Chapter 5

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Ace checked all the classrooms and ofc Adrain was in the last one he checked

he saw Adrian with her headphones on and putting something on her shoulder  

Ace "Adrain?"

Adrain gasped in Suprise and quickly covered her shoulder 

Adrain "oh my gosh Ace I'm so sorry I totally forgot that I was going to meet you for lunch"

Ace "hey its ok"

Adrain "no its not ok I shouldn't have done that"

Ace "its really ok thing like this happen sometimes"

Adrian "can I ask you something"

Ace "sure"

Adrian "I'm a stranger to you and yet your being really nice to me.....why is that"

Ace "that's a silly question"

Adrain "so there's no reason?"

Ace "well there's no reason for me not to be nice"

Adrain just stared at him in disbelief 

she wasn't used to people being nice to her least of all a guy 

she didn't know what to say 

Ace "are you ok"

Adrain "huh what do you mean?"

Ace "your shoulder"

Adrain "oh that its nothing"

Ace "no it's not"

Adrain "it's really nothing, don't worry about it"

Ace "sit down, let me look at it" 

Adrain "but-

Ace "no buts about it, sit down" he chuckled 

Adrain was hesitant but let Ace look at her shoulder he but a cold patch on it to help it not to swell up 

Ace " dang what did you do that is a huge bruise"

Adrian nervously chuckled "it's a long story"

Ace "well we have about 30 minutes till 4th period"

Adrian "I really don't want to talk about it....sorry"

Ace " no that's ok you don't have to tell me"

Adrain smiled at him she felt comfortable with him 

everything that he did she wasn't use to 

they talked all through lunch and then walked to their next class together

when school was over Adrain asked Ace if he still wanted to go explore a little bit before going home 

Ace "yes"

Adrain "ok I want to start with my favorite cafe"

Ace " is that your get away place"

Adrain " no silly there's people there"

Ace " so its a place with no people?"

Adrian "yes"

they came out of the cafe with drinks and started walking around they 

they went almost everywhere and for the first time in a while Adrain was genuinely happy 

as they were walking home Winnie came running to great Adrain 

but went through Ace's legs which caused him to trip and somehow Adrain tripped too and they both fell both of their drinks went flying Adrian ended up falling on top of Ace and they both got soaked in coffee 

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