a twenty to me over the roof of the vehicle. For Mike's sake, I don't argue with the boy and take the bill with me, following the other into the store several paces away from us.

"He's not related to you, is he?" Mike asks as we pass through the front door.

"No, just a friend," I admit, quickly adding, "a friend who got too interested in this stuff too quick." Which isn't a lie, because technically he wouldn't have asked to go unless I told him about the pizzeria in the first place. And that only happened the day before yesterday.

"You didn't want him to come?" he questions, a bold assumption that I guess I accidentally led up to pretty well.

"I was ready to go without you," I point out shrugging a bit as we wander, "I was ready to do this all by myself. But he's never let me do anything alone before so..." We fall silent for a moment as we wait for a woman standing in the middle of the aisle to move. We could easily split around her, but we're side-by-side and apparently neither of us want to break that. He's on my left, hands in his pockets, standing about in the middle of the aisle. I'm on the right, walking pretty close to the shelves, which contain candy right now.

After several seconds of waiting, I glance up at Mike and he looks over and down at me, an annoyed look on his face.

We turn around and go through another aisle.

"So, why did you let him tag along?" Mike asks, his voice gentle as he speaks. "You know I drive. And would have."

The comment brings out a new thought to my mind.

"Did he convince you to come?" I question, and he pauses.

Not just with his words. He fully stops in the middle of the aisle and I don't catch it for another two or three steps.

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