chapter 3

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she took a couple more steps when all of a sudden someone grabbed her by her hair and threw her against the wall....

Adrian's dad "WHAT IS THIS" 

he said showing her a paper saying that she had cheated on her history test 

Adrain "I don't know what you're talking about"


Adrain "ok fine I cheated, so what"

Adrain's dad "SO WHAT?!??!? " 

he then slapped Adrian in the face making her nose bleed 


Adrain "yes sir" she said holding back tears

Adrain's dad "make dinner your mom's not home and I'm hungry"

Adrain "yes sir"

Adrain sat there just trying to calm her emotions 

 her shoulder and knee hurt really bad from being thrown against the wall 

Adrain's dad " don't just sit there go make food"

Adrain "can I go clean my face from the nosebleed first" 

Adrain's dad "fine but hurry up"

Adrain "yes sir"

Adrain walked to the bathroom to go clean up. 

she looked at her knee and her shoulder to make sure there was nothing wrong.

Adrain " well these will be bruised up by tomorrow."

 she went to the kitchen to go make her dad dinner. 

it was a little difficult because of the pain in her shoulder. 

about 15 minutes had past and her dad was getting impatient 

Adrain's dad " are you done yet your taking forever."

Adrian "it's almost done."

just then her mom got home she came and hugged you and asked what you were making.

Adrain "mom, are you drunk? you smell like alcohol, and you almost never hug me."

Adrain's mom " well maybe just a little bit'

Adrain "uhu sure"

Adrain's mom " what are you making it smells good"

Adrain " isn't it obvious, I'm making tacos" 

Adrain's mom "oooo I can't wait"

Adrain " go sit down i'll bring it to the table"

Adrain's mom "okey-dokey"

Adrain brought the food to the table and went to go get her dad as her mom grabbed a taco 

Adrain "hey dad the food is on the table"

Adrain's dad "did you make something stupid like last time?"

Adrain "no I made tacos"

Adrain's dad "that's acceptable I guess"

Adrain rolled her eyes and went to her room 

when she entered her room, her cat immediately jumped down from her bed and rubbed against Adrain's leg.

Adrain "hello my baby, I missed you"

Winnie " meow"

Adrain "people at school are annoying as ever"

Winnie "meow"

Adrain "I hope you stayed out of dad's way today don't want you to be locked out again"

Winnie "meow"

Adrain "are you hungry"

Winnie "meow"

the Giger cat ran to her empty bowl meowing waiting to be fed 

Adrain "I'm coming don't worry"

she fed her cat and laid on her bed and put her headphones on she usually fell asleep like that 

she like the music bc it would drown out all her thoughts 

when her cat was done eating she jumped up on the bed and snuggle with Adrain 

and the both fell asleep......

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