17 || A Trip to Rachel's

22 3 15

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 3624 words)
Trigger Warnings: Light mention of death/suicide (nothing descriptive/terrible, read cautiously and stay safe <3)

We did, in fact, end up eating in the car. The entity watched us leave and I was very happy to learn it is confined to the diner and is unable to leave in any capacity. Kaylen, after a moment, moved us to a different parking lot so I didn't have to sit and watch it stare at us through the doors and windows, which I appreciated greatly. 

About thirty minutes later, we are walking into a store called Rachel's that is stuffed in between a gas station and a small Subway. I didn't expect much as we were crossing the parking lot, but as the doors open, I am hit in the face with several strong scents and a complete shower of good energy. 

"Welcome! Welcome!" A cheery voice exclaims from somewhere out of sight. "Come in! Please wipe your feet! I'll be with you in just a moment." 

We all take turns wiping our feet off as we were asked, but as soon as I finish, I am immediately drawn to the center of the shop. 

The walls are painted dark purple, and the ceiling is black with splatters of colored paint that resemble galaxies above our heads. In the middle is the sun— represented by the actual light—, and around it is the planets and far-away stars and everything in space. The ground beneath me is wooden and it creaks in the most comforting way as we walk on it. All around are shelves stocked full of everything a medium— or I guess a witch in this case— could ever want or need. Crystals, plants, books, dream catchers and supplies, herbs, spices, tea kettles, teacups, little treasures, knick-knacks, stuffed animals, playing and tarot cards... everything. 

This little shop is everything I've ever wanted to experience. There are candles lit along the counters, some scented lavender and others unscented but colored. There are small night-lights plugged into outlets, each with little pictures on them and small price stickers that have melted to the plug from being there for so long. The shelves are well-loved, but dust has begun to settle on them. Tiny fans circulate the air, and as they turn back and forth, one blows enough air for a wind chime to lightly sing one or two notes. 

I feel at home almost instantly in here. My worries, my anxiety, my desperation... all the bad feelings melt away.  

I wish I could say the same for Jonah, but I can tell he feels a little panicked as he steps up next to me. Without causing a scene, I glance over at his face. His eyes fail to meet mine, but even without looking into them, I can feel an intense sense of some fearful emotion. I can't quite pinpoint it, nor do I know what the cause could be. He stays next to me as I begin to walk around, but he says nothing and barely looks up from the ground. 

"Hello, hello, hello!" A very cheerful young woman runs out from somewhere I can't see, appearing between me and one of the walls that holds a candle collection on it. She has long brown hair that was once dyed purple and has now lost almost all color, dark blue eyes that remind me of late-night skies, and a friendly smile that catches me off-guard. She's about my height, and she's wearing a flowy black dress beneath a shawl and a jacket, all a mix of colors that have no one name. Her energy clashes with mine unexpectedly, but from the way we both begin to smile upon seeing each other, I know it's on a good way. 

"My name is Sophia, I'm Rachel's daughter and the owner of this shop. What are you interested in today and can I help you find it?" she asks, her eyes never leaving mine. Her voice has a hint of an accent that I can't place, as it's not sharp enough to be discernable. Maybe British, through it could be a non-English one as well. 

"Um, hi," I chime, "I'm Josephine, I'm a medium and I'm here looking for some gemstones that can help me connect to spirits." 

"Ah, a medium!" she exclaims, her eyes lighting up with a child-like interest. "One of mother nature's ways to connect the living to the dead, how wonderful! Would you like some help finding these gemstones?"

Finding The Five || FNAF MovieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora