A Lover Scorned

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Today is a day that I dread but also look forward to if that makes any sense. My mother was executed by lethal injection five years ago, and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. My mother is a big reason or let me correct myself the reason why I refuse to fall in love, you see my mother's relationship with my father seemed to be a typical relationship, looking from the outside looking in. Oh how wrong I truly was, I thought growing up that my father was away because of business trips, but five years ago he came home and destroyed my mother and turned her into a woman scorned.

I will never forget that day as long as I live. My father came home and told my mother that he would no longer be coming to our home and that he had did his job of helping raise me. Now that I was 18 it was time for me to go to college and make something of myself, but that my journey and life would no longer be his concern nor did he want anything to do with me or my mother.

If that wasn't enough to break my mother what happend next was. As if on queue a pretty arabian woman walked in and passionately kissed my father, and looked at me and my mother with a look of disgust and annoyance. My father introduced the woman as his wife of twenty years, and that we had 48 hours to pack our belongings and leave their home, because they needed the home for their two twin boys who would be going to the local college not to far away from the house.

My mother just kept looking at my father with a look of ultimate hurt and betrayal. The evil woman who was my fathers wife tossed a wad of cash at my mother and said "this should get you thought the month spend it wisely"

When I tell you I stood up to smack the shit out of that bitch, but was stopped by my mother. My mother smiled and nodded her head and the woman and my father proceeded to leave the house. Right before the man that I called daddy all those years left he took one glance at me as if to say sorry he had no choice, I looked at him with tears streaming down my face and mouth "burn in hell" 

The coward dropped his head and ran out the house closing the door like the house was on fire.

Hours later my mother and I packed up everything into her car and made our way to a local hotel in the area. My mother kept telling me that everything was going to be ok and for me not to worry, she didn't seem like herself it seemed that something in her had been broken beyond repair and she seemed like a shell of her former self. Which I understand why, the man she built a life with just came in the home that they built and told her everything was a lie and shattered her heart and spirit.

When we arrived and checked into the hotel my mother told me she was going to get some fresh air and handed me some money to order food. I offered to come with her but she told me she just needed to be alone.

I feel if I would have objected to her going by herself then maybe I could have stopped what she ended up doing but, I know I wouldn't have been able to fate had already dealt its cards and the hand was about to be played.

Hours later my mother came in with a bright smile on her face and a huge duffle bag. I was confused as hell but I knew in my heart we needed to get the fuck out of there asap with no rocky! My mother handed me the bag and told me to go start my life and that she loved me and would always be watching over me. Still confused and now scared to death my mother hugged me tight and told me not to question her and leave the state now.

I hugged and kissed her back tightly not wanting to let go but I knew I had to.

I drove and drove only stopping to eat and use the bathroom. Something told me to stop in Florida which I did, and now I know why, that's where I met Callie. I was parked in front of a local sex shop that was next to a gas station.

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